Achieve Accurate Cell Counts for Single-Cell Analysis
App Note / Case Study
Published: November 12, 2024

Credit: iStock
Accurate data on the number of viable suspended single cells is essential for any successful single-cell OMIC analysis, including single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) and single-cell sequencing assay for transposase-accessible chromatin (scATAC-Seq).
However, obtaining precise counts of viable single cells, with minimal interference of aggregates and dead cells, can be challenging.
This application note presents an efficient solution for this task, ensuring precise cell and nuclei counting to perform effective single-cell analyses.
Download this application note to discover:
- Cutting-edge technology to achieve precise cell and nuclei counts
- Best practices to minimize cell aggregates and improve viability assessments
- Tips for integrating this technology into your single-cell analysis workflows
Counting of single cells and
nuclei on Countess Automated
Cell Counters for scRNA-Seq
and scATAC-Seq
Cell analysis
Application note | Countess Automated Cell Counters
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) and single-cell
sequencing assay for transposase-accessible chromatin
(scATAC-Seq) technologies enable new insights into gene
expression and regulation by providing data resolution at
the single-cell level. To obtain high-quality single-cell data,
protocols for scRNA-Seq and scATAC-Seq require an accurate
count of viable suspended single cells or nuclei as input,
with minimal presence of cellular aggregates and dead cells.
The Invitrogen™ Countess™ 3 FL Automated Cell Counter
is a dependable solution for accurately counting cells and
nuclei, evaluating their viability, and assessing aggregation.
To ensure optimal performance of the Countess 3 FL cell
counter in such protocols, this application note provides a best
practices guide.
nuclei on Countess Automated
• Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter (Cat. No.
• Countess Cell Counting Chamber Slides (Cat. No. C10228) or
Countess Reusable Slide (Cat. No. A25750)
• Fluorescent markers for viability such as the Invitrogen™
ReadyCount™ Green/Red Viability Stain (Cat. No.
A49905) (see the Fluorescent cell viability assays on
Countess Automated Cell Counters application note
for more reagents)
• Invitrogen™ Trypan Blue Stain (Cat. No. T10282) (optional)
• Your preferred scRNA-Seq or scATAC-Seq reagent kits (such
as from 10x Genomics)
Instrument setup
1. Turn on the Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter and
install the appropriate Invitrogen™ EVOS™ light cubes for
the stains being used. Most commonly, the ReadyCount
Green/Red Viability Stain requires GFP and Texas Red™
2.0 light cubes.
2. Install the appropriate slide holder for either the disposable
or reusable slide.
3. Obtain a Countess disposable or reusable slide.
Single-cell preparation and counting
Follow sample preparation protocols suggested for the chosen
scRNA-Seq or scATAC-Seq kits, starting with tissue samples,
cells in suspension, or tissue culture cells.
Minimizing cell aggregates
To maximize the output of single-cell data in scRNA-Seq
experiments, it is crucial to ensure that the starting samples
do not contain cell aggregates. This is important to ensure that
individual cells can be partitioned and barcoded during the
single-cell library preparation process. If input samples contain
cell aggregates, all cells in a given aggregate will be partitioned
together and labeled with the same barcode, and extra
filtering will be required during data analysis to remove these
aggregate-derived barcodes. To optimize maximum single-cell
data output, you can confirm that your starting sample has
<5% aggregates using the Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter.
Protocol for assessing cell aggregates in brightfield
(BF) mode
1. Load 10 µL of cell suspension into a Countess chamber slide.
2. Insert the Countess chamber slide into a
Countess 3 instrument.
3. Confirm that “BF” is checked and press “Count” (fluorescence
(FL)-based count is not checked).
4. In the top-right corner, observe that the percentage aggregate
number is less than 5% (this number reflects how many total
cells are within aggregates compared to the total number
of cells).
– If your sample has more than 5% aggregates, include
repeated pipetting, vortexing, and/or filtering steps in your
sample preparation protocol to break down aggregates
before continuing.
Optional: To find aggregates of only live cells, perform steps 1–4
using a 1:1 dilution of sample with Trypan Blue Stain in BF mode.
5. On the results screen, gate out the dead cells by
pressing “Gating”.
