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GenomeLIMs: Affymetrix Expression module for GeneChip Expression Array Sample Submission and Tracking
We present here an online system to handle Affymetrix sample submission and tracking, job management and lab processing. Many current microarray database solutions tend to focus on post sample-processing analysis. GenomeLIMS allows recording of all sample processing steps, there are no expression data analysis functions.
Quantitative Measurement of microRNAs Reveals Distinct Correlation with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Signature
Using a novel quantitative real-time PCR assay, specific to the mature product, the expression level of a selected group of miRNAs was measured across a set of 30 primary adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a normal karyotype.
KingFisher - A Multifunctional Tool for Proteomics
In the proteomics area with the increasing capacity of the mass spectrometers, sample preparation is becoming a limiting step for protein identification. Magnetic particle based technology provides a rapid and easy solution for automation of the sample preparation step.
MicroRNA Expression Signature in Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Brain Tumor
Expression of 180 human miRNAs was examined using recently developed stem loop primers for reverse transcription (RT) followed by real-time PCR. MicroRNAs can be quantified from as few as single cells or as little as 25 pg total RNA.
rptDB; a prototype Affymetrix .rpt QC tool
rptDB is a prototype database for the analysis of Affymetrix expression report (.rpt) files. Report files are widely used to QC raw data after hyb, scan and .cel file generation. Only %Present calls, Scale Factors and 3':5' ratios of housekeeping genes are generally used, but there are many other metrics that may also be of importance for QC analysis.
Development of low Cost High Throughput miRNA Screening
Micro-RNAs (miRNAs) form a class of 17-24 base singles trandnon-coding RNAs which regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally in eukaryotes and viruses. We have developed a low cost high throughput method to quantify the expression of these miRNAs via classictotal RNA extraction without interference from genomic DNA.
Chip’N’Fish : Novel Chemical Proteomics Platform for Rapid Identification of Small Molecule Drug Candidates Against Disease-Specific Targets
Over-expression of genes and their protein products is often the best starting point for dissecting the pathways that are responsible for the development of specific diseases.The Chip'N'Fish approach allows identifying over-expressed proteins directly from cell extracts of disease origin using healthy counterparts as controls.
Miniaturisation of Liquid Handling Procedures for High Throughput Sequencing
Deerac Fluidics Equator™ products are designed to fit a wide range of applications requiring low volume liquid handling. The products have recently been installed as part of the high throughput sequencing production process at the Broad Institute in Boston, MA, USA. This poster will describe the current process employed by Broad Institute, highlighting where the Equator™ has played a vital role in performance enhancement and cost reduction, enabling the Broad Institute to retain its position as