Agilent Launches Lab-Instrument Qualification Service

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Agilent Technologies Inc. has announced a major addition to its compliance services portfolio: Enterprise Edition, a lab-instrument qualification service for all major makes of liquid and gas chromatographs (LC and GC).
Agilent’s Enterprise Edition enables customers to optimize their laboratory-equipment qualification programs across multiple brands using a system that allows tests, set points and reports.
The protocols follow a risk-based approach to testing, and the paperless system eliminates the overhead of paper-based compliance programs.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals recently entered into an agreement with Agilent Technologies for their Enterprise Edition compliance service.
“Now, customers can enjoy the quality and safety of Agilent’s established OQ/PV throughout their labs, not just for Agilent instruments,” said Paul Coombes, Agilent product manager, Compliance Services.
The Enterprise Edition service is built on the Agilent Compliance Engine software, which combines Agilent’s automation expertise with the benefits of PDF electronic records – portability and wide acceptance.
“Agilent Compliance Engine will eventually become the standard platform for all of our compliance products,” Coombes added.
“It is a technology platform that will be readily understood and accepted by customers and regulators alike. And it’s designed to stand the test of time, with protocols being added continuously.”
Agilent’s portfolio of compliance services includes Classic Edition and Software Edition qualification services for Agilent products, Network Edition services for network validation projects and now, Enterprise Edition for labs with various brands of chromatography instruments and data systems.