Optimized Approaches for High-Throughput Protein Quantitation
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: July 22, 2024
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Published: July 19, 2024

Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quantitative proteomics is an essential tool for understanding global protein expression and the mechanisms of biological processes and disease states.
However, achieving accurate and reliable quantitative results in proteomics can be challenging due to the complexity of biological samples, the dynamic range of protein abundances, and the need for robust and reproducible analytical workflows.
This tech note explores the integration of automated sample preparation, robust LC-MS/MS analysis, and advanced data analysis software to achieve high-throughput and accurate label-free quantitation.
Download this tech note to discover:
- Optimized workflows for proteomic analysis
- Advanced data analysis software for high-throughput and accurate label-free quantitation
- Enhanced protein identification and quantitative accuracy in DIA experiments
To develop and assess qualitative and quantitative performance of label-free
quantitation (LFQ) with an optimized data-independent acquisition (DIA) method on
a Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ Exploris 480 mass spectrometer using a long (60 min
active gradient), short (30 min active gradient), and high throughput (9 min active
gradient) method for large-scale proteomics analysis.
Quantitative proteomics is an essential tool for understanding global protein expression
and the mechanisms of biological processes and disease states. Accurately quantifying
the abundances of proteins of interest in complex samples is a prerequisite for
developing suitable statistical models to gain biological insights from experimental data
sets. Statistical significance is improved by decreasing variability in measurements
and/or increasing the sample set. However, increasing throughput means decreasing
acquisition time, which often comes at a cost to measurement quality. Therefore,
acquisition methods must be extensively optimized and validated to ensure that the data
will produce meaningful biological insights. Traditional data-dependent analysis (DDA)
approaches have been widely employed for LFQ experiments, but they suffer from runto-run inconsistencies due to intensity-based stochastic triggering of precursors, often
leading to under sampling especially of low-abundant proteins. Missing values become
more likely as sample size increases, DIA has emerged as a popular technique for large
scale quantitative analyses.
High-throughput high-resolution data-independent acquisition
workflow on an Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer for
accurate label-free quantitation
Kevin Yang1
, Julia Kraegenbring2
Julian Saba3
, Sally Webb1
Maciej Bromirski4
, and Amirmansoor Hakimi1
Thermo Fisher Scientific,
San Jose, California, USA
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany
Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Mississauga, ON, Canada
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Warsaw, Poland
Data-independent acquisition, DIA,
Velocity DIA, Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass
spectrometer, μPAC Neo HPLC column,
Vanquish Neo UHPLC, precision,
quantitation, accuracy, label-free
quantitation, LFQ, HeLa, CHIMERYS,
Spectronaut software, Proteome
Discoverer software
Technical note | 002684
In contrast to DDA, DIA addresses missing value concerns by
equally cycling through defined m/z windows along the survey
scan range. The inherent tradeoff between measurement
selectivity (isolation window size), frequency (cycle time),
scope (mass range), and sensitivity (ion accumulation time)
necessitates careful method optimization, and a suboptimal
combination of parameters can have disastrous consequences.
Additionally, the resulting spectral complexity of the mixed
precursor fragmentation and mixed product ions is often
addressed by employing large spectral libraries. However, recent
developments in data analysis software (e.g., using machinelearning approaches for in silico prediction of high-quality spectral
libraries) have made library-free approaches a valid time- and
cost-effective alternative.
The need for analyzing large numbers of samples, especially
in clinical and biomarker discovery studies, makes LFQ
DIA-based workflows an obvious choice for ensuring highthroughput and accurate quantitative analyses. A suitable
analytical workflow addresses the need for reproducible sample
preparation, robust separations, high-quality quantitative
measurements, and reliable data analysis.
To this end, we present the Velocity LFQ DIA workflow, an endto-end solution for quantitative proteomics (Figure 1 and Table 1).
