Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry
App Note / Case Study
Published: November 14, 2024

Credit: iStock
Neurodegenerative diseases are prevalent and devastating. While extensive research has been done over the past few decades, we are still far from understanding what causes neurodegeneration and how we can prevent or reverse it.
Current approaches often lack the spatial resolution to observe critical cellular and protein interactions within brain tissue, limiting insights into the progression of these diseases.
This application note demonstrates how imaging mass cytometry (IMC) is transforming neurodegeneration research, providing detailed visualization of protein aggregates, neuron populations and inflammatory cell interactions.
Download this application note to discover:
- How IMC imaging modes uncover disease pathology from whole tissue to single-cell resolution
- Detailed applications of IMC panels for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis research
- Faster, streamlined workflows that provide comprehensive insights
Graphical abstract
Key takeaways
Study design
• Panel design
• Imaging modes
• Image analysis
• Preview Mode
• Cell Mode
• Tissue Mode
Tips for success
Ordering information
Exploring Neurodegenerative
Diseases With Imaging
Mass Cytometry
Key takeaways
• Ready-to-use neurodegenerative panels compatible with human immuno-oncology
IMC™ subpanels provide swift high-parameter panel design with preselected antibodies.
• Multiple imaging modes for IMC enable simultaneous detection of protein targets,
from whole tissue sections down to single-cell resolution.
• Researchers now have access to the fastest and most comprehensive workflow to interrogate various
neurodegenerative diseases by combining high-parameter panels with various IMC imaging modes.
A Lewy body
(1) and a Lewy
neurite (2) in
Parkinson’s brain
Preview Mode Cell Mode Tissue Mode
2 mm
Lymphoid IMC
Myeloid IMC
Human Cell
State IMC
Maxpar Neuro
IMC Panel Kit
Human Basic
IMC Panel
Maxpar IMC Cell
Kit and Cell-ID
Human Basic
Immune IMC
IMC panels
Stromal Cell
IMC Panel
Choose one
Interrogate various neurodegenerative diseases with
the fastest, most comprehensive approach by utilizing:
2 | Application Note | Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry
Figure 1. Main hallmark features of each neurodegenerative condition visualized in Tissue Mode: amyloid aggregates and tangles, Lewy
bodies with Lewy neurites, and multiple sclerosis lesions. Diseased tissues stained with applicable neurodegenerative panels (Alzheimer’s
Disease IMC Panel, Parkinson’s Disease IMC Panel, and Multiple Sclerosis IMC Panel) allow whole tissue visualization of the main protein
contributors to disease pathology: amyloid precursor protein (APP) in amyloid plaques and Tau in tangles of Alzheimer’s disease, phosphorylated
αSynuclein (p-αSyn) in Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites of PD, and large areas of lost myelin (lesion) of MS.
Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are chronic
progressive conditions of the central nervous system
(CNS) leading to physical and cognitive disability in
humans across the globe. NDs affect approximately
15% of the worldwide population and patient numbers
have been steadily climbing over the past decades1
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD),
and multiple sclerosis (MS) represent the 3 most
prominent contributors to the global ND population.
AD, PD, and MS are currently incurable, with treatment
focusing on palliative care and alleviating symptoms.
Understanding the etiology of these diseases is a
major challenge and requires deciphering the complex
spatial biology processes that cause deterioration
of neuronal tissue, such as formation of protein
aggregates and tangles, neuroinflammation, and
demyelination. To fully address this complexity,
it is important to clarify the underlying molecular
mechanisms driving neurodegeneration and identify
new targets and therapies.
Imaging Mass Cytometry™ (IMC) is a spatial biology
technology that offers the ability to comprehensively
visualize the pathological features of neurogenerative
diseases. Unlike traditional cyclic fluorescent methods,
IMC can uncover the spatial distribution of 40-plus
distinct protein markers simultaneously without tissue
degradation and autofluorescence artifacts usually
observed in brain tissue. IMC offers various whole slide
imaging (WSI) modes that range from visualization of
an entire section to single-cell assessment, permitting
in-depth exploration of tissue heterogeneity. WSI
modes enable streamlined, comprehensive evaluation
of human brain tissue using ready-to-use antibody
panels specifically designed for neurological research.
Three specialized panels are available to support
neurodegenerative spatial biology studies (Figure 1):
• The Alzheimer’s Disease IMC Panel, 3 Antibodies
identifies amyloid aggregates and Tau tangles.
