Latest eBooks

The Power and Promise of Pharmacogenomics
Yet, the challenges of variable drug responses and clinical translation demand innovative approaches. This eBook explores advanced tools, technologies and the future opportunities pharmacogenomics presents for researchers and healthcare professionals

Tailored Solutions To Unlock the Power of Large-Scale Diagnostics
This eBook showcases real-world examples of how personalized strategies help accelerate diagnostic development while maintaining quality and reliability at every stage.

Optimize Tissue Dissociation for Single-Cell Research
This eBook highlights proven strategies for tissue dissociation, offering practical insights to enhance cell yield, reduce variability and safeguard sample integrity.

Cell and Gene Therapies: Innovations, Challenges and Clinical Breakthroughs
This eBook highlights groundbreaking innovations in cell- and gene-based treatments, delves into strategies to overcome barriers associated with their use and explores real-world clinical breakthroughs.

Simplifying Genomic Analysis
This eBook explores how microfluidics-based PCR is transforming pharmacogenomics, enabling more efficient and scalable genomics analysis.

Achieve Excellence in Your qPCR Experiments
This eBook explores the expanding role of qPCR across various industries and emphasizes the increasing demand for innovative qPCR platforms that meet modern research and diagnostic requirements.

Pride in Science: Celebrating Diversity Together
This eBook contains a selection of interviews from LQBTQIA+ individuals at various stages of their careers, in which they share information on their research, experiences, opinions and ideas to inspire the next generation.

Realize the Full Potential of Digital PCR
Uncover the rationale and methodology behind the integration of dPCR into workflows for optimized performance in cell and gene therapy, cancer research, gene expression analysis, microbial detection and more.

Women in Science: Inspiring the Next Generation
This eBook contains a selection of interviews from women at various stages of their careers, in which they share information on their research, experiences, opinions and ideas to inspire the next generation.

Cell and Gene Therapies: From the Lab to the Clinic
Cell and gene therapies are at the forefront of innovation in modern medicine, changing how we study and treat human disease. Download this eBook to explore advances, applications and approaches to cell and gene therapies.