Delivering the Future of Microbial Genomics With Direct and Real-Time Sequencing
Explore how nanopore sequencing is revolutionizing microbial genomics! Join Richard Chalvignac as he covers NO-MISS workflows, avian flu surveillance, 16S/ITS sequencing, and more. Live Q&A included. Don’t miss this exciting webinar!
Online Event
The Spatial Biology Revolution 2024
Learn about the latest research in spatial biology and its applications. From understanding the mechanisms of infectious disease to early diagnostics and therapeutics, hear the outstanding advancements in the field.
Streamline Antimicrobial Gene Expression With a Microfluidics Approach
This webinar explores a microfluidics approach to quantify AMP gene expression, providing insights into potential biomarkers for early disease detection and improved treatment strategies.
Prevention and Treatment of HIV and STIs in 2024: Where Are We Now?
As we advance through 2024, significant updates in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) prevention and treatment are emerging. How will these developments shape future strategies in HIV and STI management?
Lessons From the Past and Opportunities for the Future: Emerging Trends in Viral Diagnostics
Recent years have witnessed a sea-change in how laboratory tests have been employed to diagnose, monitor, and manage viral infections.
Nanopore Sequencing for Biodiversity and Conservation Studies in Latin America
Genomics is a powerful tool for conserving endangered species, informing researchers of taxonomy and population connectivity and helping to develop strategies for mitigating disease and the effects of climate change.