Revolutionize Sample Management With Automation
Published: December 5, 2024
Credit: Azenta
Proper sample management – encompassing biobanking, storage and transport – is vital to the success of novel drugs or therapeutics. However, the development of next-generation cell and gene therapies has introduced unique challenges, including the need for colder, more stringent storage conditions.
While traditional manual storage processes struggle to address these new challenges, automation has revolutionized the field, enabling labs to enhance efficiency and scale production.
This eBook explores key insights to help labs overcome key challenges in sample management and build a future-ready sample management strategy.
Download this eBook to learn:
- The role of automation in scaling up production and sample handling
- Strategies for managing biological samples with stringent requirements
- Key considerations for integrating automation into your workflows
An interview with
Dr. Sue Holland-Crimmin
Drug discovery has traditionally relied on high-throughput screening of small molecules, necessitating the storage,
management, and testing of vast compound libraries. Early workflows were painstakingly manual and labor-intensive. At the
turn of the 21st century, automation transformed pharmaceutical research by delivering massive gains in speed and efficiency.
Now, the industry faces fresh obstacles with the next generation of therapeutics. Biological products and specimens require
colder and more stringent storage environments, complicating how they’re managed in the lab and the clinic.
Expert Insights on Sample Management
and Automation
We interviewed Sue Holland-Crimmin, Ph.D., to discuss the lessons learned in
drug development and how pharma/biotech companies can address key challenges
that impact creating more efficient workflows. Dr. Holland-Crimmin is a veteran of
the pharmaceutical industry and an expert in drug discovery. Over the last two
decades, she has witnessed—and helped bring about—a revolution in sample
and material management.
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Automation in Drug Development – Past, Present & Future......................................................................................................5
Biological Sample Management Needs a Revolution ................................................................................................................11
Sample Management Challenges for New Drug Modalities ....................................................................................................16
The Role of Information Technology in Sample Storage...........................................................................................................21
Market Gaps for Biological Sample and Material Storage ......................................................................................................26
Building Systems and Infrastructure for Sample Management .............................................................................................31
Automation in
Drug Development –
Past, Present & Future
Can you share a bit about your perspective on automation?
1 Automation in Drug Development – Past, Present & Future
Automation really enables scientists to make better decisions faster.
Automation is often believed to be new to pharma, but there’s been a long
history of automated systems in drug discovery throughout my career.
The forerunner to the Society for Laboratory Automation and Sciences
(SLAS) had exhibitions that started out in the 2000s with a few tabletops
and maybe a few hundred delegates. Now it’s grown to an impressive
range of automation platforms and vendors that fill huge exhibition halls
at the annual conferences.
It’s no longer about high throughput. When we started, it was about
facilitating high-throughput screening. But now it’s more about
interconnecting the lab environment so we can generate better precision
and increase the accuracy of results in our research.
This is particularly true for the smaller biotechs and startups. They often
have great ideas, but they don’t have huge resources and manpower to
execute those ideas. Harnessing automation can really help lean teams to
be successful and bring new medicines to market. So, for me, automation
is a real enabler.
1 Automation in Drug Development – Past, Present & Future
Automation has a stigma in a lot of research areas that it’s
too expensive. How can the benefits outweigh the costs?
I like to think about both the tangible and intangible benefits; they’re equally important.
Some of the most important benefits include:
Precision. Higher precision of equipment leads to reduced waste in
the process.
Quality. Increased quality is a significant driver. Automated systems tend to
perform many processes with a lot less variability than a human operator can.
The result is greater control and consistency of the product quality.
Repetition. Repetitive tasks that are usually done manually can be carried
out with ease with automated solutions. Output data from machines can be
streamlined directly into the scientist’s electronic notebook, and this really
reduces the risk of human errors that arise from manual recording.
Productivity. Automation enables many tests to be performed by a limited
number of personnel. Hence, it really can drive down the cost point.
Efficiency. Automation supports the connection of lab processes, so in terms
of flexibility, you can remotely control devices which allows you to conduct
experiments at any time. A good example of this was a high-throughput
sample storage and delivery platform that the research team built. One of the
processes we put in place had the ability to start a large cherry pick of samples
in the middle of the night and the samples would be plated out and ready for
screening in the morning.
