ATLAS Biolabs Achieves Roche NimbleGen Certification for Solution-based SeqCap EZ Enrichment

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Roche NimbleGen has announced that ATLAS Biolabs GmbH, located in Berlin, Germany, has passed the certification process to qualify as a Roche NimbleGen Certified Service Provider (CSP) for SeqCap EZ enrichment.
Roche NimbleGen recently launched a new addition to the SeqCap EZ product portfolio with SeqCap EZ Choice Libraries for enrichment of custom regions of interest in a single test tube. This new technology is an ideal solution in the research market for the disease-associated regions (DAR) and, in addition to our SeqCap EZ Exome library, is also of tremendous interest to the next-generation sequencing community.
NimbleGen sequence capture technologies will be featured in an upcoming workshop offered by Roche and ATLAS Biolabs. For more information on this exciting workshop, please visit
Having passed a rigorous certification test plan to achieve precise experimental standards, ATLAS Biolabs GmbH has obtained and expanded official certification as a Roche NimbleGen Certified Service Provider. This marks the second time that a genomic service provider will join the Roche NimbleGen CSP Program for SeqCap EZ Exome in Europe.
ATLAS will process customer gDNA samples for genomic enrichment, using the complete NimbleGen Sequence Capture Array and solution-based capture workflow. Enriched samples can then be analyzed on the long-read Roche GS FLX and GS Junior platforms as well as on short-read sequencing platforms.
“The new product combines the superior performance of NimbleGen Sequence Capture arrays with an easy-to-use, scalable workflow at a very attractive price. It is definitely an excellent solution for the targeted sequencing projects we are running at ATLAS,” stated Prof. Dr. Peter Nürnberg, CEO of ATLAS Biolabs GmbH.
“Roche NimbleGen welcomes ATLAS Bioloabs as the first certified service provider for SeqCap EZ enrichment in Germany,” said Dr. Frank Pitzer, CEO of Roche NimbleGen, Inc. “Researchers throughout the world have adopted SeqCap EZ enrichment as their target enrichment technology of choice due to its performance and scalability. We are excited to extend the high performance capabilities of SeqCap EZ Exome and SeqCap EZ Choice to the genomic community in Germany through ATLAS Biolabs.”