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A picture of Jack Rudd

Jack Rudd profile page

Editorial Director

 at Technology Networks

As editorial director, Jack works closely with the managing editor and other stakeholders to develop and execute Technology Networks’ editorial and business strategy. He supports the managing editor in her role and also oversees the online event and webinar production team, the social media team, the custom content creation team and other editorial support staff, He holds a 1st class Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from Essex University, where he received the distinguished Eliahou Dangoor scholarship for his work. Prior to moving into his current role, Jack held a number of positions in the Technology Networks editorial team and was heavily involved in the development of the cannabis science-focused media brand, Analytical Cannabis.


University of Essex  

College of Media and Publishing  

Awards & Certifications

Eliahou Dangoor scholarship issued by The University of Essex · November 2011

Areas of Expertise

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Published Content
Total: 58

ctDNA as a Blood-based Biomarker for Immunotherapy Response

Researchers recently evaluated whether a blood-based biomarker detected by ddPCR could indicate how well patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) respond to immunotherapies.

Plant Epigenetics: An untapped molecular resource for crop improvement

Epigenetic phenomena such as paramutation, transgenic silencing, imprinting, and transposable element inactivation are prevalent in plants and potentially offer a huge resource for directed crop improvement.

HPC in Research: Analysing more data, more quickly

We chat to Simon Burbidge, Director of Advanced Computing at the University of Bristol about their new 15,000 core, 600 Teraflop HPC system.

Cloud-based Research Informatics: Improving Collaboration, Increasing Agility and Reducing Operating Costs

With cloud adoption significantly enhancing collaborative projects, increasing operational agility and lowering total cost of ownership, cloud computing has become a valuable and viable solution.
Industry Insight

Genetic Analysis: Introducing an Affordable, Easy-to-use Capillary Electrophoresis Platform

The SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer is a smart and state-of-the-art system that provides researchers with a truly plug and play system.
Industry Insight

Genome Biology: Fostering Partnerships and Advancing Research

Two of the most important conferences in genome biology are coming together this year for a single event at the Earlham Institute in Norwich: Genome Science and Genome 10K.
Creating an Environmentally Sustainable Lab  content piece image

Creating an Environmentally Sustainable Lab

Discover opportunities for improving the sustainability of your lab.
Improving Efficiency with Lab Automation content piece image

Improving Efficiency with Lab Automation

Automation and robotics are increasingly prominent features in the laboratory. Freeing up scientists to be creative and transforming the working day for many individuals.


Molecular Cancer Therapeutics: Antibodies for fighting cancer

Learn about novel antibody-based strategies for boosting the immune system to control cancer.
High Throughput Screening – Accelerating Drug Discovery Efforts  content piece image

High Throughput Screening – Accelerating Drug Discovery Efforts

High throughput screening continues to drive early-stage drug discovery through technological advances and process optimization.