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LIMS and ELNs – News and Features

Human hand holding a virtual globe surrounded by icons representing digitalization.

Enhancing Process and Parameter Control for Accelerated Time to Patient

This article explores how digital maturity in process design and parameter management can drive significant time and cost savings, streamline tech transfers and ultimately accelerate patient access to critical treatments.
Scientist holding a tablet with a virtual display showing an image of AI and a human.
Industry Insight

Going Mobile in the Lab

Labs have been using "mobile devices" – paper and pencil – for centuries. Now it's time to embrace "modern" mobile devices.
Biobanking Quality Management Systems and Best Practices
Industry Insight

Biobanking Quality Management Systems and Best Practices

As we discussed in our last post, the Role of Biobanking in Protecting Sample Chain of Custody, biobanks serve as biospecimen libraries as well as sample data, validation, and reference sources for both research and clinical labs.
DNA double helix being held in an upturned, cupped hand.

Analytical Tools for Profiling Future-Oriented Oligonucleotide Therapeutics

As the field of oligonucleotide therapeutics continues to evolve, the integration of robust analytical tools will be essential in advancing personalized medicine and improving patient outcomes across a wide range of diseases.
Scientist crouching next to a river using a glass beaker to collect a water sample.

Navigating Compliance and Quality Standards Requirements With a LIMS for Water Testing Labs

This article explores the key regulations water testing labs have to follow and looks at how a LIMS can help them meet compliance and quality standards.
Vintage Apple Macintosh computer set among ornate wooden furniture, representing the Museum of Analytical Antiquities.

The Museum of Analytical Antiquities

This article suggests ways to keep your analytical systems current and compliant and explores why this is so important.

Computer Software Assurance: Perfect Solution or Confidence Trick?

This article takes an analytical approach to the various CSA claims to determine if CSA used in regulated pharmaceutical laboratories can be the perfect solution or is a confidence trick.
Data and AI symbols floating above a laptop.

How Will Automation and Digital Technology Shape the Lab of the Future?

This article discusses the roadblocks preventing labs from utilizing transformative technologies and evaluates how digitization and automation will continue to shape the research landscape.
RNA Polymerase II transcribing DNA into RNA.
Industry Insight

Getting New Drug Modalities to Market: How Can Your Data Strategy Help?

This article explores the revolution in new drug modalities and the challenges around effective data strategies to support AI efforts.
Two young female scientists work on a laptop.

The New Technologies Changing the Face of Data Integrity in Drug Discovery

As research datasets become larger and harder to handle, maintaining data integrity standards is more important than ever. This article will feature interviews with experts and discuss the latest advances in the area.