Electron Microscopy – Products

Product News
FEI Announces Titan ETEM for Energy, Environmental and Chemical Research
According to FEI, the Titan ETEM allows researchers to see chemistry and nanoscale catalysis at the atomic level.

Product News
Enhanced Protein Tomography™ Method for Rapid Epitope Determination
Sidec Protein Tomography™ technology can improve the analysis of therapeutic antibodies and drug targets in biological systems.

Product News
Veeco Introduces new InSight 3D Atomic Force Microscope
The InSight 3DAFM was designed specifically to address in-line CD, depth and CMP metrology applications.

Product News
Bruker Companies Announce the Opening of a Modern Chinese Applications, Demonstration and Customer Training Center in Beijing
The demonstration and training facility includes sample preparation areas and laboratory space equipped with the latest systems from each of the Bruker companies.

Product News
FEI Introduces Vitrobot Mark IV
The Mark IV features a touchscreen user interface operated under a Linux operating system and robotics that ensures reproducible freezing of samples.

Product News
Imperial College London Unveils UK’s Titan™ S/TEM
LCN can now offer scientists the opportunity to view and analyse material at a resolution smaller than half a nanometre.

Product News
FEI Launches Research Dualbeam
Helios NanoLab™ DualBeam will enable nanoscale imaging, analysis, fabrication and sample prep applications.

Product News
Leica Microsystems Presents System Solutions for Research and Industry
Leica is presenting the TCS SP5 Broadband Confocal System for high-end applications.

Product News
FEI’s Automated 3D Crystallography Featured at Pittcon
FEI’s EBS3 solution delivers rapid serial sectioning and 3D crystal orientation reconstructions of materials.

Product News
FEI Introduces Cryo Sample Prep Tool for Organic Samples
The Vitrobot™ ensures automated sample vitrification for real-time 2D and 3D cryo observations of macromolecular structures.