TATAA Biocenter Awarded for Best-in-Class Gene Expression Profiling Services

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Based on its recent research on the gene expression profiling services market, Frost & Sullivan presents TATAA Biocenter with the 2013 European Frost & Sullivan Award for Customer Value Leadership.
TATAA Biocenter offers an end-to-end range of services for analyzing genetic material, from quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to nucleic acid extraction and sample preparation.
Its services are sometimes coupled with hands-on training courses and commissioned research services such as assistance during experimental design and validation of kits, reagents and instruments of key market vendors.
TATAA Biocenter has stayed ahead of the curve by offering a multitude of services such as extraction and purification of ribonucleic acid (RNA), microRNA (miRNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and protein, microarray analysis, protein profiling and biostatistical analysis.
Customers have the option of using services from a wide variety of instruments available from the most reputed vendors, including Roche, Life Technologies, Qiagen and Fluidigm.
“The center ensures that it validates the use of kits and reagents prior to offering services using the vendor’s products,” said Frost & Sullivan Senior Research Analyst Divyaa Ravishankar. “Frost & Sullivan research confirms that TATAA Biocenter is the only company that adheres to high quality standards in comparison to its competitors in Europe.”
TATAA Biocenter’s facility is known for its highly advanced infrastructure and trained laboratory personnel. It is one of the very first laboratories to have obtained ISO/IEC 17025:2005 flexible accreditation for qPCR analysis in Europe and recognition at an international level. Its numerous industrial collaborations help it stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and build up its extensive service expertise on the changing market needs and customer preferences.
In addition, TATAA Biocenter organizes training programs which include world-class qPCR training that is offered in collaboration with international organizations. These programs are recognized by well-known institutions such as EMBO, FEBS, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UNESCO and Pittcon.
The center hosts lecture programs throughout the year and trainees and technicians have acclaimed them as some of the best in the world. Its workshops train attendees to design assays, conduct quality control of qPCR experiments, sample preparation and thresh out ways to derive highest quality results. The center also enables customers to design and optimize the setup costs and improve the output of results.
“TATAA Biocenter is a well-equipped, one-stop facility to perform all the steps of gene expression profiling, starting from sample preparation and extraction to qPCR and data analysis,” noted Ms Divyaa Ravishankar. “It is the most advanced park in Europe, with 16 real-time PCR thermal cyclers from leading brands and has the capacity to support high throughput extraction and quality control.”
The center also aims to disseminate knowledge on technologies and know-how related to nucleic acid analysis to academic researchers. It offers seamless workflow from storage of samples, extraction, qPCR, analysis to downstream application. The risk of contamination is completely eliminated as it has individual facilities for each of the workflow processes.
Frost & Sullivan believes that TATAA Biocenter is best positioned to offer the most comprehensive range of services pertaining to nucleic acids. The main reasons for its superior performance include the strength of its offerings and educational programs, highest quality of service, strong vendor partnerships and infrastructure capabilities, and the overall acumen of its personnel.
Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents the Customer Value Leadership Award to a company that has demonstrated excellence in implementing strategies that proactively create value for its customers with a focus on improving the return on the investment that customers make in its services or products.
The award recognizes the company's inordinate focus on enhancing the value that its customers receive, beyond simply good customer service, leading to improved customer retention and ultimately customer base expansion.
Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development.
Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research in order to identify best practices in the industry.