Scalability. When we started out, we were screening or testing handfuls of
samples in 96-well plates. But automation has really allowed us to move from
those tens of samples to a million samples in the same time frame. That’s only
been possible by being able to automate all those processes.
What is the importance of software in automation and how is it
enabling data integration?
1 Automation in Drug Development – Past, Present & Future
When people think of automation, they immediately envisage robots and robot platforms. But no matter
how fancy and sophisticated those robotic platforms get, it’s the controlling software that’s the key and
provides the real brains of the operation.
In the sample management arena, the software is so important if you consider the aspects of sample tracking:
No matter
how fancy and
those robotic
platforms get,
it’s the controlling
software that’s
the key.
• where the sample is at the start
• how it can be retrieved
• how much is needed
• where it’s going to go
It’s true for small molecule drugs, but even more so for biological materials, clinical samples, and cell
and gene therapies, where you’re in a more regulated workspace and need to maintain the audit trail
and regulatory requirements.
That’s only possible when you’ve got the right software tools which support the robotic platforms.
We’ve come a long way over the years in marrying sophisticated software with those robotic platforms.
How is automation perceived today versus in the past?
1 Automation in Drug Development – Past, Present & Future
Attitudes shape how technology is perceived and adopted. In the early days of automation in
discovery life sciences, it was viewed with a bit of distrust. I remember talking to screeners about
using barcode technology and people saying, “Why do we need barcodes? We need to be able to
know exactly what’s on our plate with human readable labels.” But when you’re dealing with hundreds
or thousands of samples, knowing what’s on a plate is irrelevant. It’s about testing and being able to
take those results and analyze them into something that’s meaningful.
Luckily, there’s been a shift in how automation is viewed in the scientific community. We’ve lost that
distrust. The assumption that humans will be replaced by machines, according to market analysis in
the early 2010s, hasn’t come to fruition. I think people now, particularly in the life sciences, see how
automation is a critical tool and that it supports the work of our scientists. If you can use machines to
carry out tedious and repetitive work, then our scientists can focus on more cognitive tasks. I really
have seen a mind shift over the last 10 or 15 years in terms of how automation has been viewed and
adopted. It’s now such an integral part of each laboratory.
Why do we need
barcodes? We
need to be able
to know exactly
what’s on our plate
with human
readable labels.
How will automation grow
in the next 10 years?
1 Automation in Drug Development – Past, Present & Future
We’ve seen a lot of growth. One report showed that the demand for
automation through 2031 will grow by 7% each year, which is a pretty huge
increase in the life sciences arena. Following the outbreak of COVID, there’s
been an upsurge in precision-based diagnostic and treatment solutions,
which has widened the growth opportunities for lab automation. Hence,
there’s real demand from the biopharmaceutical industry to accelerate the
sales of lab automation in up-and-coming years.
Automation can really break the linear relationship between workload growth
and cost. A few years ago it took up to, say, 10 years and a billion dollars to
develop a drug and bring it to market. But the pandemic has changed all
of that and for the better. We’re seeing how everyone can come together
using great science but also great automation to speed up development
and get both therapeutics and diagnostics onto the market. We’ve seen
how automation can enable that, and therefore there’s a real appetite in the
community to grow and find other opportunities to expand automation in
the life sciences.
How will automation impact
cell and gene therapy?
I think there’s a real opportunity in this space. There’s such an interest in the
range of applications for cell, gene, and regenerative therapies. You really
need to have efficient production of that material for these novel treatment
technologies. Most of their production and manufacturing processes are
manual at this point, and therefore they’re ripe to be automated—not just
from an efficiency point of view, but really from a compliance point of view
to ensure that material is maintained, stored, and delivered in the absolute
appropriate conditions.
Yearly growth in demand for
automation through 2031, 7% according to a recent report.
Biological Sample
Management Needs 2 a Revolution
Compared to small molecules, the approach and infrastructure for sample
management for biologics in most organizations is significantly less mature.