Briefly, sample preparation can be automated to increase
throughput and decrease technical variability with the Thermo
Scientific™ AccelerOme™ sample preparation platform. Robust
LC-MS/MS analysis is performed on the Thermo Scientific™
Vanquish™ Neo UHPLC system with a Thermo Scientific™ μPAC™
Neo HPLC column coupled to an Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass
spectrometer. The Vanquish Neo UHPLC system combined
with the μPAC Neo HPLC column has been shown to increase
sensitivity and retention time stability.1
Additionally, the Orbitrap
Exploris 480 MS uses Orbitrap technology to deliver high
resolution measurements with low background ions and high
sensitivity. We compare multiple different analysis methods,
including Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ software
(v3.1.0.638) with CHIMERYS™ intelligent search algorithm by
MSAID. Overall, we demonstrate that the Velocity LFQ DIA
workflow on the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer
enables a high level of quantitative performance across short,
medium, and long gradients to meet a variety of experimental
In addition, in large cohort studies, a robust setup (separation
technology, column, and mass spectrometer) that can run
stably for an extended period is a necessity. The Vanquish Neo
UHPLC system delivers maximum performance for reproducible
and versatile LC-MS experiments. New technologies in
chromatographic separations also help achieve robustness.
Micropillar-array LC columns like the μPAC Neo HPLC column
have been shown to deliver increased sensitivity and higher
retention time stability,1
making them ideal candidates for setting
up a robust and reproducible workflow.
Aside from robustness and reproducibility, confidence in
identification and quantitation is an imperative for impactful
proteomics research. Confidence in quantitative results is driven
not only by ensuring accurate and precise measurements, but
also by careful data analysis and rigorous validation methods like
controlled strict false discovery rates (FDR). Thermo Scientific™
Orbitrap™ technology fulfills the prerequisites for confident
measurements by delivering both highly accurate mass as
well as high resolution, providing sensitivity and specificity in
an unparalleled manner. These two factors are key to reliable
identifications and the ability to accurately and precisely detect
and resolve ion species in complex DIA scans.
The challenge for applications in large-scale clinical studies
is to achieve high levels of performance for all these factors—
sensitivity, mass resolution, mass accuracy, quantitative
accuracy, and precision—while increasing sample throughput to
advance biological insights. In many cases, these performance
factors are influenced by counteracting method parameters,
and a fine balance must be found in an optimized setup to
best fulfill all these criteria. Here, we present a robust and
reproducible workflow on the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass
spectrometer for accurately quantifying and identifying hundreds
to thousands of proteins from single cell-line to complex sample
mixtures with a high background of human peptides (Figure 1 and
Table 1). The Velocity LFQ DIA workflow could be coupled with
the optional AccelerOme automated sample preparation platform
to improve throughput and minimize variations caused by manual
sample handling (Figure 1). The mass spectrometric method
was adopted to account for long gradient lengths (60 min active
gradient), short gradient lengths (30 min active gradient), and
high throughput (9 min active gradient) without compromising
identification rates at great quantitation accuracy and precision.
• Fisher Scientific™ LC-MS grade water with 0.1% formic acid
(P/N LS118-500)
• Fisher Scientific™ Optima™ LC-MS grade 80% acetonitrile with
0.1% formic acid (P/N LS122-500)
• Fisher Scientific™ Optima™ LC-MS grade 100% acetonitrile
with 0.1% formic acid (P/N LS120-212)
• Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ HeLa Protein Digest Standard
(P/N 88329)
• Waters™ MassPREP™ E. coli Digest Standard (P/N 186003196)
• Promega™ Mass Spec-Compatible Yeast Protein Extracts
(P/N V7461)
• Evosep Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ Adapter
(P/N EV1072)
• Evosep fused silica emitters 10 µm (P/N EV1111)
• Fluidics and consumables used to set up the Vanquish Neo
UHPLC system for direct injection are given in Table 1.
