Exosomes – News and Features
Bioactive Ink Helps Wounds Heal Quickly and Effectively
Researchers have developed a wound-healing ink that can actively encourage the body to heal by exposing the cut to immune-system vesicles.
Cancers in Far-Off Organs Can Alter Liver Function
Cancers often release molecules into the bloodstream that pathologically alter the liver, shifting it to an inflammatory state, causing fat buildup and impairing its normal detoxifying functions.
Scientists Call for Tighter Regulation of Stem Cell Treatments
After finding hundreds of clinics worldwide offering unproven stem cell "therapies" for conditions including Parkinson's and hair loss, scientists are calling for tighter regulation of stem cell treatments.
Novel Method Screens Urine Samples for Proteins Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
A team of researchers has developed a technique that may reveal signs of Parkinson’s disease in urine samples.
How a Fatty Liver Can Promote Colorectal Cancer Spread
Researchers have detailed, at the cellular level, how fatty liver promotes the spread of colorectal cancer to the liver, which could change how the disease is managed in some patients.
Reverting Adult Cardiac Fibroblasts to Their Neonatal Phenotype Improves Reprogramming Efficacy
A recent study using mice has revealed a way to turn back the clock after heart attack. The researchers behind the work used RNAs to instruct cells in an injured heart to eliminate scar tissue and recreate cardiac muscle, allowing the heart to function like new again.
How Brain Cells Shuttle Materials Through Neuronal Borders
For the first time, researcher have reported how a specific type of brain cells –oligodendrocyte-lineage cells – transfer material to neuronal cells.
Extracellular Vesicles Boost T-Cell Response to Infection
Research shows that extracellular vesicles play an important part in the stimulation of T cells.
Applications of Liquid Biopsy in Cancer and Beyond
Liquid biopsies are becoming an increasingly important tool for the early detection, prognosis and monitoring of treatment outcomes in cancer, and hold the promise of transforming the management of other diseases in the future.
Researchers Suggest Explanation for Postmenopausal Weight Gain
New research has found that a reduction in estrogen receptors in the heart results in obesity in female mice, but not male mice – findings that may provide important health insights for postmenopausal women.