Analysis of Organic Marker Compounds and Hazardous Organic Compounds by GC/MS to Identify Contamination, Counterfeiting and Adulteration of Spices
Food adulteration and counterfeiting continues to grow as a worldwide issue of food safety and economic concern. Spices are one of most commonly adulterated and counterfeited agricultural products in the US. Our previous study determined there were extensive elemental and heavy metals contamination and adulteration in spices. Many of our spice products were identified possibly being highly adulterated or contaminated by metals. In our follow-up Organic study, we focused on the organic markers and toxic organic compounds in our common spices and botanicals (Black Pepper and Cinnamon) in various forms (i.e. spices, teas, condiments and supplements) to determine if these products appeared to be adulterated from an organic compound standpoint as well as an elemental standpoint.