Efficient, High-Throughput Characterization of Microbial Populations

The 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene is present in most bacterial species. As it contains both highly conserved and variable regions, it can be used to identify and classify different taxonomic levels.
However, sequencing 16S rRNA libraries can present technical challenges including PCR biases, chimeric sequence formation and high cluster signals. Such challenges can reduce workflow efficiency, result in costly re-runs and delay time-sensitive genomic surveillance efforts.
This application note describes a comprehensive, efficient workflow to sequence 16S rRNA variable regions.
Download this application note to learn more about:
- The role of 16S rRNA sequencing in microbial population studies
- Handling low-diversity libraries with confidence and ease
- Improving your sequencing depth, turnaround, Q30 quality scores and scalability