If you look at our industry over the last 20 years, there has been significant
growth and implementation of automation of all types in the small molecule
arena. Most labs have some sort of automation, whether it’s storage, liquid
handling, etc.
In the biological space, it’s a little bit of the Wild West. It needs a revolution.
Even in organizations that you think would be more mature, you see that
the quality and the approach to how biologicals are stored is woefully
inadequate. Obviously, I’m generalizing and there are some organizations
that really do this very well. But often I see that material is not held in
appropriate conditions. We see overcrowded freezers where temperature
excursions are common. You see inappropriate containers of the wrong size
or material. Things are not barcoded or even labeled appropriately. There’s
no inventory tracking of the location, the freeze-thaw cycles, or how long
How does management of biological materials compare to that
of small molecules?
2 Biological Sample Management Needs a Revolution
it’s been in the freezer. Samples are often lost or used in error. Valuable
samples cannot be shared and accessed by others. Those are the drivers
for me saying that we need a revolution.
Compared to small molecules, biologicals require a lot of different
conditions for storage. Often, temperatures are much lower, and in
regulated environments, the tracking is more rigorous as well. There
are things that can be done to improve the quality and the approach
to storing biologicals within organizations, as well as harnessing the
power of outsourcing companies to shore up the deficits.
In the biological space, it’s
a little bit of the Wild West.
My philosophy is a hybrid approach of in-house and external storage. I
believe that if you have highly transacted material that’s critical for cycle
times, storage is best done internally. Having said that, you need to make
sure that you have the appropriate storage conditions, labeling, tracking,
and training. You would also be wise to invest in IT tracking tools that allow
scientists to be able to view and manage materials.
There are two models for centralizing storage: internal or outsource. One
benefit of centralizing, whether it’s internal or outsourced, is that you bring
all the inventory together from disparate locations. You ensure that the
material is held in appropriate conditions and that it’s visible to everyone.
These materials are key assets and often benefit from wider use in an
organization. Having that visibility is key. Centralization also reduces the
facilities that are required, reducing your costs as well.
If material is accessed less frequently or it’s needed, say, for a disaster
recovery set, it’s best outsourced to a reliable partner. There are a lot of
organizations that have great expertise in managing storage, access, and
What strategy should biotech
and pharma companies use for
storing biological samples?
2 Biological Sample Management Needs a Revolution
shipping of material. They have well-established IT infrastructure for tracking
the material, and in a lot of cases, they have access to state-of-the-art
automation which is required for low temperature maintenance and tracking.
There are a lot of benefits to outsourcing, including cost savings and
increased integrity.
I think if you’re going to outsource, it’s really important to do a cost analysis
up front and factor in hidden costs. Those include the cost of real estate
per square foot, the facilities cost, the automation, the manpower, and the
training. There is a lot that goes into cost models. Doing that analysis gives
you that driver: is it better to keep it in-house or out-of-house? Also, there
are certain classes of material that you probably wouldn’t want or don’t have
the capability to maintain in-house.
I think safe storage of biological samples is the cornerstone of successful
research projects and clinical trials. Keeping samples available and useable
is a key element of turning a molecule into a treatment. This is true of all
sample types but particularly true of biological samples because they often
need much more rigorous storage and handling conditions.
Why is sample management so
important for drug development?
It comes down to the philosophy and strategy of your organization, where
you believe your skill sets and resources are best spent, and where you are
going to see the biggest bang for your buck. If you consider clinical trials,
most organizations don’t have the resources and infrastructure to manage
all their clinical trial materials. And consider the breadth and depth of
the sample types—from proteins to cells to viruses, blood products, and
bacteria—they require multiple storage conditions and temperatures. Having
a range of capabilities in-house and the wherewithal to do it is just not there
for most organizations.
A lot of clinical trials require you to hold specimens for 10 or 15 years. You’re
probably not going to hold those within your own facilities. It really is best
to find an appropriate partner to maintain those, and you can access them
For companies trying to move fast, especially with novel therapies,
does it make more sense to invest capital in building a facility or to
outsource those capabilities?
readily if you need to. The correct handling of those samples has a big
impact on the course and results of a clinical trial. So, it’s crucial that the
storage process is appropriate and of high quality.
