Latest eBooks
Uncover New Drug Targets Through Cell Metabolism
Dysfunctional metabolism is associated with a growing number of different disease states. The ability to examine the genes, proteins and pathways that modulate energy metabolism is therefore a promising new avenue for drug discovery.
Which Level of Biosafe Lab Do You Need?
Working at the correct safety level depending on the given organism or toxin you are working with in a biosafety lab is essential to minimize the risk of laboratory-associated infections and contamination of the environment. Each biosafety level has its associated risk assessments, microbiological practices and containment procedures for you to follow.
Five Steps to a Biosafe Lab
Maintaining high-level biosafety laboratories is key in protecting public health, scientific research and national biosecurity. However, when working with infectious agents and toxins, there is so much more to consider than just the physical design and build of a lab.
Using Immune Cell Metabolism To Build Next-Generation Cell Therapies
Greater appreciation for the complex and dynamic connections between metabolic poise and immune cell function enables researchers to monitor and control how metabolic reprogramming
Microplate-based Cellular Assays
Cell-based assays offer extensive advantages across multiple fields of research, advantages that can be maximised by the specialised features and high throughput capabilities of microplate readers.
Your Guide To Efficiently Develop Antibody-Based Therapeutics
In the “Quality by Design” approach for monoclonal antibody (mAb)-based therapeutics development, stability characterization—the probability of a protein unfolding—is performed to ensure that structure and function are preserved throughout development and manufacturing.
Large Insights Into Microorganisms
Traditionally, microorganisms have been studied through culturing individual species or strains using artificial culture media; however, of the ~10 million species so far catalogued, only ~10,000 have been cultured in the laboratory.
Evaluating Immune Cell Therapy Potency
Download this eBook to learn more about the tools available for evaluating immune cell therapy potency.
Get Ahead of the Infectious Disease Arms Race
Understanding of infectious diseases has increased exponentially, but the challenge of keeping up with variants, mutations and novel pathogens is still significant. The immune response is far more diverse than assumed—every step involves a range of different responses.
Resolve Cancer With Single-Cell and Spatial Multiomics
Traditional approaches have enabled researchers to make great strides in understanding the complexities of cancer biology, and to translate ground-breaking discoveries into lifesaving cancer treatments and therapies.