• The Parkinson’s Disease IMC Panel, 3 Antibodies
identifies Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites.
• The Multiple Sclerosis IMC Panel, 3 Antibodies
identifies the loss of major myelin components.
When combined with other relevant IMC panels
tailored for neurophenotyping, tissue architecture,
and immune cell profiling, 3 different high-parameter
41-marker imaging panels for NDs can be easily
assembled (Figure 2). The modular panel-building
format facilitates rapid and effortless design of highparameter IMC panels tailored precisely to research
objectives. Further, IMC WSI provides a streamlined
approach that expedites the discovery of valuable
biological insights into each of these important
neurodegenerative conditions.
Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry | Application Note | 3
In this application note, we demonstrate the spatial
biology insights that IMC provides into NDs with
a particular focus on AD tissue. We showcase the
comprehensive utilization of a specialized AD panel
and demonstrate its effectiveness in exploring different
populations of neurons that contribute to aggregate
formation. Importantly, the methodologies presented are
equally applicable to other neurodegenerative tissues.
Study design
Panel design
The 41-marker panel comprised of the following off-theshelf modular subpanels and kits was assembled to
investigate AD brain tissue (Figure 2):
• Human immuno-oncology IMC subpanels, 26
antibodies in total. Six human immuno-oncology
IMC subpanels were used to interrogate structural,
microglial, and neuroinflammation components
involved in the causality, development, and
progression of AD.
Figure 2. Combination of 3 ND IMC panels with other compatible panels and kits for comprehensive interrogation of each disease. The
modular panel design provides flexibility, allowing researchers to create customized IMC panels for investigating most neurodegenerative conditions,
including AD, PD, and MS. When combined with other relevant IMC panels tailored for neurophenotyping, tissue architecture, and immune cell
profiling, 3 different high-parameter 41-marker imaging panels for NDs can be easily assembled. This enables visualization of the main cell types
in the CNS and provide insights into the contribution of the immune system in NDs.
• Maxpar® Neuro Phenotyping IMC Panel Kit for
phenotyping of major cell types in the CNS, such
as neurons, astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes,
and endothelial cells. The Maxpar Neuro Phenotyping
IMC Panel Kit is essential for accurately identifying
all major cell types and their interactions with other
cells when analyzing brain tissue.
• Alzheimer’s Disease IMC Panel to locate major
protein markers associated with each corresponding
pathology, such as APP, Tau, and phosphorylated
Tau (pTau)
• Maxpar IMC Cell Segmentation Kit (ICSK) to facilitate
an end-to-end workflow for single-cell data analysis
• Cell-ID™ Intercalator-Ir (191Ir/193Ir) for identification
of nucleated cells
• AD-relevant IMC catalog antibodies (αSyn, p-αSyn
[S129]) to gain additional insights about αSyn
participation in aggregate formation
See Appendix, Table 1 for detailed panel configuration
and clone information.
4 | Application Note | Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry
The full-configuration panel was applied on sections of
human AD brain. The tissue slides were prepared and
stained according to the Standard BioTools™ Imaging
Mass Cytometry Staining Protocol for FFPE Sections
(400322) using optimized antibody concentrations for
Tissue Mode, Preview Mode, and Cell Mode.
Imaging modes
Tissue slides were visualized with the Hyperion XTi™
Imaging System, using all 3 imaging modes (Figure 3):
• Preview Mode enables quick visualization of all 41
markers within minutes across the whole tissue. This
fast scan provides guidance for selecting regions of
interest (ROIs) to be acquired on the same slide in
Cell Mode.
• Tissue Mode is a complete WSI mode to visualize
41 markers, revealing the heterogeneity of the
whole tissue.
• Cell Mode facilitates acquisition of ROIs selected
in Preview Mode at subcellular resolution for
detailed characterization of individual cells and
cell populations.
One serial section of AD tissue utilized Preview Mode
and Cell Mode, while another sequential section of AD
tissue exclusively employed Tissue Mode (Figure 3).
Image analysis
Qualitative data analysis, high-parameter image
rendering, and single-channel image extractions were
performed using MCD™ SmartViewer software. For AD
tissue data obtained using Preview Mode and Cell
Mode, quantitative single-cell analysis was performed
using a 2-step data analysis pipeline: Cellpose was
used for cell segmentation and PhenoGraph was used
for clustering2. The data obtained using Tissue Mode
was analyzed with a pixel-clustering analysis and
neighborhood enrichment analysis approach using
MCD SmartViewer software.