I think there’s a need and growth area for outsourcing cell therapy products.
They’re so unique. The cold chain for cell therapy products must be capable
of maintaining that living product in a viable state throughout its storage
and distribution before you administer it to a patient. Compared to small
molecules, cells are highly labile. They’re only viable over a narrow range of
time and temperature and therefore require just-in-time delivery to patients
or cryogenic storage to preserve those cells. A lot of organizations haven’t
developed that skill in-house.
Biological Sample Management Needs a Revolution
That’s a good question. For me, there are quite a few factors: the capability
of the organization, their reputation, and whether or not I have an established
working relationship with that organization. Trust is a big driver. I’m pleased
to say that outsourcing partners have grown in terms of their experience
and capability. A lot of organizations are what we call “pharma-like.” They
are indistinguishable from the quality of operation that you could achieve
internally, and in some cases, they have capabilities you wouldn’t or couldn’t
do internally. Capability, capacity, and reputation are very important.
What do you look for in an outsourcing partner?
What to look for in a partner:
• Capabilities
• Reputation
• Existing relationships
• Capacity
• Expertise
Biological Sample Management Needs a Revolution
Sample Management
Challenges for
If you look at the new product launches over time, you’ll see an interesting pattern. At the turn of the century,
we saw productivity declining, as measured by new product launches. But this trend seems to have reversed in
the last decade. Between 2010 and 2019, the number of new medicines and drug sales increased by something
like 60%. Small molecules are the mainstay of the current medicine portfolio, representing about 75% of new
medicines approved in the US in 2020.
However, biologics are definitely on the increase. We’ve seen this explosion in innovative biological modalities in
the first two decades of the 21st century. This group is very broad. It includes proteins, antibodies, hormones,
modified RNA molecules, and cell and gene therapies. Because of the substantial investment and often novel
approaches that these require, the rise of biologics in recent years has been really impressive.
Before COVID, the top-selling drug worldwide was Humira®, a monoclonal antibody. As of early 2020, biologics
comprised seven of the top ten best-selling drugs. An AstraZeneca report shows that 30% of their current early
pipeline consists of new drug modalities, including oligonucleotides, messenger RNA, etc. So many of the drugs
that have been approved in recent years are what we call “specialty drugs.” They treat chronic, complex, or rare
conditions. They tend to be costly to develop, hard to imitate, and frequently they are expensive.
How are drug modalities changing in the pharmaceutical industry?
Small molecules
represent about
of new medicines
approved in the
US in 2020.
Sample Management Challenges for New Drug Modalities
I’m happy to state that sample management for small molecules is now a very mature discipline.
We have developed the aspects required for an efficient sample management infrastructure—including
consumables, storage, liquid handling, inventory management, and IT tools. There’s a wide range of
robust and reliable offerings that are available off the shelf, and that’s very different from years ago
when those tended to be custom developed.
Companies are now aware that they need to ensure that their platforms are easy to integrate with other
vendor solutions. They can’t be an island on their own. It’s really necessary to bring all those elements
together to build an end-to-end process. This is very different from where we were 10 or 20 years ago.
In what ways has sample management for
small molecules evolved?
3 Sample Management Challenges for New Drug Modalities
Companies today
need to ensure their
platforms are easy to
integrate with other
vendor solutions.
I often have said that a sample is a sample. Throughout my career, I’ve
tried to lead and develop the industry to broaden the disciplines and bring
the technology and infrastructure developed for small molecules into the
biological space. A lot of those can be leveraged.
However, biologics have really pushed the boundaries of the technology
in a lot of cases. The most critical difference is the need for low temperature
storage, which makes aspects of sample management very difficult.
That includes handling, consumables, and labeling. Over the years
with small molecules, we saw the progression from storage at 4°C to -20°C.
Then we saw -80°C come along, and most recently we’ve seen
cryogenic temperatures. Industries have had to go outside the box in
terms of leveraging expertise from other areas, say the semiconductor
industry, to bring in technologies able to achieve robust automation
at cryogenic temperatures.