6. Highlight “Dead”.
7. Adjust the gates until there are no red circles on the screen.
8. Press “Apply”.
Accurate counts of viable cells using FL-based
count mode
When performing scRNA-Seq, methods require accurate viable
cell counts. If starting samples are counted inaccurately, systems
may clog or reagent concentrations may not be optimal for
the needed chemistry to occur. To optimize accurate viable
cell counting, use fluorescent stains such as the ReadyCount
Green/Red Viability Stain (Cat. No. A49905) and count using the
FL-based count mode of the Countess 3 instrument with software
update 3. The FL-based count mode detects all fluorescent
objects and leads to more accurate counts for samples when
the BF image has cellular debris or cells out of focus. See the
Fluorescent cell viability assays on Countess Automated
Cell Counters application note for more reagents. When using
fluorescent stains, first create a protocol to ensure that the result
obtained considers dye dilution factors.
Creating an FL-based count protocol
1. Press “Protocols”.
2. Press “Create”.
3. Name your protocol.
4. Press “Setup”.
5. Check the light cubes that will be used (GFP and Texas Red
light cubes), and if you’d like to capture a brightfield image,
check the BF box.
6. Check “FL-based count”.
7. Press “Apply”.
8. Press “Calculators”.
9. Press “Pre-dilution calculator”.
10. Input the volumes of the cell suspension and fluorescent dye
(i.e., 10 µL for “Sample volume” and 10 µL for “Buffer volume”
for ReadyCount stains).
11. Press “Apply”.
12. Optional: Adjust the saving location and gating parameters
if desired by selecting “Save” and utilizing gating features on
the right of the screen.
13. Press “Save”.
14. Press “Load” to use.
FL-based count protocol
1. Mix cells with fluorescent dye: if using ReadyCount stains,
mix 10 µL cells with 10 µL stain.
2. Incubate cells for the specified time: if using ReadyCount
stains, incubate for at least 2 min.
3. During incubation, select or create a protocol on the
Countess 3 FL instrument.
4. Load 10 µL of the cell and stain suspension onto a Countess
chamber slide.
5. Wait at least 20 sec for the cells to settle on the slide.
6. Insert the Countess chamber slide into the Countess
3 FL instrument.
7. Confirm that the desired light cubes and “FL-based count”
are checked.
8. Press “Count”.
The total concentration reported is based on the combination
of all fluorescent cells. Each light cube reports the total number
of cells detected for that light cube. Cells that are fluorescent
with both light cubes are reported as dual-positive cells (if dualpositive cells are present, the percentage of cells will not add
up to 100% because dual-positive numbers are also included in
the total count for single-positive cells for the same light cube). If
using ReadyCount Green/Red Viability Stain, green cells reflect
live cells while red cells reflect dead cells.
2 Countess Automated Cell Counters
When preparing cell suspensions for scRNA-Seq, particularly
from tissue sections, it is common to encounter red blood cells or
components such as cellular debris, which can lead to inaccurate
cell counts. Using the FL-based counting mode provides an
accurate count because it only counts fluorescent objects.
Thus, some objects seen in the BF image may not be counted if
they are not fluorescent. If any objects observed have low-level
fluorescence that you do not want included in your count, adjust
the gating parameters to the desired fluorescence threshold.
Increasing speed with fluorescence (FL) lock
Cell preparation for scRNA-Seq must occur as fast as possible
to ensure that cells are healthy and viable. The Countess 3 FL
instrument will autofocus on the sample and use fluorescent cube
automatic lighting to provide an accurate count. If you need to
increase the cell counting speed, utilize the FL lock function to
establish a set fluorescent light value rather than requiring the
instrument to automatically light each sample. Do this on the first
sample by pressing “Adjust” and selecting the FL lock icon.
Optimal concentrations for counting
The Countess 3 FL instrument is able to count samples in the
concentration range of 1 x 104–1 x 107
cells/mL, but it is most
accurate at 1 x 105–2 x 106
cells/mL. When using the Countess
3 FL instrument to determine concentrations less than 1 x
cells/mL, take the average of three independent counts to
improve accuracy. If these counts are variable, concentrate your
cells by gentle centrifugation and resuspension in a lower volume.
If your sample is more than 2 x 106
cells/mL, dilute the sample
prior to counting.
Preparation and counting of single nuclei
scATAC-Seq is a technique that involves the characterization of
isolated nuclei to investigate the accessibility of chromatin regions
in the genome. The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter
supports counting of nuclei and enables counting objects as
small as 3 µm. Follow nuclear isolation protocols for desired
downstream applications with the addition of these suggested
best practices with the Countess 3 FL instrument.
