AnaSpec Introduces new Suite of Fluorescently Labeled GST & 6xHis Tag Antibodies
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AnaSpec has introduced a suite of fluorescently labeled GST and 6X-His antibodies.
These antibodies are labeled with a selection of dyes, including AnaSpec’s proprietary HiLyte Fluor™ and HiLytePlus™ dyes, which span the visible spectrum. This can give researchers a wide range of wavelength choices for use in immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence applications. Non-labeled or biotin labeled versions are also available.
Different gene expression systems have been used to produce recombinant proteins.1-2 Protein tags are peptide sequences genetically introduced onto a recombinant protein.
Tags include short peptides (FLAG, c-myc, 6X-His) or proteins (glutathione-s-transferase - GST). This tagging technique aids in the characterization, localization or purification of the recombinant expressed protein.3 Antibodies raised against fusion-tags are useful in biochemical or immunohistochemistry applications.