Workflow components Description
Liquid chromatography Vanquish Neo UHPLC system: Binary Pump N, Split Sampler NT, Solvent Rack, Vanquish System Controller,
System Base with drawer, Vanquish Display (P/N 6036.1180), Vanquish Split Sampler Sample Loop, 100 µL
(P/N 6252.1950), Vanquish Column Compartment N (P/N VN-C10-A-01)
Column µPAC Neo HPLC column, 50 cm, 180 µm bed width, 16 µm pillar length (P/N COL-NANO050NEOB)
Emitter • Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ Nano & Capillary adapter (P/N ES993)
• EvoSep Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ adapter (P/N EV1072)
• EvoSep Fused Silica Emitter (P/N EV1111)
Source Thermo Scientific™ EASY-Spray™ ion source (P/N ES082)
Mass spectrometer Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer
Data analysis software • Spectronaut™ 18 software (Biognosys)
• DIA-NN software (v1.8.1)
• Proteome Discoverer software using CHIMERYS (v3.1.0.638)
Figure 1. Graphical schematic of the Velocity DIA workflow for label-free quantitation on the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS together with the
optional AccelerOme automated sample preparation platform
Table 1. List of workflow components with part numbers
Sample preparation
Pierce HeLa Protein Digest Standard, Waters E. coli MassPREP
Standard and Promega Mass Spec-Compatible Yeast Protein
Digest were dissolved in 0.1% formic acid (FA) with 30 seconds
of vortexing. For the three-proteome mix, E. coli peptide digest
and yeast peptide digest were added to a fixed amount of HeLa
digest (325 ng) at amounts of 100 ng to 25 ng, and 75 ng to
150 ng, respectively, yielding an E. coli peptide ratio of 1:4 and a
yeast peptide ratio of 0.5:1 (Figure 2A and 2B).
LC-MS method
HeLa digest and three-proteome mixtures were loaded onto a
50 cm μPAC Neo HPLC column and separated at a 350 nL/min
flow rate in direct injection mode using a Vanquish Neo
UHPLC system over 9 min, 30 min, and 60 min active LC
gradients, respectively, before being transferred into the
Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer (Figure 2C).
Source parameters, including spray voltage and ion transfer tube
temperature, are tunable parameters and must be optimized
for the individual setup. The details of the LC gradient, LC
parameters, and MS method are reported in Table 2.
Vanquish Neo
UHPLC system
µPAC Neo
50 cm HPLC column
nano source
Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS
with FAIMS Pro interface
Velocity LFQ DIA
of choice
AccelerOme automated
sample preparation
Figure 2. Experimental sample and active gradient design of the Velocity LFQ DIA workflow for label-free quantitation. Two different sample
sets were used for assessing the identification and quantitative performance of the Velocity LFQ DIA workflow on the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS.
(A) 200 ng HeLa digest to access quantitation precision and proteome coverage of human samples. (B) The three-proteome mix contains a medium
human background of 325 ng HeLa peptides together with yeast and E. coli peptides digested in ratios of 0.5:1 and 1:4, respectively. The mixtures
have been chosen because they closely mimic biological samples with larger or smaller protein expression changes. (C) Three different active gradient
lengths, including 60 min, 30 min, and 9 min, were selected to develop the Velocity LFQ DIA workflow for different throughput needs. For the ultrahigh throughput 9 min active gradient setup, two methods were developed to obtain deep proteome coverage (Max ID) or excellent quantitation
performance (Max Quan).
200 ng HeLa digest
E. coli
Sample loading (ng)
Yeast 100
325 325
500 ng Proteome mix
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Relative abundance
60 min 30 min 9 min (Max ID) 9 min (Max Quan)
Active gradient
(A) (B)
Data analysis and post-processing
Acquired data was processed by Spectronaut 18 software
using a directDIA approach, DIA-NN (v1.8.1) or Proteome
Discoverer software (v3.1.0.638) using CHIMERYS intelligent
search algorithm by MSAID. For Spectronaut software, default
settings were used except that Cross-Run Normalization >
Normalization Filter Type was set to “FASTA name filter” and the
“FASTA name” was defined to be the human protein database.
Peptide and protein identifications were filtered for 1% FDR, and
a Q-value cutoff of 1% was used for the DIA analysis. FASTA files
for human, yeast, and E. coli were downloaded from UniProt™.
For analysis of the human protein group abundance ratios in the
three-proteome mix, the default filter “Absolute AVG Log2 Ratio”
in the candidate table was disabled.
For CHIMERYS in Proteome Discoverer software, default settings
were used for both the processing and consensus workflow. All
the PSM, peptides, and proteins were filtered at 1% FDR. For
the three-proteome mix, species map and species names were
set as True in the “Protein Marker” node. For DIA-NN software,
default settings were used for either direct DIA or library search.