See Methods for additional experimental details
regarding samples, staining, ablation, and data analysis.
Recommended Imaging Workflows
Figure 3. WSI modes for IMC offer versatile workflows to accelerate quantitative spatial biology
discoveries. Preview Mode rapidly scans the sample and generates useful data for guiding ROI placement
used in Cell Mode single-cell analysis. Tissue Mode generates a high-quality scan of the entire tissue
section in a matter of hours with higher spot-size ablations enabling pixel-clustering analysis of the whole
tissue. Combining these new workflows with the Hyperion™ XTi Slide Loader streamlines IMC application
and makes it a useful resource for high-throughput clinical and translational studies.
Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry | Application Note | 5
Whole slide Preview Mode imaging enables the
spatial localization of protein aggregates in AD tissue
Multiple brain sections from a 73-year-old male donor
diagnosed with AD were commercially obtained. The
tissue sections were stained with a 41-marker assembly
containing 3 markers from the Alzheimer’s Disease
IMC Panel, then analyzed using the Hyperion XTi
Imaging System.
Tissue slides were first imaged using Preview Mode,
with visualization of the whole post-central gyrus tissue
measuring 3.9 mm x 5.2 mm completed in less than
5 min. One of the most notable benefits of visualizing
brain tissue in Preview Mode is the ease of markerguided identification of specialized brain regions such
as gray and white matter. For example, the utilization of
MAP2 or NeuN markers visibly defines the gray matter
area (Figure 4A).
Localization of all 3 markers from the Alzheimer’s
Disease IMC Panel (APP, total Tau protein, and
phosphorylated [S202/T205] Tau protein) is also
clearly visible in the tissue within the MAP2+ gray
matter of AD brain (Figure 4A).
The striking abundance of insoluble plaques containing
APP and pTau (Figure 4A, left and middle images)
suggests an advanced stage of the disease, possibly
leading to irreversible cognitive decline3
These large plaques scattered around the gray matter
served as landmarks for selecting ROIs for visualization
in Cell Mode using the same tissue section. By utilizing
the same tissue slide for imaging using both Preview
Mode and Cell Mode, we eliminated the need for
additional stained slides, thereby conserving valuable
patient samples.
Figure 4. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of AD tissue using IMC Preview Mode and Cell Mode with subsequent
single-cell and neighborhood enrichment analysis uncovers cell populations associated with aggregate-producing neurons.
Preview Mode facilitates marker-guided ROI selection for subsequent visualization in Cell Mode. Cell Mode ROI was used to conduct
single-cell analysis. (A) Three views of a single ROI. (B) Locations of the same aggregates with the most abundant presence of
APP- and pTau-producing neurons are marked with arrowheads in a Cell Mode image and (C) cell population mask. Cell populations
were identified using ICSK and Cell-ID Intercalator-Ir staining. Population names were assigned based on marker expression.
(D) Subsequent quantitative neighborhood analysis demonstrates a heat map with an enrichment score (z-score) that indicates
enrichment or depletion of the spatial proximity between all identified clusters. WM – white matter, GM – gray matter
6 | Application Note | Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry
One region with high concentration of aggregates with
both APP and pTau was selected to further investigate
the tissue in Cell Mode (Figure 4B) using single-cell
analysis (Figure 4C).
Single-cell analysis of high-resolution Cell Mode
images reveals diverse composition of cell
populations within the aggregate vicinity
High-resolution Cell Mode visualization of 1 ROI
measuring 2.1 mm x 2.1 mm was acquired at 800
Hz and completed in 1 hr 43 min. Three functionally
distinct populations of both neurons and astrocytes,
2 populations of microglia, and 1 population of
oligodendrocytes were identified through singlecell analysis of the Cell Mode ROI. Most segmented
nucleated elements were neurons, accounting for
56.9% of all cells, with roughly every 7 out of 10 being
neurodegenerative neurons producing elevated levels
of Tau and αSyn. Another population of neurons, the
smallest at 1.5% of all cells, was observed to produce
high levels of APP and pTau (Figure 4C). Interestingly,
these neurons tended to gravitate toward the periphery
of large aggregates (Figure 4B and 4C, arrowheads),
suggesting their involvement in the process of actively
producing toxic amyloid species that contribute to
aggregate formation4
. Inhibiting this smallest population
of “rogue” neurons producing high levels of APP
and pTau to mitigate or slow the secretion of toxic
amyloid species could potentially have a significant
clinical impact.
