New Whitepaper Highlights Impact of NGS Target Enrichment Assay Choice

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Oxford Gene Technology (OGT) has produced a free whitepaper titled ‘The importance of enrichment assay choice and optimization for confident variant detection.’
The paper investigates the main strategies employed to optimize target enrichment for next generation sequencing (NGS) assays, assisting researchers to make informed decisions when designing studies.
The choice of target enrichment methodology can have a dramatic effect on the ability to confidently call each variant with no false negatives or positives.
The whitepaper by OGT examines the impact of enrichment assay choice, comparing and contrasting hybridization and amplicon approaches while considering factors such as target size, accuracy, cost and speed.
The paper also addresses the potential sources of bias and error in enrichment assays, giving the reader a truly comprehensive overview of the subject.
Researchers can overcome the challenge of enrichment assay design with the use of an expert service provider. OGT’s Genefficiency NGS Services encompass an Expert Bait Design workflow that significantly improves the uniformity of target sequence enrichment, increasing sensitivity and accuracy of variant detection across the entire region.
In addition, all results are provided in the unique Genefficiency NGS Variant Analysis Report that provides the freedom to interrogate the fully annotated data, without the need for local bioinformatics resource.