I International Congress On Clinical Genetics And Genetic Counselling In Rare Diseases
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The conference will take place in the NH Collection Sevilla Hotel and aims to be the forum that will provide healthcare specialists, researchers in the field of rare diseases and many other professionals involved in the treatment and diagnosis of rare diseases, with the necessary tools to correctly interpret and communicate etiology and natural history, in order to ensure the best management of the disease and the patient.
Likewise, this conference will help attendees obtain a complete overview of individual and networking projects that are being carried out in the field of RDs. It will also provide an opportunity to take part in the pioneering research regarding its key issues, and will also be an important networking platform with the most relevant people from the industry and scientific community.
Global and multidisciplinary vision regarding the current significance of Genetic Counselling in hereditary diseases
Modern concepts such as longitudinal, progressive and interactive counselling, will be introduced during the course of two days (16 and 17 April), leaving aside the sectional or static models.
Furthermore, the Congress will strengthen Bioinformatic needs and the use of efficient tools to localize, classify, analyse, select and homogenize the updated information. It will involve other labour sectors, with high capacities, in Genetic Counselling tasks.
National and internationally prestigious speakers and relevant topics
In addition to a large number of national speakers Genetic insidER will include the participation of: Manuel Pérez-Alonso, one of the most important scientists and entrepreneurs on the national scene and Genetics tenured Professor of the University of Valencia, Carmen Ayuso, head of the Genetic Service of the Jimenez Díaz Foundation and Manuel Posada de la Paz, Director of the Rare Diseases Research Institute (IIER) of the Carlos III Health Institute; with the presence of a select group of internationally well-known speakers: Domenica Taruscio, Director of the National Rare Diseases Centre (CNMR), Virginia LLera, President of ICORD and Geiser Foundation, Caroline Kant, Founder and Executive Director of the EspeRare Foundation and Emilio Roldán, President of the American Society for Rare Disease Medical Research (SLADIMER).
The presence of Juan Carrión, on behalf of the Rare Diseases Federation (FEDER) is worthy of a special mention.
Specific issues to be discussed over the two day Congress include some as important and necessary as promoting the importance of the early diagnosis of RDs in order to achieve the best forecast and treatment; best practices in the etiology and natural history of the disease communication, or the ethical implications of Genetic Counselling.
Other issues that will be considered will be: Strategies for classical and genetic diagnosis and the revolution that the use of the Next Generation Sequencing Technologies has supposed.
Institutional support
Genetic insidER has the active support of widely known institutions, both national such as the FEDER Foundation for Rare Diseases Research, The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC) and the Royal Pontifice Pharmaceutical Association of Seville, and international such as ICORD (International Conferences for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs), GEISER Foundation, the EspeRare Foundation and The Indian organization for rare diseases.
These institutions, in addition to collaborating with the organization of the Congress, have already lent their institutional backing, providing it with visibility and scientific excellence.