For the new drug modalities, do we need to rethink
sample management?
3 Sample Management Challenges for New Drug Modalities
Let’s consider consumables. They presented a particular challenge in
the development of the materials and adhesives that are robust at low
temperatures below -150°C. We’ve seen innovative solutions come along
which allow you to use a pre-barcoded jacket on the outside of existing
vials to support the appropriate tracking and identification of the samples
in them. That’s been a significant technology advancement.
Biologics have really pushed
the boundaries of the
technology in a lot of cases.
It’s really challenging, and it’s important you work with a partner who
has expertise in that area. Every aspect of the operation needs to be
addressed—from the IT to ensure rigorous tracking of the material within a
store, to the consumables and labels that we’ve talked about, down to the
automation itself. Lifetime management of those samples is really important.
Can you talk more about
implementing automated
storage at colder temperatures?
3 Sample Management Challenges for New Drug Modalities
First of all, I would say it’s a really exciting area, one with a lot of opportunity.
At present, there are a limited number of commercially available cell therapy
products. However, there are hundreds of them in registered clinical trials,
so we anticipate many on the market soon.
While they share the same goals for their cold chain as standard
pharmaceutical and biological products, the need to maintain appropriate
temperature regimes and specifications en route to the patient is unique.
I don’t think there are a wealth of solutions out there for the management
of this, whether in the development, discovery, or manufacturing arenas.
There’s a lot of opportunity for companies to grow their portfolios and
build on what they’ve already started to put in place.
Lastly, any thoughts about
material management in the
cell and gene therapy space?
The Role of Information
I did. When I started in high-throughput screening assay development,
we didn’t have any sophisticated IT tools. We worked primarily with Excel
spreadsheets along with some in-house tools. There was nothing available
to manage inventory on the market.
One memory that really stands out to me is the lack of automation. We
were screening primarily natural products at the time, and our weekly highthroughput screen consisted of a group of ten scientists with multi-channel
pipettes. We used to collect everybody that was free on a Monday morning,
and their job for an hour or so would be to pipette these natural products
into plates. I’m glad to say that has changed. If you think of the millions of
samples that we manage and test, certainly that operation wasn’t scalable.
Have you worked in a lab with
a paper inventory management
system? If so, what was that like?
4 The Role of Information Technology in Sample Storage
It seems that automated tools
have enabled us to go from tens
of plates per week to thousands.
Is that fair to say?
Oh yes, easily. There are some great pictures where people have shown
how many microtiter plates they’ve screened in a year stacked up against
the Empire State Building, and the pile goes even higher. The number of
sample screens grew significantly. It’s probably reduced in recent years
because we’re now able to leverage IT tools—chemoinformatic tools and
artificial intelligence—that allow organizations to be more selective
about what they screen.
I think new organizations can cope with manual process and spreadsheets
for a very limited time, but then it very, very quickly becomes untenable.
I would advocate to any new organization in this area to really think about
software tools and automation at a very early stage. If they choose to go
manually initially, there are certain fundamentals that they absolutely need
to put in place—such as standardization and barcoding of the containers.
The tools that are now available are much more off-the-shelf. Implementation
of those along with best practices and guidelines on appropriate storage
conditions can ensure that organizations can be confident that as their
collections grow, their operations are truly scalable.
We’ve talked about the different components of sample management for
drug discovery, and it’s the IT that really is the glue that holds it all together.
Data is increasingly important, and data storage is only one component.
With a sample, you need to collect all the attributes such as the identity,
the physical states, the quantities, the locations, the transaction histories,
the restrictions, and the informed content. The only way that you track
and leverage that is with a sophisticated tool.
When is the right time to
invest in automation and an
IT infrastructure?
What is the importance of IT in
sample management?
4 The Role of Information Technology in Sample Storage
It’s the IT that really is the glue
that holds it all together.
