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Microplastics – News and Features


The War on Plastics: Is It Too Little Too Late?

With UK Prime Minister Theresa May announcing today that UK supermarkets must have a plastic free aisle as part of her government’s 25-year environmental improvement plan, it is the latest in a line of reforms seeking to reduce the harmful plastic contamination that has become a worldwide scourge.

Taste, Not Appearance, Drives Corals to Eat Plastics

Scientists have long known that marine animals mistakenly eat plastic debris because the tiny bits of floating plastic might look like prey. Scientists have now shown though that in corals this potentially harmful behaviour occurs because chemicals in the plastic make it tasty.

Washing Clothes Releases Microplastic Particles

Research suggests that over 700,000 microfibres could be released in waste water with every run of a domestic washing machine.

Three Quarters of the Population Believe That Food in Germany is Safe

According to the latest survey results, consumers rate climate change and / or environmental pollution as the most significant risks to health.

Rhine One of the Most Polluted Rivers Worldwide

Between Basel and Rotterdam, the Rhine has one of the highest microplastics pollution so far measured in rivers, with the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area showing peak numbers of up to four times the average.

Finding Even the Tiniest Plastics in the Sea

Two students have developed a method that can measure the microplastics that other methods overlook.

Pilot Study Reveals New Findings About Microplastics in Wastewater

The findings demonstrate that treatment plants cannot keep microplastics out of wastewater by conventional means.

Microplastic Transfers Toxic Levels of Chemicals

With global production of plastic exceeding 280 metric tons every year, a fair amount of the stuff is bound to make its way to the natural environment.