Light Microscopy – Multimedia

SPR Imaging of Protein Microarrays for Detection of Antibody Binding
In our study we have used the imaging SPR Instrument for Biomolecular Interaction Sensing (iSPR-IBIS) (IBIS Technologies BV, Hengelo, The Netherlands), for monitoring the binding of biomolecules to a protein array in a fully automated manner. A TopSpot instrument from BioFluidix GmbH (Freiburg, Germany) was used to spot the protein array.

Preclinical Data with siRNA Targeting WNT Pathway for Breast Cancer Treatment
The aim of present study was focused on the effect of silencing target gene in triggering of apoptosis in breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Flow cytometry, light-, confocal microscopy and viability/cytotoxicity tests were used for evaluation of the protein level, percentage of apoptotic cells and morphological features of cell death.