Single-Cell Analysis – Products

Product News
Sphere Fluidics Updates Brand Identity To Align With Ambitious, Global Commercial Growth Strategy
Sphere Fluidics announced the introduction of new branding to align with its ambitious global commercial growth strategy.

Product News
Deepcell Launches AI-Powered Single Cell Analysis Platform
Deepcell has announced the launch of the REM-I Platform, a high-dimensional cell morphology analysis and sorting platform which comprises the REM-I benchtop instrument, Human Foundation Model and Axon data suite.

Product News
Sphere Fluidics Begins Work With Partners on 3DSecret Program To Investigate Mechanisms of Metastasis in Cancer
Sphere Fluidics, a company developing single-cell analysis systems underpinned by its patented picodroplet technology, has announced its involvement in 3DSecret.

App Note / Case Study
Fully Automated Image-Based Single-Cell Isolation and Picking
Download this app note to learn how you can select 20 individual CTCs in 10 minutes, this approach can be used for DNA, RNA or proteome analysis as well as how these target cells are selected and isolated in high purity from heterogenous backgrounds.

Product News
Thermo Fisher Scientific Introduces New Low-Flow HPLC Columns for Proteomic Research
Thermo Fisher Scientific is providing proteomics and biopharmaceutical research laboratories with a new line of low-flow HPLC columns that improve separation performance and stability of biologically complex samples.

ioGABAergic Neurons – iPSC-Derived Inhibitory Neurons With >95% Purity
Discover ioGABAergic Neurons from and avoid unwanted excitatory neurons obscuring inhibitory signals in your experiments. Using a simple protocol, consistently go from cryopreserved cells to mature, functional, experiment-ready hiPSC-derived GABAergic neurons with >95% purity in 12 days.

Tissue Dissociation for Single-Cell Sequencing
With recent technological advancements, single-cell sequencing can now allow tens of thousands of individual cells from a single tissue sample to be analyzed, giving researchers an unprecedented opportunity to understand individual cell populations and their behavior in diseased tissue.

App Note / Case Study
Resolve the Complex Cellular Diversity of Your Samples
Single-cell RNA sequencing produces a substantial amount of complex data that can be a burden if you don’t have time to become an expert in bioinformatics.

Product News
Deepcell Releases First-of-Its-Kind Single Cell Morphology Data Sets
Deepcell has announced that it has released three data sets to enable researchers to explore novel high-dimensional morphology data.

How Spatial Phenotyping Can Uncover Novel Insights in Tissue Biology
Rather than choosing between the detail of single-cell RNA sequencing and the in situ capabilities of conventional immunohistochemistry, spatial phenotyping allow you to visualize and quantify dozens of biomarkers in a single tissue sample while maintaining cellular and sub-cellular detail.