Biomarkers – Multimedia
How To Guide
10 Tips for Quantifying Immunohistochemistry Staining
Immunohistochemistry is a powerful tool used to advance our understanding of fundamental biology, pathology, and drug responses. Here we expose 10 tips to help you design a strategy for analyzing your images.
Startup Slam: The Dragons’ Den of Biopharma in Europe
Of 60 applications from across 17 countries, there were eight finalists who participated in the 'Startup Slam' — the Dragons' Den of Biopharma. Representatives of biotech companies presented to a jury of leading investors, pharma deal-makers and biotech business key opinion leaders at the BIO-Europe conference in Copenhagen, November 2018.
PromethION in action, in labs around the world
The PromethION is Oxford Nanopore Technologies' largest sequencing device, capable of delivering many terabases of data, in real time, from a single run. Hear how teams across a broad range of applications, based in labs all over the world — US (UCSF, UCD, JCVI and UCSC), China (GrandOmics and Biomarker) and Europe (KeyGene, Genescope and UMC Utrecht) — are using PromethION in their work.
App Note / Case Study
Antibody-Oligonucleotide (Ab-Oligo) Conjugate Preparation and Applications
This application note will explain best practices and uses for Expedeon's antibody-oligonucleotide conjugates.
The Biomarkers Which Could be Used to Spot Alzheimer’s Earlier
In this video, Sophie discusses the 'biomarkers' which could be used to spot Alzheimer's in its early stages.
How To Guide
How To Optimize a Preclinical Vaccine Trial
Ok, this is the moment you have been waiting for – since the beginning of your scientific career – you finally get to vaccinate something. Download this guide for tips on how to optimize a preclinical vaccine trial.
App Note / Case Study
Simple Plex: The Hands-Free, Low-Volume, Microfluidic ELISA Alternative [Application Note]
Standard ELISA techniques for detecting protein biomarkers in serum or other biological samples can leave you with sensitivity that doesn’t quite cut it, analyte cross-reactivity, and reproducibility that’s ok at best.
Lymphatic Wall Remodeling with Systemic and Tissue-Associated Inflammation in Obese Zucker Rats
Obesity Leads to Lymphatic Wall Remodeling and Systemic and Tissue-Associated Inflammation in Zucker Rats
Internet-Based Biomarker Collection Feasibility: Experiences of a Tobacco Cessation Program for People Living with HIV
This project introduces video-conferencing as a method for biomarker collection in research and will explain how biomarker collection via video-conferencing was implemented in a pilot ehealth intervention.
Fighting Cancer with Immuno-oncology and Quantitative Pathology
Discover how scientists are harnessing the body's own immune system to fight cancer, and how they are using quantitative pathology solutions from PerkinElmer to better understanding the interactions between the immune system and cancer, and to identify biomarkers for translational research.