4 The Role of Information Technology in Sample Storage
First of all, I think organizations need to be considering what their operation
will look like in the next one to five years to ensure that they’re not just
planning for now but planning for the future. They should identify the key
attributes and elements that are critical and put them in a well-constructed
matrix that weights those requirements in order of importance.
How do you identify and implement the right IT system?
From there, I suggest attending exhibitions and conferences. I’ll do a plug
for the Society of Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS), which
showcases the vendors and exhibitors that have these tools. Go around
and talk to them. See demonstrations. Invite those vendors into your
organization to show and demonstrate. Talk to other people that have
used them and leverage those experiences. In the sample management
arena, there are not a huge number of software tools, so it can be relatively
quick to identify which are the key players and then determine which offer
the best organizational fit.
I think by 2025 the FDA predicts that they will be approving, say, 10 or 20
cell and gene therapies per year, which is a huge increase. The potential
impact of those therapies is massive. But delivery of those therapies relies
on the infrastructure and supply chain, which is more complex than for
small molecules. The rigor required is nothing like we’ve seen before.
If you consider that these therapies are mammalian cells, they are only
viable within a very limited time and temperature range. Tracking the
material to ensure it has maintained the proper temperature range is
absolutely critical. The financial cost of these therapies is high, and the
impact for a therapy being administered inappropriately or the material
not being viable is huge.
Are there any software
requirements for advanced
therapies and biologics, which
perhaps are different than
those for small molecules?
4 The Role of Information Technology in Sample Storage
For clinical samples, having sample visibility is so valuable. Think of
the example where you may have samples that were collected for
indication A but then can be used for indications B and C by leveraging
the data and using AI tools to analyze those samples. It can be a game
changer and ensures that you can leverage the power of those materials.
It significantly improves their usability.
What role does IT play in
clinical sample management?
By 2025, the FDA predicts
they will approve 10-20 cell
and gene therapies per year.
Market Gaps for Biological
Are there lessons to be learned from managing small molecules
that can be applied to biological samples?
5 Market Gaps for Biological Sample and Material Storage
I think there are a lot of approaches that have been developed for
small molecules that can be applied to biologics:
• the standardization of consumables
• the labeling
• the barcoding
• the importance of inventory systems
• the requirement to move from manual to automated processes to scale
• the importance of quality from start to finish
For high-throughput screening of small molecules, there was such a push
for automation but the attention to the quality was sort of left behind. That
seems counterintuitive now, but it really was the case. A lot of companies
put a lot of effort in bringing together automation and building screening
decks, and then they realized, “Hold on a minute. What’s the quality of those
screening decks?” So they went back and put in QC procedures to measure
the purity and surety of compounds. That meant they had to analyze
collections, throw away bad samples, and do a clean-up operation. I think
the lesson learned there is that it’s critical to pay attention to quality right
from the beginning.
In the small molecule world, quality is really around the purity and surety
of the compounds. How pure are they? Are they the right structure? Are
they the right compound? Is the concentration accurate? When you’re in a
screening environment and you’re testing a compound for potency, you want
to have an accurate concentration in order to drive the development of the
various chemotypes and drill down on finding the most potent compound.
There was a great paper showing that a higher initial purity of a compound
leads to a long shelf life for a DMSO stock solution.
For biologics, the integrity of the sample is important. You wouldn’t call it
purity per se, but rather surety. Is it the right structure? Is it the right DNA
sequence or RNA sequence or cell type? For cell cultures, maintaining
sterility throughout the process is a big factor. Also, temperature monitoring
is extremely important for biological and human samples.
How should quality be monitored
for biological samples? Is it
different than small molecules?
5 Market Gaps for Biological Sample and Material Storage
There are a number of areas where I think we need to see development and
maturity in this space. Automation at low temperatures is a key one. As the
temperature drops, the availability of automation reduces significantly. It is
encouraging that we’re starting to see a number of good options for -80°C
storage, but we’re still seeing very little for cryogenic temperatures. That’s
an area that needs further development. Consumables and labeling are
other areas that tend to lack standards in this space. Having fit-for-purpose
consumables is key for effective storage and delivery of materials.
For managing biological samples
and new therapies, what are
some areas in the market
that need to get better?
