Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study
Effective Novel Virus Detection Using a Comprehensive NGS Panel
This application note explores how this advanced technology is a powerful tool for public health monitoring and viral discovery research.

App Note / Case Study
Optimizing Recovery of Microbial DNA for 16S Sequencing
This application note explores techniques for effective sample preparation, including selecting the optimal bead media and how to achieve full sample lysis and DNA recovery in both liquid and solid samples.

App Note / Case Study
Boost the Efficiency of Metagenomic Microbiome Analysis
This application note explores an automated workflow that enhances DNA extraction and sequencing efficiency for stool samples, minimizing human error and delivering high-quality data on microbial communities.

App Note / Case Study
Complementary Methodologies To Optimize Monoclonal Antibody Analysis
This application note explores how these complementary techniques provide unique insights into size heterogeneity, offering a clearer picture of antibody integrity.

App Note / Case Study
Automate DNA Size Selection and PCR Product Purification
This app note highlights the use of magnetic beads with fully automated size selection protocols for reproducible PCR product purification and DNA size selection.

App Note / Case Study
Rapidly Detect Mycoplasma Contamination
This info kit highlights a rapid detection kit for the sensitive and reliable detection of mycoplasma in biological products.

App Note / Case Study
FFPE Sample Prep Advancements To Transform Solid Tumor Treatment
This case study presents a scalable, automation-friendly workflow for active deparaffinization, extraction and purification of nucleic acids from FFPE samples that can transform cancer diagnostics as demand grows.

App Note / Case Study
A Rapid and Robust Solution for Cellular Response Characterization
This app note explores the use of an assay to facilitate rapid monitoring of T-cell function and simultaneous assessment of cell phenotype, activation markers, proliferation, viability and cytokine secretion.

App Note / Case Study
A Novel Approach for Non-Invasive Liver Research
This case study utilizes non-invasive ultrasound imaging to visualize and quantify liver echogenicity and stiffness, providing critical insights into both disease progression and the efficacy of therapeutic interventions in mouse models.

App Note / Case Study
Assessing the Functionality of PBMCs After Cryopreservation
As PBMCs continue to see an increase in use in the testing of new biological therapeutic compounds, ensuring purified cells retain functionality after cryopreservation is critical.