Fluorescent stains are highly recommended for assessing
and counting suspensions of nuclei, because of their
increased accuracy compared to trypan blue, which is prone
to overcounting nuclei due to the staining of cellular debris.
ReadyCount fluorescent stains are benchtop stable and
optimized for easily staining and counting nuclei and nucleated
cells on the Countess 3 FL instrument.
• ReadyCount Green/Red Viability Stain (Cat. No. A49905)—
includes a mixture of acridine orange and propidium iodide
• ReadyCount Red Dead Cell Stain (Cat. No. A49903)—
includes propidium iodide
• ReadyCount Blue Nuclear Stain (Cat. No. A49904)—includes
Hoechst™ stain
• LIVE/DEAD Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit (Cat. No. L3224)—
includes ethidium homodimer-1
See the Fluorescent cell viability assays on Countess
Automated Cell Counters application note for more reagents.
Assay setup and focus adjustment:
1. Follow the nuclear isolation or sequencing kit protocols.
2. Create a protocol on the Countess 3 FL instrument for the
desired fluorescent stain (see “Creating an FL-based count
protocol” on page 2).
3. Insert a Countess slide containing the fluorescently stained
4. On the setup screen, inspect the fluorescent nuclei (if using
propidium iodide, this would be the Texas Red light cube).
– If needed, adjust focus and FL lighting to better identify
the nuclei.
– Please note: the focus is based on the BF image.
5. Press “Adjust”.
6. Press “Focus”—this will load the BF image.
7. Drag the focus bar up or down to change focus.
8. Press “FL light cube” to confirm that focus adjustment
improved the FL image.
FL lighting:
9. Manually adjust the lighting to better identify the nuclei.
10. Optional: To ensure the same lighting is used for all
subsequent counts of nuclei, press the FL lock icon.
11. Press “Apply”.
12. Press “Count”.
13. On the results screen, focus your attention on the FL light
cube layer for nuclei and the corresponding circle indicating
the number of cells counted.
14. Press “Gating”.
3 Countess Automated Cell Counters
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2024 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All
trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Cellaca is a trademark of
Revvity Health Sciences, Inc. Hoechst is a trademark of Hoechst GmbH. COL28296 0324
Find out more at
Ordering information
Product Quantity Cat. No.
Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter 1 each AMQAX2000
Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter 1 each AMQAF2000
Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter
Starter Package 1 each A49865
Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter
Starter Package 1 each A49866
ReadyCount Green/Red Viability Stain 100 assays A49905
Figure 1. Counting of nuclei on the Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter using FL-based
counting resulted in accurate counts, verified via sequencing. FL-based counts of nuclei
isolated from the GM12878 cell line (A) and PBMCs (B) counted more nuclei than BF-based or
Countess II instrument counts. (C) Isolation of nuclei from brain tissue produced accurate FL-based
counts, comparable to counts from the Cellaca™ MX High-Throughput Automated Cell Counter.
(D) Next-generation sequencing (NGS) confirmed accurate loading of 2,000 target nuclei, obtained
from FL-based counts. *FL-based counts available on Countess 3 FL instrument using software
update 3. Data obtained by 10x Genomics R&D.
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a dependable solution for accurately
counting cells and nuclei to perform single-cell analysis. Using this guide to accurately
count suspensions of viable single cells or nuclei, with minimal presence of cellular
aggregates and dead cells, will help produce high-quality single-cell data.
15. Using buttons for size, brightness, and
circularity, adjust desired parameters
to specifically identify nuclei and not
background FL objects.
16. Optional: To save these new settings,
press “Protocols”.
a. Press “Create”.
b. Confirm that current gating
settings are applied to the protocol.
c. Create a protocol name.
d. Press “Save”.
e. To return to the results screen,
press “Cancel”.
17. Press “Apply” to apply the gating
settings to the current count.
18. Press “Save” to save the results
and count.
19. To ensure the accuracy of the counts,
we recommend that you perform
replicate counts (2 or 3 counts that
can be reproduced) using the same
protocol and gating parameters.
Figure 1 shows examples of results
obtained from counting nuclei isolated
from two different cell types and
brain tissue.
Product Quantity Cat. No.
ReadyCount Red Dead Cell Stain 100 assays A49903
Countess Reusable Slide 1 unit A25750
Countess Cell Counting Chamber Slides 50 slides C10228
LIVE/DEAD Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit 1 kit L3224
ReadyCount Blue Nuclear Stain 100 assays A49904
Trypan Blue Stain 2 x 1 mL T10282
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