The resulting candidate tables and report files for data searched
with either Spectronaut software and CHIMERYS in Proteome
Discoverer software were exported to .csv or .tsv files. The
ensuing tables were imported to Python™ or a spreadsheet for
downstream data analysis and visualization.
Results and discussion
The Velocity LFQ DIA workflow was initially developed on the
Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 240 Mass Spectrometer.2
Here we expand this workflow to Orbitrap Exploris 480
mass spectrometer (Figure 1). In addition, we also evaluated
the benefits of Thermo Scientific™ FAIMS Pro™ interface in
protein identification. Our results showed that the FAIMS Pro
interface allowed for an additional 5% increase in protein group
identifications (Figure 3). Consequently, the following experiments
were all coupled with the FAIMS Pro interface.
Separation column specifications (set in the Vanquish Neo system)
Inner diameter 75 µm
Length 50 cm
Maximum pressure 450 bar
Maximum flow 0.7 µL/min
Maximum temperature 60 °C
LC method (60 min method duration)
Gradient Time (min) %B
0 4
45 30
60 45
60.0–64.9 97.5
64.9–65 4
LC parameters Flow rate 350 nL/min
Column temperature 50 °C
Fast loading/equilibration PressureControl
Pressure loading/equilibration 350 bar
Equilibration factor 2.0
Sampler temperature 7 °C
Table 2. Summary of all LC and MS method parameters. Parameters not mentioned in the table are set to default values.
LC method (30 min method duration)
Gradient Time (min) %B
0 4
22.5 30
30 45
30.1–33.0 97.5
33.0–33.1 4
LC parameters Flow rate 350 nL/min
Column temperature 50 °C
Fast loading/equilibration PressureControl
Pressure loading/equilibration 350 bar
Equilibration factor 2.0
Sampler temperature 7 °C
LC method (9 min method duration)
Gradient Time (min) %B
0 4
0–7.5 30
7.5–9.0 45
9.0–12 97.5
LC parameters Flow rate 350 nL/min
Column temperature 50 °C
Fast loading/equilibration PressureControl
Pressure loading/equilibration 350 bar
Equilibration factor 2.0
Sampler temperature 7 °C
MS method for 30 and 60 min (Application mode “peptide”)
Use ion source settings from Tune True
Expected peak width 10
Advanced peak determination True
Default charge state 2
Resolution MS1
/MS2 60,000/15,000
Scan range (m/z) MS1 400–900
Scan range (m/z) MS2 145–1,450
Normalized AGC target (%) MS1
/MS2 300/800
Maximum injection time mode
/MS2 Auto
Isolation window (m/z) 12
Window overlap (m/z) 1
Window placement optimization On
Normalized HCD Collision Energy (%) 30
MS method for 9 min MaxID (Application mode “peptide”)
Use ion source settings from Tune True
Expected peak width 10
Advanced peak determination True
Default charge state 2
Resolution MS1
/MS2 60,000/15,000
Scan range (m/z) MS1 400–800
Scan range (m/z) MS2 145–1,450
Normalized AGC target (%) MS1
/MS2 300/800
Maximum injection time mode
/MS2 Auto
Isolation window (m/z) 8
Window overlap (m/z) 1
Window placement optimization On
Normalized HCD Collision Energy (%) 30
MS method for 9 min MaxQuan (Application mode “peptide”)
Use ion source settings from Tune True
Expected peak width 10
Advanced peak determination True
Default charge state 2
Resolution MS1
/MS2 60,000/30,000
Scan range (m/z) MS1 650–770
Scan range (m/z) MS2 145–1450
Normalized AGC target (%) MS1
/MS2 300/800
Maximum injection time mode
/MS2 Auto
Isolation window (m/z) 12
Window overlap (m/z) 1
Window placement optimization On
Normalized HCD Collision Energy (%) 30
Figure 4. Determination of proteome coverage and quantitation precision of the human proteome. (A-C) Bar charts showing the number of
proteins and peptides identified from 200 ng HeLa digests with different active gradients evaluated in the present study. (D-F) Violin plots of all four
tested methods reveal high precision of protein quantities in technical replicates. Data was analyzed with Spectronaut software (left panel), CHIMERYS
on Proteome Discoverer software (middle panel), or DIA-NN (right panel).
