Electrophysiology – Products
Product News
Metrion Biosciences and AMRI Collaborate to Offer Ion Channel Drug Discovery Services
Agreement enables customers to access a broader range of drug discovery expertise.
A Look at How a New B-27 Plus Formulation Improves Primary Neuron Survival and Neural Network Activity
Want to improve the reliability of your neuronal cell culture experiments by increasing survival of the neurons?
Product News
Axol Bioscience Launch Human iPSC-derived Atrial Cardiomyocytes
A consistent and reproducible model for drug development, toxicity testing and disease modelling applications.
Product News
TriNetX Unveils Natural Language Processing Service
Combines EMR and NLP data to deliver the industry’s most comprehensive data set for cohort analysis and site selection.
Product News
Alderley Park’s ApconiX Acheives Five-Fold Turnover Boost Via Pharma Sector Demand for Drug Safety Expertise
Alderley Park-based ApconiX – a nonclinical safety company working with the pharmaceutical sector – has achieved a five-fold sales increase in its second year of trading, far exceeding its predicted annual forecast.
App Note / Case Study
HumSilencer Eliminates Electrical Hum Without Causing Signal Distortion
HumSilencer removes the most common source of background noise in electrophysiology experiments. This App note explains how.
Product News
Improved Detection of Suboptimal Quality, Toxicity in IVF Components and Media
MEGA™ assay provides better insight for improved quality control testing.
Product News
Prior Scientific Announces Exhibits at Two Major Microscopy Shows
Prior Scientific will be exhibiting its latest motorised stages, focus motors, sample loading systems and other equipment for precision microscopy, at the forthcoming Focus on Microscopy & Microscience and Microscopy Congress shows.
Simultaneous Multiple Patch Electrode Recording
Simultaneously Recording From Four Neurons Using PatchStar & MicroStar Manipulators.
Paired Blind Polytrode and Juxtacellular Recordings In Vivo
Description of a straightforward approach to achieving blind paired electrophysiological recordings in vivo