Advanced Immune Monitoring To Revolutionize Vaccine Development
Published: December 9, 2024

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Immune monitoring is transforming vaccine development, offering deeper insights into safety, efficacy and immune response.
However, researchers face challenges in identifying reliable molecular correlates and managing the complexities of multi-omics data in clinical trials.
In this interview, Dr. Eugenia Ong, Principal Research Scientist at Duke-NUS Medical School, shares her expertise in overcoming these challenges. Learn about cutting-edge methodologies for enhancing vaccine safety and efficacy, including the role of T-cell responses and multiplex cytokine profiling.
Download this interview to learn:
- Strategies to identify molecular correlates for immunogenicity and safety
- Best practices for leveraging multiplex cytokine profiling in clinical trials
- Insights into T-cell responses and their role in vaccine-mediated protection
A Detailed Perspective
on Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Using
Comprehensive Immune Monitoring
In this insightful conversation with Dr. Eugenia Ong, Principal Research Scientist at the
Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School, we get a behindthe-scenes look at the critical work required to advance promising vaccine and antiviral
candidates through clinical trials.
Dr. Ong shares her rigorous approach to identifying robust molecular correlates of safety
and efficacy, leveraging multiple platforms for data-rich immune monitoring, including
multiplex cytokine measurements.
By encompassing a broad range of cytokines and rigorously validating assays, Dr. Ong’s
work ensures the reliability and consistency needed to generate actionable insights across
long-term studies. Careful study planning, combined with high-quality data and advanced
bioinformatic analyses, provides insights into the mechanisms of vaccine-mediated
protection and enables the identification of meaningful biomarkers of vaccine response.
This is a must-read for anyone interested in the latest innovations in immune monitoring
and data-driven methodologies in vaccine development.
“Our interest has centered on identifying molecular correlates
for safety and immunogenicity in new drugs or vaccines.
To support this, we leverage multiple omics platforms to
rapidly generate data that can identify molecular correlates as
potential endpoints in the clinical development
of promising vaccine or antiviral candidates”
Dr. Eugenia Ong
Principal Research Scientist at the Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases,
Duke-NUS Medical School
Could you briefly describe the focus
and aims of your current research?
I began my research with wet lab work in virology. During my
PhD, I focused on the dengue virus, investigating the molecular
mechanisms of viral entry into target cells, particularly when
complexed with an antibody. This was driven by the phenomenon
of antibody-dependent enhancement in dengue, which was
not well understood at the time, especially in terms of how it
modulates the host response for enhanced viral replication. From
there, I transitioned to more translational work, focusing on a
therapeutic antibody against dengue virus. At that stage, I was
heavily involved in preclinical work, characterizing the effects
of the therapeutic antibody and setting up numerous assays
to evaluate its potency. This experience built my foundation in
translational research and got me hooked on doing even more
of it. Fast forward to now and we are focusing on early-phase
clinical trials, trying to get through that hurdle of driving a
candidate that works in preclinical research all the way to clinical
Our interest has centered on identifying molecular
correlates for safety and immunogenicity in new drugs
or vaccines. To support this, we leverage multiple omics
platforms to rapidly generate data that can identify
molecular correlates as potential endpoints in the
clinical development of promising vaccine or antiviral
This is a very data-rich approach, particularly valuable when little
is known about a candidate and decisions need to be based on
robust data. We continually work towards validating new assays
to generate as much data as possible to support the clinical
development of new drugs and vaccines.
What would you identify as essential
considerations in the clinical
development of vaccines and
An important consideration is having a well-planned study, which
we typically develop together with the collaborating principal
investigators (PIs) or clinicians. A critical aspect is the choice of
sampling points, especially when there is limited information in the
literature on optimal timing and sampling points that would yield
the most meaningful data. This is usually where we begin. From
there, we work with our collaborators to refine the main methods
appropriate for their research questions. Since we generate large
datasets, data analysis is a key part of the conversation. This
includes bioinformatics pipelines and techniques like principal
component analysis or unsupervised clustering to analyze data
based on specific parameters relevant to different patient groups
or correlations with clinical outcomes.
What are eventual challenges to
consider in the clinical development of
vaccines and antivirals?
I think with clinical trial samples, it is very important
to have high confidence in the assays we perform.
Clinical trials can take a long time, considering patient
recruitment and other factors, often spanning months or
even years.
We have to be very careful with concerns like batch effects. We
ensure thorough assay validation and include appropriate assay
controls and bridging samples to make sure all of the data can
be used reliably. There are often trade-offs that require careful
planning. You may need data soon after patient recruitment,
but you also want to compare it with data generated much later
in the clinical trial. This is something we typically discuss with
collaborators to ensure everyone is on the same page. Another
challenge is that we generally aim to generate as much data as
possible from each sample. This multi-omics approach can make
the cost per test significant. We are actively working with various
partners to explore ways to reduce costs and pass these savings
on to users, supporting them in their studies.
In what ways do you apply multiplex
cytokine measurements in your work?
The most common way we have applied multiplex cytokine
profiling is in immune monitoring studies focused on assessing
safety or immunogenicity for new vaccines or drugs. We can
also use it to understand disease biology in less well-defined
These kinds of immune monitoring studies typically
generate data that help identify underlying correlates of
treatment response or non-response, or if a side effect is
observed, you can investigate correlations with specific
These are the various ways we apply cytokine profiling.
At what stages of the clinical trial
process do you run these immunomonitoring studies?
I would say it depends on the need of the PI, but it typically makes
the most sense to look at this very early on in the trial process.
Perhaps a proof of concept trial or phase I study, where you have
smaller sample numbers, but you want to get as much data as
possible to support safety or efficacy of a potential candidate.