These aggregate-forming neurons were associated
with populations of protoplasmic astrocytes and
astrocytes expressing elevated levels of S100β as
indicated by the neighborhood enrichment analysis
heat map (Figure 4D, Box 1). S100β is an important
inflammatory regulator of astrocytes by inducing their
phenotype change to become reactive5, 6. Direct inhibition
of S100β has been shown to have a neuroprotective
effect in some populations of neurons and reduce
neuronal loss in mouse AD models7
Neighborhood analysis also suggests a close spatial
proximity of aggregate-forming neurons with microglia
that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties (Iba1+,
CD163high), while activated phagocytic microglia
(Iba1+, CD68high) appear to be located at a distance
(Figure 4D, Boxes 2 and 3). Dissociation of phagocytic
microglia from amyloid plaques may indicate microglial
exhaustion due to prolonged exposure to aggregates,
resulting in defective autophagy8. As microglia
play a critical role in mediating the phagocytosis of
aggregates, successful efforts were made to reverse
microglial phagocytic deficits by treating microglia with
anti-inflammatory agents9
Overall, the data presented highlights the power of
Preview Mode to rapidly locate desirable areas of
the tissue for subcellular resolution imaging via Cell
Mode on the same slide. Furthermore, combining this
workflow with single-cell analysis effectively identifies
diverse cellular organization and cellular interactions
in the AD brain.
While single-cell analysis provides valuable insights,
nuclei-based segmentation of brain tissue is not
sufficient to draw a complete picture of the disease.
Additional complex analysis of neuronal, astrocytic,
and microglial extensions that are not associated with
DNA, especially of ramified phenotypes, is required to
comprehensively understand the cellular population
landscape of the diseased brain. Moreover, singlecell analysis is limited in capturing extracellular
aggregates because they are devoid of membrane and
nucleus markers. Therefore, pixel-clustering analysis
offers a complementary perspective, allowing for the
examination of non-nucleated extracellular aggregates
at a tissue level.
Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry | Application Note | 7
Pixel-clustering analysis of Tissue Mode images
complements single-cell analysis by providing
additional biological insights
A slide with a sequential section was visualized in
Tissue Mode (Figure 5A). Visualization of the whole
tissue section of post-central gyrus measuring 3.9
mm x 5.2 mm was completed in 27 min. Subsequent
pixel-clustering analysis using MCD SmartViewer
software (Figure 5B) performed unsupervised
clustering, automatically grouping pixels with similar
characteristics by analyzing the intensity and distribution
of 41 markers in each pixel. Pixel-clustering analysis
unveiled numerous distinct morphology clusters, such
as gray matter-associated and white matter-associated
microglia, 3 populations of neurons, astrocytes, and
oligodendrocytes, and vasculature, alongside the
identification of 2 functional amyloid aggregate clusters.
A cluster of neurodegenerative neurons expressing
higher levels of Tau and αSyn encompassed a
Figure 5. Visualization of Alzheimer’s disease tissue using IMC Tissue Mode with subsequent pixel-clustering analysis reveals distinct
aggregate populations. (A) Tissue Mode imaging successfully captures the expression pattern of APP, pTau, and Tau in AD brain tissue.
(B) Subsequent pixel-clustering analysis captures different types of cell clusters and aggregates based on the marker expression in each pixel.
substantial portion of the whole tissue area (41.8%
of total analyzed pixels). This is consistent with the
observations from single-cell analysis implying a high
degree of pathology, such as cellular dysfunction and
disease progression.
Aggregates of a relatively small size exhibited an
exclusive enrichment of APP, whereas most of the
larger aggregates demonstrated a spatial organization
characterized by the central concentration of APP
surrounded by a halo of Tau protein. The arrangement of
APP and Tau hints at a potential aggregate stabilization
and overall synergy among those proteins, alongside
αSyn, all known to be prone to misfolding in the
diseased brain10.
Overall, these findings demonstrate the power of
combining Tissue Mode imaging with pixel-clustering
analysis to clearly unveil the heterogeneity of nonnucleated extracellular aggregates and nucleated
cellular clusters in neurodegenerative conditions.
