Drug Kinetics – Multimedia
Kinetic Analysis: Spotting the Weakest Binders
Designing and performing assays that accurately measure small molecule binding kinetics is an important part of the drug discovery process. It allows researchers to predict the efficacy of potential novel therapeutics and make quick decisions about weak binders.
App Note / Case Study
Assess Small Molecule Kinetics and Affinity in Just One Step
This application note demonstrates how reliable kinetics and affinity can be obtained from single measurement data, increasing sample throughput and saving sample material.
App Note / Case Study
Determining Real-Time Kinetics and Affinity
This compendium serves as a user-friendly reference for assay design on both bio-layer interferometry (BLI) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) systems.
App Note / Case Study
Streamline Your Metabolite Identification and Clearance Analyses
Discover an automated solution for the consolidation and ranking of your metabolite structures. Explore a workflow that utilizes both EAD and CID data for the most confident characterization and streamlined data acquisition.
How To Guide
Revolutionary Binding Kinetics Analysis
Conventional bioassays often require labeled detection reagents to provide a measurable readout. However, modifications to molecular structure and/or function can skew results, and non-specific binding of the labels themselves can lead to an unwanted background signal.
App Note / Case Study
Identifying Metabolites With Confidence
Understanding the effects of in vitro drug metabolism is a key aspect of drug discovery and development. However, researchers must be able to make confident decisions quickly and easily.
App Note / Case Study
Reach New Levels of Metabolite Characterization
Early ADME studies are used to determine if a drug candidate is prone to metabolic breakdown or oxidation/conjugation.
Design Intricacies and Decision Making Strategy for Drug Drug Interaction Studies
Conducting in vitro ADME drug-drug interaction (DDI) studies early on in the drug development process is more than simply a box checking exercise to satisfy regulatory requirements. The information provided by these studies provides a deeper understanding of the molecule to the drug developer helping to inform go or no-go decisions early on.
Highlights of the In Vitro Sections of the Draft ICH Drug Interaction Studies Guideline and Comparison with Current Guidance
Hear expert Dr. Brian Ogilvie discuss the differences between current in vitro drug-drug interaction guidance from the relevant US FDA, EMA and PMDA guidance documents, and how to plan drug development strategies to meet the ICH M12 guideline.
App Note / Case Study
Sensitive Analysis of a PROTAC Degrader in Rat Plasma
Proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) degraders are used to treat drug-resistant targets via targeted protein degradation.