Informative Guide to Gene Silencing & Delivery

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A new guide entitled 'Top Ten Tips for Gene Silencing & Delivery' is available from AMSBIO.
Drawing upon extensive experience of gene silencing techniques the new guide is aimed at assisting research scientists using or planning to use gene knockdown as a method of revealing the function of genes in biological processes.
The informative guide provides expert hints and tips on topics including: How to determine the RNAi tools best suited to users application ; The importance of performing appropriate positive and negative controls ; Precautions to minimize exposure to RNases ; The benefits of using transfection reagents optimized for siRNA delivery ; How to obtain optimal transfection efficiency ; saving time with validated siRNA sequences ; The importance in confirming that users siRNA sequence is unique as well as How to determine the amount of siRNA required to effectively silence a given gene.
Gene silencing through the use of siRNA has become a primary tool for characterizing gene involvement in disease states and interactive pathways, there are several methods for preparing and delivering siRNA.
AMSBIO can offer a variety of tools and services including products for generating siRNA, validated siRNA expression vectors and oligo sets sets, ready-to-use and custom Lentivirus particles and tailored siRNA specific transfection reagents.