8 | Application Note | Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry
IMC captures key biological insights and provides a
comprehensive multimodal approach to understanding
the complex pathology of neurodegenerative conditions
by utilizing ready-to-use antibody panels, synergistic WSI
modes, and complementary data analysis pipelines.
Preview Mode allows for rapid and simultaneous
40-plus-marker visualization across the entire tissue
section, facilitating the identification of ROIs for use
in Cell Mode analysis. Cell Mode and subsequent
downstream single-cell analysis provide detailed
insights at the highest resolution, uncovering distinct
neuronal populations and their protein expression
profiles, crucial for understanding disease mechanisms.
Additionally, Tissue Mode enables comprehensive
visualization of all markers, revealing the heterogeneity
of aggregate distribution across the whole tissue.
Furthermore, single-cell and pixel-based analyses
complement each other effectively. Single-cell
analysis elucidates the heterogeneity of nucleated
elements associated with the aggregates, while
pixel-based analysis offers a broader perspective by
capturing different types of aggregates at a tissue
level. The combination of these approaches allows
for a comprehensive understanding of cellular
dynamics. Researchers can now gain a more holistic
understanding of neurodegeneration to discover new
potential therapeutic targets and interventions.
Besides the Alzheimer’s Disease IMC Panel, the
Parkinson’s Disease IMC Panel and the Multiple
Sclerosis IMC Panel effectively reveal Lewy bodies with
Lewy neurites and lesions in PD and MS, respectively,
facilitating a comprehensive high-parameter sample
investigation with WSI modes and downstream analysis.
Tips for success
• For best results, use freshly cut FFPE tissue samples when possible.
• Perform a 3-point titration and include positive control tissue for all antibodies when optimizing their
working concentrations on tissue sections. Recommended dilution ranges for each antibody can be
found in the technical data sheet.
• Increase maximum threshold values in MCD SmartViewer software to better visualize small Lewy bodies
and Lewy neurites in PD tissue.
• After staining, samples should be stored at room temperature in slide holders inside a sealed bag in a
non-humid environment.
• Customers should reach out to their local Field Applications Scientist (FAS) for ordering and product
support. To be connected to a FAS, contact technical support.
Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry | Application Note | 9
Slide preparation and staining were conducted
according to the Imaging Mass Cytometry Staining
Protocol for FFPE Sections.
Imaging was performed using the Hyperion XTi
Imaging System with CyTOF® Software v9.0. Before
ablation, instrument tuning was performed using a
tuning slide. Ablation frequency was 800 Hz with
optimized laser power for all imaging modes.
Cell segmentation and analysis
Qualitative data analysis, high-parameter image
rendering, and single channel image extractions were
performed using MCD SmartViewer software. For AD
tissue data obtained using Preview Mode and Cell
Mode, quantitative single-cell analysis was performed
using a 2-step data analysis pipeline: Cellpose was
used for cell segmentation and PhenoGraph was used
for clustering. The data obtained using Tissue Mode
was analyzed with a pixel-clustering analysis and
neighborhood enrichment analysis approach using
MCD SmartViewer software.
