Latest Magazines

The Scientific Observer Issue 38
This issue explores the cutting-edge advancements that are driving the future of drug discovery and development.

The Scientific Observer Issue 37
Our feature article explores the process of immune system aging, asking whether there is anything we can do to slow the aging clock and boost immune function.
We also explore new long COVID research and highlight the latest progress in the fight against HIV – and so much more.
We also explore new long COVID research and highlight the latest progress in the fight against HIV – and so much more.

Sterisart® Universal | Gen 4 (Full Brochure)
The Sterisart® Gen 4 Pump features a compact, universal design that easily fits into various workspaces, including benchtops in laminar airflow cabinets, RABS, and sterility testing isolators. Select the model that meets your needs with the convenience of built-in upgradability.

Sterisart® Universal | Gen 4 (Specification Sheet)
The Sterisart® Universal | Gen 4 pump, designed for barrier environments, enables precise, sterile sample transfers and features advanced software for compliant, paperless documentation, catering to modern lab needs.

The Scientific Observer Issue 35
This issue dives deep into the hearts and minds of our youngest generation, confronting the impact of eco-anxiety and identifying ways to foster resilience in young people in the face of uncertainty.

The Scientific Observer Issue 32
In this issue of The Scientific Observer, we’re focusing on synthetic biology – a field that fuses biology and engineering to produce biological systems with novel abilities. Find out how nature’s tools – when redesigned – can support humanity’s efforts to develop therapeutics, combat global issues such as climate change and much more.

The Scientific Observer Issue 31
In issue 31, we’re exploring the expanding realm of oncology. From the use of AI in cancer studies, to a story of tragic loss that inspired one scientist’s quest to find a cure, we’re uncovering the latest advances in cancer research and more.

The Scientific Observer Issue 27
This month’s issue of The Scientific Observer dives into cutting-edge research that is shaping our planet and modern medicine, from psychedelics, microplastics and fertility to precision microbiome editing.

The Scientific Observer Issue 25
With 90% of novel drug candidates never reaching the clinic, the need for new and effective therapeutics has never been more pressing. This month’s feature article discusses how rapid developments in AI and automation platforms provide new tools for probing the complexities of biology and accelerating drug development.

The Scientific Observer Issue 24
We’re exploring the burgeoning problem of microplastics, learning how scientists are mapping the billion cells in the human brain and diving into the interesting link between birth method and microbiome.