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Battery Science – News and Features


Key Mechanism in Energy and Information Storage

Observing how hydrogen is absorbed into individual palladium nanocubes, Stanford materials scientists have detailed a key step in storing energy and information in nanomaterials.

NanoKTN Brokerage and Support Services Secure Over £82m in Projects

Nanotechnology creating vibrant self-sustaining UK SME community.

Nanotechnology may be Key to Solar Energy and Energy Storage

New IEC and Fraunhofer ISI study finds that nanotechnology will bring significant benefits to energy sector.

Proton Flow Battery Advances Hydrogen Power

Researchers have developed a concept hydrogen battery based simply on storing protons produced by splitting water.

ZEISS Acquires Xradia

X-ray microscopy solutions close the gap between light and electron microscopy.

NETZSCH Earns a Prestigious R&D 100 Award

New instrument is designed to test the performance and safety of Large Format Li-Ion Batteries.

As Fuel Cells Evolve, a Role Emerges for Palladium

Researchers have taken another step toward the development of low-temperature, lower-cost alkaline fuel cells, which are battery-like devices that convert oxygen and hydrogen into electricity and heat.

Bayer MaterialScience Strengthens Position in Carbon Nanotubes

License agreement with U.S.-based company Hyperion concluded.

Energy Storage – The Hot Topic Facing Chemical Engineers

ACHEMA’s Special Show in 2012 will focus on the theme of “Innovative Energy Carriers and Storage” principally because modern day life is increasingly becoming dependent on the all pervasive need for ever more efficient energy storage.

McMaster University Orders two FEI Titan™ S/TEMs

Systems will serve Canada’s National Facility for Ultrahigh-Resolution Electron Microscopy.