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Multiomics – News and Features


New Way to Control Protein Activity could Lead to Cancer Therapies, Stanford Study Shows

Scientists have found a way to quickly and reversibly fine-tune the activity of individual proteins in cells and living mammals.

New Center Aims to Unravel the Molecular Complexities of Biological Systems

Understanding biology at the systems level is difficult, especially when studying complex specimens like tissue slices or communities of organisms in a biofilm.

Cellumen to Collaborate with the NCTR of the FDA to Apply Cellular Systems Biology to Predictive Toxicology

Cellumen will use its proprietary CellCiphr® toxicity risk assessment technology to profile blinded samples of known liver toxicity compounds.

GeneGo Extends Agreement with Merck & Co.

The agreement provides Merck with access to GeneGo's content through MetaBase and GeneGo's internal database of disease biomarkers.

Genetic 'Tag Team' Keeps Cells on Cycle

Researchers uncovered new evidence that a network of influential genes acts as a kind of genetic tag team to the cell cycle.

Genedata and FRISYS Turn Over new Leaf in Systems Biology Collaboration

Within the FRISYS framework, Genedata`s Phylosopher system has been applied to integrate public, experimental and in-licensed data.

An award for young scientists in a young discipline

At the Conference for Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells (SBMC) in Dresden, Germany, outstanding dissertations will be honored with the MTZ®- Award for medical Systems Biology.

Freiburg University Licenses Ariadne Pathway Studio® Enterprise

Albert-Ludwigs University licenses Pathway Studio Enterprise system with the ResNet database of molecular interactions extracted from PubMed.

GeneGo Rolls out MetaMiner Cystic Fibrosis

GeneGo claims that it has released a first of its kind software and database platform designed to help advance drug discovery for cystic fibrosis.

Affymetrix Signs Agreement with Avesthagen Limited

The AVESTAGENOME Project™ to study genetic basis of longevity and create genetic, genealogical and medical database of the Parsi community.