In the biological sample or clinical sample world, a lot of the processes are very manual, and that’s very
difficult to scale going from discovery to development to manufacturing. Automation brings process
efficiency, cost reduction, and improvement in regulatory compliance. It can pave the way towards
commercialization and mass production.
If you consider the number of new launches for cell and gene therapy over the next five years or so, they
need to be able to scale those. Automation provides control and standardization of the process. By removing
the manual handling completely, the safety and efficacy of these cell-based products can be enhanced.
When is the right time for an organization to invest? That’s a difficult question. I would like to see people
invest in automation from a very early point. Having said that, I think the offerings in this space are limited.
We need a marriage or partnership between the vendor and user communities to drive the uptake of
automation and the availability of platforms that have been validated and are reliable and robust.
At what point should you consider automation for managing
sample collections?
5 Market Gaps for Biological Sample and Material Storage
A lot of the processes
are very manual, and
that’s very difficult
to scale. Automation
brings process
efficiency, cost
reduction, and
improvement in
regulatory compliance.
The best solutions in my experience have always resulted from a close
partnership between the users and the companies developing the
equipment. I have multiple examples from my own experience of working
with companies to improve things like consumables, liquid handling
devices, and automation platforms. Newly developed instruments go out
to a beta test site where a user puts it through its paces and then helps
the company refine the product. That’s really important in these new
areas and new modalities.
How can you work with vendors to develop the right tools?
5 Market Gaps for Biological Sample and Material Storage
For example, I worked on cryogenic platforms with Azenta. Following its
installation, we started to put it through its paces and then suggested
quite a few changes to its functionality that were ultimately incorporated,
particularly in the software. So that type of partnership is important to
develop technologies and corresponding applications.
Building Systems and
Infrastructure for
Originally, sample management operations were shoehorned into existing
lab space—the traditional small research laboratory—with little regard
to ergonomics and process flow. As the need for automation grew and
developed, organizations recognized the need for purpose-built facilities
with enough space for the bigger automation platforms, specialized
infrastructure like heating and ventilation systems to minimize DMSO odor,
cold storage, and specialized fire suppression systems to protect assets.
But these tended to occupy valuable real estate in organizations. Then
there was a shift. We saw the migration to the open-space, hangar-type
environment that could be fitted with flexible services. I think that was a
good step forward.
How have storage facilities
for samples and biomaterials
evolved in pharmaceutical
Absolutely. Big pharma tends to have a lot more space and areas to install
facilities. Biotechs tend to have a much smaller property footprint, but luckily
the footprint for automation has become smaller and modular. It’s easier to
put this equipment in smaller spaces. I think organizations have become
savvy about what to keep in-house and what to outsource, as a trend. That
has become a lot easier as the capabilities of outsourced companies have
grown. Better design of facilities, smaller footprint, modular automation, and
the ability to outsource certain pieces have all come together to create the
modern sample management infrastructure.
Do biotechs face different
challenges than big pharma
with regards to sample storage?
Building Systems and Infrastructure for Sample Management
Requirements. First and foremost, if you’re considering an automated
platform for storage, you’ve got to make sure that the platform meets your
fundamental requirements for things like throughput, storage capacity,
and flexibility.
Space. Space considerations come into play: how you get your automation
into buildings needs to be worked through. For example, does it need to
go through an elevator? Or across a lab floor which has fixed equipment
in place? I can recall an installation of cryo automation at our facility that
required bringing in a crane to lift large Dewar tanks up an incline into a
building because they wouldn’t fit through an elevator.
Flexibility. Having storage facilities that are one type or format—say, a
store that just holds one type of container—is probably a luxury we can’t
afford these days. If you look at clinical samples, despite best efforts at
standardization, they’re coming in all different containers and sizes. So,
flexibility of handing containers is really important.
What are some key considerations when making the jump from
manual storage to an automated platform?
Reliability. Reliability of the automation, particularly with more regulated
materials, and the ease of use of the software are key. The software needs to
provide a full audit trail of the transactions regardless of sample type, but for
more regulated biologics, it’s extremely important.
