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TurboKnockout® Gene Targeting Mice Services

TurboKnockout® Gene Targeting Mice Services

Cyagen’s proprietary TurboKnockout® gene targeting service is based on traditional embryonic stem cell (ESC)-mediated targeting techniques, which can be used for complex gene modeling projects to provide C57BL/6 or BALB/c mouse models in as fast as 6 months.

TurboKnockout® gene targeting eliminates the unpredictability of germline transmission (GLT) with a super competent ESC line that generates 100% ESC-derived founder mice rather than chimeras. Additionally, a self-removing selection cassette circumvents the need to breed to Flp deleter mice. For conditional knockouts, it may be possible to breed founders directly to your tissue-specific Cre mice. These innovations eliminate at least two generations of breeding, shortening production time by 4-6 months as compared to the industry standard.

Highlights of TurboKnockout® Gene Targeting
  • No patent risk: Technology of choice for drug development projects
  • Success rate: 100% guaranteed germline transmission (GLT)
  • Turnaround time: Founders as fast as 6-8 months
  • Size limitations: Knockin (KI) fragment size up to 200 kb
  • loxP restrictions: No size limitations for your floxed region
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee on TurboKnockout® projects

Comparison of Animal Model Generation Methods

CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing
Traditional Gene Targeting
Turnaround time
6-8 months
5-7 months
10-14 months
Homologous recombination in ESC by Cyagen’s TurboKnockout® technology
CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease mediated gene targeting by pronuclear injection
Homologous recombination in ESC by traditional technology

Knockout (KO)

Conditional knockout (cKO)

Point mutation

Reporter knockin (KI)

ROSA26 knockin (KI)


Knockout (KO)

Conditional knockout (cKO)

Point Mutation

Limited knockin (KI) fragment size

Knockout (KO)

Conditional knockout (cKO)

Point mutation

Reporter knockin (KI)

ROSA26 knockin (KI)


KI fragment size
Up to 200 kb*
Usually less than 5 kb
Up to 200 kb*
Self-deleting selection cassette


No need to breed to Flp deleter mice



Requires breeding to Flp deleter mice

Screening method
PCR + Southern blot
PCR + Sequencing
PCR + Southern blot
Patent Risks
*May require multiple rounds of gene targeting for fragment larger than 20 kb

BALB/c Strain Services Now Available

Over the last several years, Cyagen has tested numerous batches of BALB/c-strain ESCs for key characteristics – including progenicity, karyotype stability, totipotency, reproductive chimerism, and final germline chimerism - to identify BALB/c-derived ESCs suitable for generating targeted genetic models. In March, we announced the availability of BALB/c mouse models for all embryonic stem cell (ESC) based gene targeting services, including our proprietary TurboKnockout® technology.

Free Cyagen White Paper – Animal Models for Research

Cyagen’s model generation experts put together an exclusive White Paper, “Animal Models for Research - Choosing the Right Mouse Strains & Genetic Engineering Techniques,” that covers the key differences between C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice to consider when developing a mouse model for your research plan.

Covered Topics:
  • Comparing BALB/c and C57BL/6 Mice Strains Across Research Applications
  • BALB/c Strains Available for TurboKnockout® Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) Mediated Services
  • CRISPR/Cas9 Versus ES Cell Targeting: Which is the Optimal Solution?

For your free copy of this white paper, please complete the brief form on our website or request information through Technology Networks.

Cyagen provides complimentary consultations, strategy designs, and quotes from our team of gene modification experts – contact us today to see how we can support your research.

About Cyagen
Founded in 2006, Cyagen is a global provider of genetically modified rodent models and innovative cell and gene therapy solutions for research and development, including disease model development, adeno-associated virus (AAV) discovery, drug efficacy studies and more.
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