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IBIS' SPR Technology Brings New Efficiency Levels to Antibody Profiling

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AIMM Therapeutics B.V. (AIMM) and IBIS Technologies B.V. (IBIS) have announced the acquisition and implementation of IBIS' MX96 System. This is the most up to date generation of array-based SPR detection instrumentation available in the market, and delivers unprecedented efficiency improvements in antibody characterization.

AIMM is a "spin-out" of the Netherlands Cancer Institute and the Academic Medical Center at the University of Amsterdam that develops high quality human monoclonal antibodies to treat diseases with a high, unmet medical need.

AIMM exploits proprietary technologies to generate stable monoclonal cell lines of human antibody-producing B cells against infectious agents.

AIMM uses the unique multiplexing capability of the IBIS MX96 System in rapid but also comprehensive characterization of antibodies generated from its proprietary B-cell libraries.

The IBIS technology uniquely offers a level of flexibility in terms of assay configuration, and overcomes the screening workflow constraints often imposed by traditional protein-binding analysis technologies.

"Utilizing the multiplexing capabilities, in accordance with the latest published methods, will also afford AIMM the most accurate SPR-based approach to defining the affinities of their antibodies", states Dr Richard Schasfoort, Chief Scientific Officer of IBIS.

Dr Richard Schasfoort states, "Our new generation of imaging SPR platforms represents the unique convergence of a variety of technical developments. This means that companies that depend on interaction analysis in the development of antibody therapeutics can now benefit from unprecedented levels of sample analysis, data accuracy and enhanced productivity".

"I am very excited for AIMM to be investing in this latest platform from IBIS", says Tim Beaumont, PI within AIMM. Implementation of this system is already increasing productivity and consistency of the antibodies derived from our screening activities, allowing us to capture greater value from the antibody platform originally developed by AIMM's Chief Scientific Officer, Professor Herger Spits".

IBIS focuses on development and application of new innovations in the area of imaging SPR analysis. These have been incorporated into a new generation of instrumentation platforms allowing exploitation by users in their own R&D facilities, or by accessing IBIS' contract screening services.

Enhanced productivity is also being recognized in areas beyond therapeutic antibody selection and optimization, including multiplexed biomarker discovery and diagnostic assay development.