The initial set of experiments consisted of maximizing
identification and quantitative performance for various active
gradients of 9, 30, and 60 minutes for tryptically digested HeLa
standards (Figure 2C). With the 30 min active gradient, 6,300+
proteins and 40,000+ peptides were identified, along with a
protein group CV of approximately 5% (Figure 4), suggesting that
a 30 min active gradient method provides the perfect amount
of time to achieve throughput while maximizing identification
and quantitative performance. We extended this workflow to
a 60 min active gradient and successfully identified close to
7,200 proteins and >60,000 peptides, highlighting that deeper
proteome coverage can be achieved in the Velocity LFQ DIA
workflow by using a longer gradient. We also performed a 9 min
active gradient to develop an ultra-high throughput method. For
the 9 min active gradient experiments, we focused on developing
two methods. One for maximizing identifications (Max ID) and
the other for maximizing quantitative (Max Quan) performance.
In the Max ID method, we were able to identify 5,500+ proteins
in a 9 min active gradient, highlighting the sensitivity and
scanning speed of the Orbitrap mass spectrometer in a high
throughput setup. In contrast, the Max Quan method, although it
compromised proteome coverage, provided better quantitation
performance, as evidenced by ~6% protein group CV in such an
ultra-high throughput setup (Figure 4).
To understand if a higher load benefits the Velocity LFQ DIA
workflow in maximizing identification, 500 ng of HeLa digest was
analyzed with the 60 min active gradient experiments. The results
indicated 7,400+ protein groups were identified, with CV being
<5% (Figure 5). Thus, we recommend injecting 500 ng of digest,
if possible, to maximize the performance of the Velocity LFQ DIA
experiment and thus obtain higher quality data.
(A) (B) (C)
(D) (E) (F)
Spectronaut software Proteome Discoverer software using CHIMERYS DIA-NN
Figure 3. Evaluation of the FAIMS Pro interface in the Velocity LFQ
DIA workflow. Box plots depicting the number of proteins and peptides
identified from 200 ng of HeLa digest in the 30 min active gradient method
with the FAIMS Pro interface at a CV of -45 V. Data were analyzed with
(A) Spectronaut software, (B) Proteome Discoverer software using
Figure 5. A long gradient coupled with a higher sample load affords the superior performance in the
Velocity LFQ DIA workflow. (A) Bar chart of protein groups identified from 500 ng of HeLa digest in the 60 min
active gradient method and analyzed with different software demonstrate even deeper proteome coverage.
(B) Violin plots reveal high precision of protein quantities in technical replicates. Data was analyzed with
Spectronaut software (left), Proteome Discoverer software using CHIMERYS (middle), or DIA-NN (right).
High accuracy and precision of quantitation
In addition to protein identification, quantitative data is necessary
to study biomarkers and get biological insights. The quantitative
data must be highly precise and accurate to reflect subtle
changes in biological systems. Distorted quantitation will mislead
the direction of biomedical research and cause significant waste
of resources down the road. Our results from the HeLa digest
indicated a protein CV of approximately 4–5%, suggesting
excellent quantitation precision.
To test the reliability of quantitation accuracy, in this data set,
we used two samples with different amounts of spiked microbial
proteins to mimic biological samples where proteins might be
up- or downregulated under different conditions. We tested the
quantitative performance for different active gradients (9, 30,
and 60 min). The Velocity LFQ DIA workflow used for relative
quantitation of E. coli and yeast proteomes in a high amount
of human peptides as background yields excellent quantitation
accuracy across all ratios with median values extremely close to
the theoretical ratios, as well as a narrow distribution of all data
points around the median values, indicating high quantitative
accuracy and precision of the workflow (Figure 6).
