Biotique Systems Completes Customized Bioinformatics Integration System for Monsanto

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Biotique Systems has announced the completion of a client-tailored data integration project for Monsanto. The BLIS (Biotique Local Integration System)-based solution will provide Monsanto with a new bioinformatics infrastructure for managing data from their global genomic and biotechnology research efforts.
Integrating large-scale genomic data from a variety of technologies like bioinformatics, microarray analysis, pathways, and genetic analysis is a challenge facing research organizations of all sizes. By providing Monsanto a customized solution, Biotique Systems helped the company replace existing legacy systems and deploys an accessible and integrated environment to hundreds of scientists across the world.
“We expect that Monsanto’s capacity to collect, manage and integrate large data sets will be greatly enhanced by this new customized solution,” said David Kovalic, Bioinformatics Project Manager, Monsanto.
According to Biotique, BLIS is a customizable framework with a series of modules designed to facilitate common functions, such as transcript profiling (BEAM) and comparative genomic tools (BMOD, BAGM), as well as a data refinery tool (BEDR) for the generation of intellectual property through splice variant detection. The product’s open framework can also provide a customizable environment for users to link in-house developments, such as content repositories, algorithms and protocols, into the system.