Backup. Also, duty standby and disaster recovery are necessary. Having
valuable inventory stored in systems means that failure is not an option.
You’ve got to have proper duty standby refrigeration for cold temperatures
and the appropriate backup.
Vendor. Lastly, for me, it’s about working with a vendor that you can trust
and that you’ve established a good working relationship with or one with a
strong recommendation from a colleague or a reliable source.
Building Systems and Infrastructure for Sample Management
Back in the early 2000s, the microtiter plate was moving from a 96-well plate
to 384, and eventually 1536. Manufacturers were having a field day making
all these different types of plates for specific assay types—for cell culture,
for storage of small molecules, and many others.
The microtiter plate is really the currency within a research lab that needs
to go from system to system, such as going from a dispenser to a reader. At
the time, there was no standardization of the parameters of plates, which
made it impossible for people to move easily between these platforms and
different types of automation. For example, the plates couldn’t be gripped
properly by certain automated grippers, they didn’t fit on the pipetting
platforms, etc.
With small molecules, the Society for Biomolecular Screening (SBS)
microplate standard made sample management very efficient.
Can you provide a brief history?
The 5 Standards Established by the SLAS Microplate
Standards Advisory Committee:
• footprint dimensions
• height dimensions
• bottom outside flange dimensions
• well positions
• well bottom elevation
Building Systems and Infrastructure for Sample Management
There was such an explosion of automation platforms that were developed.
With standardization, there was confidence that automation could deal with
a whole range of different microtiter plates. The flexibility to have a 96- or
384- or 1536-well plate on an automated platform enabled an efficient drug
discovery process, allowing you to go faster.
Being able to dispense very low volumes—nanoliters—into a 1536-well
plate wouldn’t have been possible without the development of the microtiter
plate standard. Acoustic dispensing was a breakthrough for drug discovery
and sample management, but it was only possible for many years from a
microtiter plate format.
How did standardization change the automation industry?
The development of the acoustic tube made an incremental step forward
in this technology. It allows you to dispense directly from a tube using
the acoustic technology and fits into the standard 96-well format of tube
racks—the standard unit of currency between instrumentation. There are
significant benefits of being able to dispense directly from a tube rather than
a plate in terms of efficiency and preserving your compound collection.
Building Systems and Infrastructure for Sample Management
There’s a general lack of standards for cryo storage. For cell and gene
therapy, that will impact the speed of how quickly automation can advance
the field forward. There is a real need for standardization. There are several
parties that have done a lot in this space.
My call to action is this: it takes groups of interested parties that are willing
to give their time, energy, and expertise to develop these standards for
the good of the whole community so that we can advance the scientific
discipline. So, if you have an interest in these areas, please step up.
I personally will be working with the SLAS team to see if we can do
more and take standards forward in this space.
What is the current state of standards in the cell
and gene therapy space?
Organizations creating standards:
• SLAS has done a lot of work to create a microtiter plate standard, and
that group would be in a good place to look at cryo box standardization.
• ISBER has done a great job on standardization in the biobank field.
For example, they developed SPREC, the standard preanalytical
code, which manages and tracks preanalytical variations impacting
biospecimen integrity.
• The Allotrope Foundation has been working to develop a single,
universal data format to store linked data that connects people with
the raw data, the results, and the evidence needed to do great science.
• The SCB, a regenerative medicine standards group, has made some
good strides forward in standardization, but there’s much more to do
in the cell therapy, gene therapy, and tissue engineering fields.
Building Systems and Infrastructure for Sample Management
Azenta, Inc. (Nasdaq: AZTA) is a leading provider of life sciences
solutions worldwide, enabling impactful breakthroughs and therapies
to market faster. Azenta provides a full suite of reliable cold-chain
sample management solutions and genomic services across areas such
as drug development, clinical research and advanced cell therapies for
the industry’s top pharmaceutical, biotech, academic and healthcare
institutions globally. Formerly part of Brooks Automation, Inc, (Nasdaq:
BRKS), Azenta is headquartered in Burlington, MA, with operations in
North America, Europe and Asia. For more information, please visit:
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