Panel compatibility
Neurodegenerative IMC panels are compatible with
the following products:
Product Name Part Number
Human Stromal Cell IMC Panel, 4 Antibodies 201511
Human Lymphoid IMC Panel, 4 Antibodies 201512
Human Myeloid IMC Panel, 6 Antibodies 201513
Human Cell Functional State IMC Panel,
5 Antibodies
Human Basic Tissue Architecture IMC Panel,
3 Antibodies
Human Basic Immune IMC Panel, 4 Antibodies 201518
Maxpar Neuro Phenotyping IMC Panel Kit 201337
Maxpar IMC Cell Segmentation Kit 201500
Cell-ID Intercalator-Ir—125 µM 201192A
10 | Application Note | Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry
Core panel
Panel or Product Name Marker Clone Metal
Concentration (µg/mL)
Part Number
Tissue Mode –
Preview Mode
and Cell Mode –
Human Basic Tissue
Architecture IMC™ Panel
Collagen 1 Polyclonal 89Y 1 5 201517
Fibronectin EPR23110-46 171Yb 0.2 1
CD31 EPR3094 151Eu 1 5
Human Stromal Cell
IMC Panel
FAP E1V9V 161Dy 0.5 2.5 201511
Podoplanin D2-40 164Dy 0.5 2.5
αSMA 1A4 209Bi 0.125 0.5
CD44 IM7 153Eu 1 5
Human Basic Immune
IMC Panel
CD45 D9M8I 152Sm 0.25 2.5 201518
CD3ε D7A6E 170Er 1 5
CD20 H1 115In 1 5
CD68 KP1 159Tb 0.25 1
Human Lymphoid
IMC Panel
CD4 EPR6855 156Gd 1 5 201512
CD8a C8/1448 162Dy 0.5 2.5
CD45RO UCHL1 173Yb 0.2 1
CD57 NK/804 163Dy 0.5 2.5
Human Myeloid
IMC Panel
CD66b BLR111H 160Gd 0.25 1.25 201513
HLA-DR LN3 174Yb 0.2 1
CD163 EDHu-1 147Sm 1 5
CD14 EPR3653 175Lu 0.5 2.5
CD11b EPR1344 144Nd 0.25 1.25
CD11c D3V1E 154Sm 0.5 2.5
Human Cell Functional
State IMC Panel
Granzyme B EPR20129-217 176Yb 0.125 1 201514
PD-L1 73-10 166Er 5 10
PD-1 D4W2J 165Ho 5 10
FoxP3 PCH101 155Gd 5 10
Ki-67 B56 150Nd 0.5 2.5
Maxpar® Neuro
Phenotyping IMC
Panel Kit
GFAP GA5 143Nd 0.125 0.25 201337
NeuN EPR12763 145Nd 2.5 5
S100β EP1576Y 146Nd 0.125 0.25
Olig2 EPR2673 168Er 2.5 5
Iba1 EPR16588 142Nd 0.63 1.25
CD34 EP373Y 167Er 2.5 5.0
MAP2 EPR19691 148Nd 0.25 0.42
Cell-ID™ Intercalator-Ir DNA1 191Ir 201192A
DNA2 193Ir
Maxpar IMC Cell
Segmentation Kit
ICSK1 195Pt 2.5 201500
ICSK2 196Pt 2.5
ICSK3 198Pt 5
Exploring Neurodegenerative Diseases With Imaging Mass Cytometry | Application Note | 11
Choice of 1 neurodegenerative panel
IMC Panel Marker Clone Metal
Concentration (µg/mL)
Tissue Mode Cell Mode Part Number
Parkinson’s Disease IMC™
Panel (9100006)
αSyn E4U2F 141Pr 1.67 3.33 91H052141
p-αSyn [S129] EP1536Y 169Tm 1.25 2.5 91H053169
TH E2L6M 172Yb 1.25 2.5 91H054172
Alzheimer’s Disease IMC
Panel (9100007)
APP 4G8 141Pr 1.25 2.5 91H055141
Tau D1M9X 149Sm 0.25 0.63 91H056149
AT8 172Yb 0.31 0.63 91H057172
Multiple Sclerosis IMC
Panel (9100008)
NF SMI 312 141Pr 2.5 5.0 91H060141
MBP MBP101 149Sm 0.083 0.167 91H058149
MOG EP4281 158Gd 0.83 1.25 91H059158
Additional single antibodies used
IMC Product Marker Clone Metal
Concentration (µg/mL)
Tissue Mode Cell Mode Part Number
Single antibodies for
Alzheimer’s Disease
IMC™ Panel
αSyn E4U2F 158Gd 0.63 1.25 91H052158
p-αSyn [S129] EP1536Y 169Tm 1.25 2.5 91H053169
Table 1. Antibodies used in this application note
Standard BioTools Products Part Number
Cell-ID™ Intercalator-Ir—500 µM 201192B
Human Immune Cell Expansion IMC™ Panel,
7 Antibodies
Human Immuno-Oncology IMC Panel,
31 Antibodies
Maxpar® IMC Cell Segmentation Kit 201500
Maxpar PBS 201058
Maxpar Water 201069
Reagents From Other Suppliers Part Number
Ethyl Alcohol
Anhydrous, USP
Agilent® Dako Target Retrieval
Solution, pH 9 (x10)
Sigma-Aldrich® Bovine Serum Albumin
solution, 10% in DPBS
m-Xylene ReagentPlus®,
Thermo Fisher
Triton™ X-100
Detergent Solution
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