Additionally, the three-proteome mix experiment further highlights
the proteome depth that can be achieved with an Orbitrap mass
spectrometer. In the 60 min active gradient, >10,000 protein
groups were identified. The numbers of quantified proteins
differ by species, with nearly 7,200 human protein groups,
approximately 2,800 yeast protein groups, and close to 870
E. coli protein groups (Figure 6). The data demonstrated deep
proteome coverage and excellent quantitation accuracy afforded
by the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer.
Evaluating data processing software in DIA analysis
Being able to accurately quantify protein abundances and
achieve high proteome coverage are important prerequisites
for investigating the underlying mechanisms and proteins of
interest in biological processes. However, protein grouping
and identification must be confident to avoid false positives as
much as possible. The data analysis and post-processing of the
analysis results are therefore essential for meaningful LFQ results.
To assess data analysis software, we used the commercially
available Spectronaut 18 software as a benchmark to evaluate
Proteome Discoverer software with CHIMERYS (v3.1.0.638) and
DIA-NN (v1.8.1),3
an academic software package (Figures 4-6).
For the three-proteome mix, 7,000+ to 9,700+ protein groups
were identified in the 30 min active gradient experiment across
different software. For the 60 min active gradient, the number of
protein groups spans from ~7,000 to >10,800 (Figure 6). Thus,
software should be taken into account when accessing the
performance of mass spectrometers.
Library-based search in DIA proteomics enhances proteome
coverage and improves peptide identification. To evaluate if
Velocity LFQ DIA data can be benefited from library search,
we generated a general library using Pulsar on Spectronaut 18
software from single shots of 12 cell lines acquired on a Thermo
Scientific™ Orbitrap™ Astral™ mass spectrometer. The raw files
were reprocessed with library-based search on DIA-NN. In line
with the benefits of library-based search, we observed a 3–10%
increase in protein identification from results searched by using
DIA-NN (v1.8.1) depending on the LC gradient (Figure 7).
(A) (B)
Figure 7. Library search improved proteome coverage. Bar charts showing the
number of protein groups gained through library search by using DIA-NN
Figure 6. Determination of microbial and human protein abundance ratios in a three-proteome mixture. Bar plots showing the total
protein groups identified from three-proteome mix in different active gradients and whisker box plots of protein abundance ratios of all three
species demonstrate excellent quantitation accuracy by being consistent with the theoretical ratios (gray dotted line). Data was analyzed with
Spectronaut software (A), Proteome Discoverer software using CHIMERYS (B), and DIA-NN (C).
Spectronaut software
Proteome Discoverer software using CHIMERYS
General Laboratory Equipment – Not For Diagnostic Procedures. © 2024 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All
rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. CHIMERYS
is a trademark of MSAID GmbH. Waters and MassPREP are trademarks of Waters Corp. Promega is a trademark of Promega Corp.
Spectronaut is a trademark of Biognosys. Python is a trademark of the Python Software Foundation. UniProt is a trademark of the
European Molecular Biology Laboratory. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific
products. It is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manner that might infringe the intellectual property rights of
others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local
sales representative for details. TN002684-EN 0124S
Learn more at thermofisher.com/orbitrapvelocitydia
The high-resolution DIA workflow for LFQ setup on an Orbitrap
Exploris 480 mass spectrometer coupled to a Vanquish Neo
HPLC system running with a 50 cm μPAC Neo UHPLC column
was shown to fulfill the following performance criteria:
• Excellent quantitation accuracy and precision for small
amounts of bacterial and fungal proteomes from challenging
sample matrices
• Sample throughput and quality of the obtained data while
achieving high proteome coverage
1. Stadlmann, J.; Hudecz, O.; Krššáková, G. et al. Improved Sensitivity in Low-Input
Proteomics Using Micropillar Array-Based Chromatography. Anal. Chem. 2019, 91(22),
14203–14207. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02899
2. Thermo Scientific Technical Note 1251 (TN1251): High-throughput high-resolution
data-independent acquisition workflow for accurate label-free quantitation. https://
3. Demichev, V.; Messner, C.B.; Vernardis, S.I. et al. DIA-NN: neural networks and
interference correction enable deep proteome coverage in high throughput.
Nat. Methods 2020, 1, 41–44. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-019-0638-x
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