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Gloved hand of a lab worker holding four test tubes of blood.

Extended Blood Typing Needed for Improving Transfusion Safety

Explore how high-throughput DNA-based genotyping can offer a cost-effective way to screen extended blood types.
Scatter graph showing the correlation between students' chemistry and math scores.

Spearman Rank Correlation

In this article, we will explore the theory, assumptions and interpretation of Spearman’s rank correlation, a flexible statistical tool that assesses the strength and direction of the relationship between two quantitative, ranked variables.
The Hosts of This Podcast Will Kill You.

“This Podcast Will Kill You” Hosts Talk Successful Science Communication, Overcoming Failure and Quarantinis

Gain advice on building a career in science podcasting, overcoming "failure" in academia and thriving as a woman in science with the hosts of "This Podcast Will Kill You", Dr. Erin Welsh and Dr. Erin Allman Updkye.
A young baby curled up asleep in the hands of a man and a woman.

Mycotoxin Exposure and Early Life Gut Microbiome Development in Nigerian Neonates and Infants

Interactions between mycotoxins and the gut microbiome are complex and can contribute to their impact. Nigerian mother–infant dyads were recruited to investigate potential influences of mycotoxins' on the gut microbiota during early development.
Illustration of data that may be analyzed by Fisher's exact test, here icons represent males and females voting for and against.

The Fisher’s Exact Test

In this article, we explore the theory, assumptions and interpretation of the Fisher’s exact test, used to investigate associations between two categorical, binary variables with small sample sizes, and take you through a worked example.
A gloved hand pipettes liquid into a petri dish

Microbial Monitoring for Biopharma Manufacturing

Contamination is a significant issue for bioprocessing as it results in loss of time, money and effort. This article will explore the pivotal role of microbial monitoring in upholding product safety and quality standards within the biopharmaceutical industry.
Group of female scientists standing together in a laboratory.

Reversing the Tide To Provide More Opportunity for Women in STEM

How do we reverse the tide and break down the barriers that are impeding women and girls in STEM? Courtney Noah explores the possible solutions in this opinion piece.
Artistic representation of an antibody-producing plasma cell helping to fight invading pathogens.

B Cells, Memory B Cells and Plasma Cells: B Cell Activation, Development and the B Cell Receptor

The adaptive immune system is highly specific. In this article, we focus on B cells, and discuss their development, their roles and what happens when they don’t function as they should.
Close up of a syringe drawing liquid from a vial.

Transformative Technologies in Vaccine Manufacturing

Vaccines are the most cost-effective strategy to prevent and suppress global infections. This article explores innovative strategies and technologies shaping the production of vaccines, ensuring rapid development, scalability and global accessibility.
Abstract human surrounded by metabolites.

How Advances in Metabolomics Are Driving Disease Research

This article takes a look at some of the latest developments and emerging applications in the metabolomics field.