Once you see the early data, it gives you confidence to continue
measuring that through the continued development of that
In the early stages, if a set of cytokines is clearly
associated with a safety signal or correlates with a
distinct efficacy signal, it would make sense to narrow
down to a smaller panel that could then be deployed
in a larger phase II or phase III trial. With the growing
interest in personalized medicine, one can envision
the increasingly prevalent use of biomarkers in
clinical trials.
Notably, for biomarkers that correlate with a specific clinical
outcome, incorporating them into a clinical trial protocol could be
highly valuable.
Are there specific categories of
immune-related proteins or specific
groups of cytokines that have high
potential for informing vaccine efficacy
or safety?
To begin, it’s helpful to have a broad overview of key
cytokine types, such as those included in the Olink Target
48 Cytokine panel, which we routinely use in most of
our clinical studies. The panel is largely sufficient for
the types of cytokines we are interested in, like proinflammatory mediators.
But it is also interesting to measure anti-inflammatory mediators,
as disease biology often exists in a cyclical pattern. When observing
lower levels of pro-inflammatory mediators, the question arises: Is
this due to an effective anti-inflammatory response or could other,
yet unidentified cytokines be influencing the process? A 45-plex
panel does give you a good sense of what is at play.
Besides using the Olink® Target 48
Cytokine panel in early clinical trials,
are there other ways you incorporate
this panel in your research?
Apart from clinical trials, we do use the Olink Target 48 panel in
various smaller clinical studies addressing specific questions in
collaboration with clinicians at Singapore General Hospital. These
studies can extend beyond serum and plasma, since the platform
is versatile and amenable to other sample types. For example,
we have collaborations with clinicians interested in inflammation
or immuno-oncology and we work with the PIs to come up with
sample processing strategies for the downstream protein profiling.
With a multiplex approach that uses minimal sample
volumes (as low as 1 uL) , you are clearly going to be
able to get a lot more data compared to conducting a
singleplex ELISA.
Is the ability to do absolute
quantification of these key immune
mediators critical to you?
I would say that in general, it does not really matter so much. Even
with the Olink® Target 96 panels, we get relative quantification, so
we have reported values.
However, clinicians may prefer absolute concentrations,
as this is more similar to the types of clinical tests
conducted in hospitals and may also enable some level of
comparison. Having the data in a quantitative format can
be very useful, especially with the substantial data now
available from biobanks and similar sources.
If you’re observing higher or lower levels and lack a well-defined
control group, this format enables comparisons with available data
from a healthy cohort.
Would the integration of Olink® Target
48 Cytokine with the new Olink®
Target 48 Immune Surveillance panel
add value to your studies? If so, in
what capacity?
It does add value with the additional targets we can now focus
on, such as interferons, as well as T cell-related biomarkers,
like granzymes, CD28 and so on. Whether or not we eventually
run both panels routinely, I don’t know. It will depend on the
requirements of individual studies.
For a more T cell-centric study, it might make sense to
include the Olink Target 48 Immune Surveillance panel
to expand knowledge on additional protein targets of
This could help generate more data to strengthen the case for how
the molecular environment is changing.
Could you expand on the usefulness of
measuring interferons and other T cell
related markers?
Interferons have always been very important inflammatory as well
as antiviral mediators. If the mechanism you are studying is proinflammatory driven, or perhaps antiviral driven, then it does make
sense to include measurements of interferons in the study. T cellrelated markers are particularly relevant in vaccine studies, where
we now know that, beyond antibody response, the T cell response
plays a significant role in mediating vaccine protection.
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Use of T cell related biomarkers can also be used to evaluate safety
since imbalance of Th1 and Th2 cytokines have been linked to
safety signals, particularly with some inactivated vaccines in the
What are the next steps or emerging
directions in your research that you are
particularly excited about?
We initially focused heavily on human samples,
particularly clinical samples, but we now have interest
from collaborators to focus on profiling preclinical
samples. This is great because now we have the Olink
Target 48 Mouse Cytokine panel. We can essentially use
the same protein measurement platform from preclinical
all the way to clinical trials, making for a very easy
transition. Using the same platform throughout also
ensures that results are more comparable and robust.
We are currently working on a fairly interesting study involving
the yellow fever (YF17D) and chimeric Japanese encephalitis
(JE)-YF17D vaccines. Both vaccines share the same backbone, so
they have shared T cell epitopes. However, they encode different
structural pre-membrane and envelope proteins, such that
vaccination with either produces neutralizing antibodies that
are protective only against that virus (1). Our primary question is
to determine the extent to which the T cell response contributes
to protection, independent of antibodies. To investigate this, we
are giving the vaccines in two sequences: YF17D followed by
JE-YF17D, and JE-YF17D followed by YF17D. Both vaccines induce
infection that result in detectable vaccine RNAemia. Observing the
T cell responses after the initial vaccine dose, we aim to identify
specific T cell responses that might correlate with protection to
the challenge dose. We have early data from the Olink Target 48
Cytokine panel and are about to start using the Olink Target 48
Immune Surveillance panel, which we believe will be very useful for
this study because it will provide us with a better understanding of
protein biomarkers related to T cell response during vaccination.
1. Kalimuddin S, Chan YFZ, Sessions OM, Chan KR, Ong EZ, Low JG,
Bertoletti A, Ooi EE. An experimental medicine decipher of a minimum
correlate of cellular immunity: Study protocol for a double-blind
randomized controlled trial. Front Immunol. 2023 Mar 10;14:1135979. doi:
10.3389/fimmu.2023.1135979. PMID: 36969244; PMCID: PMC10038230.
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