Streamline Pharmaceutical Quantitation With Trusted LC-MS/MS Solutions
How To Guide
Published: November 14, 2024

Credit: iStock
Accurate quantitation of biomolecules is critical at every stage of the pharmaceutical pipeline, from discovery and development to quality control and lot release. However, ensuring precise and reliable data can be challenging.
This guide offers a comprehensive overview of advanced LC-MS/MS solutions designed to simplify and accelerate your processes.
Download this guide to learn more about:
- Cutting-edge technology for accurate quantitation of small and large molecules
- Methods to streamline workflows and improve data reliability
- Tips for integrating advanced quantitation solutions into your laboratory processes
Pharmaceutical quantitation
solution guide
From discovery to QA/QC, SCIEX is on your side
Guide overview
Quantitation by high-resolution
mass spectrometry
Biomarker quantitation
Bioanalysis of:
Glucagon-like peptide
(GLP-1) analogs
Peptides and cyclic peptides
Nucleic acids and oligonucleotide
Targeted protein degraders
Regulatory solutions
Biomarker quantitation
Compound quality assessment
HTS for small molecules
HTS for large molecules
Antibody drug conjugates
Antibodies and peptide surrogates
Biomarker quantitation of large molecules
Cell culture analysis
Triple quadrupole systems
Quadrupole time-of-flight systems
Echo® MS+ system
Software and service
Instrument qualification
Software validation
Audit preparations
Pharmaceutical impurities
Extractables and leachables
Discovery Development (small mol)
Development (large mol) QA/QC and lot release
Products Conclusion
We understand you are busy, needing to prioritize running
instruments, reporting results and managing your laboratory
to meet deadlines. We created this solution guide to explain
how SCIEX systems fit in the drug development pipeline to
save you time evaluating options.
This guide covers bio/pharmaceutical quantitative assays
from discovery to QA/QC, for large and small molecules.
Discussing challenges regularly faced by scientists, along
with potential solutions.
Happy reading!
Request information >
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 3
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Biomarker quantitation
Compound quality assessment
HTS for small molecules
HTS for large molecules
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 4
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Bring high-quality data to your drug discovery process quickly and simply. Regardless of scale, our integrated systems include software
and services that come together as total solutions to deliver high-quality, rapid results for confident, data-driven decision making.
Get the information you need to make go/no-go decisions as quickly as possible in the drug discovery phase of your work.
- Biomarker quantitation
- Compound quality assessment
- HTS for small molecules
- HTS for large molecules
Featured applications and assays
Complex samples
For complex samples requiring chromatographic separation before detection,
our recommendation is the ExionLC AE system with SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+
system for excellent sensitivity.
High-throughput screening (HTS)
When you have analytes in simpler matrices, we recommend the Echo® MS+
system. The Echo® MS+ system offers contactless sample ejection at a
rate of up to 1 sample per second. Samples are detected by our trusted MS
instruments, using either the SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system or
ZenoTOF 7600 system.
Featured solutions
Drug discovery
5,000,000 compounds
500 compounds
1 approved drug
5 comIntroduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 5
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
High-resolution mass
spectrometry peptide
quantitation for biomarker
verification using the ZenoTOF
7600 system
Learn how MRMHR can be used
to achieve a lower limit of
quantitation (LLOQ) of 0.02 fmol/
µL for peptides spiked into a
background of 400 ng cell lysate
Small molecule Large molecule
Read more >
Extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) for the summed
+2y6 and +2y5 fragments of the ANELLINVK tryptic
peptide of ADH1.
Sensitive multiplexed
quantification of protein
biomarkers for early drug
discovery and development
Reach outstanding accuracy,
precision and linearity for the
quantitation of multiple protein
targets in plasma at low-ng/mL
Read more >
Bringing drug candidates through the development pipeline has multiple complicated steps. Improving the efficiency
and accuracy of results can simplify and accelerate this process. Our systems provide in-depth coverage that enables
you to characterize and confidently quantify biomarkers, including low-abundance analytes. With different technology
options for specific needs, SCIEX can help you get the answers you need.
• Achieve confident answers in hours instead of days
• Confidently characterize and quantify small biomarkers with robust, sensitive analyses
• Improve workflows with support from our dependable team of experts
Biomarker quantitation
XICs were used for the quantitation of hSFTP-A
and hSFTP-D.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 6
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Fully understand the identity of the target compounds within your compound library with high-throughput mass spectrometry-based testing.
Reduce the risk of sending degraded or incorrect drug candidates for further development within your organization, saving time and money.
• Identify and confirm the presence of target compounds in libraries with using acoustic ejection mass spectrometry (AEMS) for accurate
and reproducible results
• AEMS allows for sample throughput of up to 1 sample per second and data reliability provided by mass spectrometry detection
• Easily report results with an end-to-end workflow
Compound quality assessment
Compound quality assessment
High-speed compound quality assessment using acoustic ejection
mass spectrometry
Read about how the Echo® MS+ system can be used to screen 45
compounds within 4 minutes using positive and negative polarity.
All analyses are completed in SCIEX OS software for simplified
system control, data acquisition and processing.
Read more >
Representative XICs and TOF MS
spectra for compounds detected using positive and negative
ionization modes.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 7
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
HTS for small molecules
High-resolution, specific analysis of arginine and citrulline
Read about how the Echo®
MS+ system can rapidly quantify both arginine
and citrulline in a single analysis with minimal sample preparation.
Automated HTS Reduce complexity of assays
An automated, real-time measurement of kinetic hydrolysis of glucuronide
Discover how real-time measurements of glucuronide hydrolysis are
possible using the Beckman Coulter® Life Sciences Biomek i7 automated
liquid handler to prepare and perform a kinetic study before transferring the
samples to the Echo® MS+ system to quantify the analytes of interest.
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Rate of codeine production from
the 50 ng/mL (green) and the 250
ng/mL (dark blue) codeine-6-
glucuronide samples.
Read more >
Observed arginine peak area
ratios determined by the citrulline
common and unique product
ions. The peak area ratios were
determined at concentrations of
1000 µM, 500 µM and 250 µM.
Gather high-quality data while reducing reagent and sample costs with high sample throughput for critical go/no-go decisions
during drug discovery. The Echo®
MS+ system enables you to run thousands of samples and report results on the same day.
• Reduce analytical bottlenecks with a sampling rate of up to 1 sample per second
• Minimize sample consumption, using as little as 2.5 nL of sample
• Screen millions of compounds with AEMS to identify bioactive compounds that inhibit enzyme activity during drug discovery
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 8
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Protein analysis is inherently challenging due to the complexity of the sample. The selection of a buffer that maintains the activity and folding
pattern of the protein is important to allow accurate data to be collected. Additionally, when mass spectrometry is the analytical technique of
choice, high salt concentrations in the buffers can cause ionization suppression.
The Echo®
MS+ system alleviates some of these challenges:
• With a sampling rate of 4 seconds per sample
• Sample dilution and low sampling volumes reduce the impact of salts
HTS for large molecules
Automated HTS
Determine optimal buffer concentration and compatibility for highthroughput intact protein analysis
Read about how the Echo® MS+ system can be used to screen 16 buffers
at 10 concentrations in approximately 11 minutes.
Read more >
16 biologically relevant buffers
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 9
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
When the quantity of samples is your challenge, break through with the Echo® MS+ system.
It gives you high-quality data, analytical flexibility and high sample throughput so you can
make informed decisions today.
These benefits are made possible with recent innovations to the hardware and software.
Introducing the Echo® MS+ system
Automated, rapid method optimization and buffer screening
See how method development time can be reduced to minutes based on
instrument settings to buffer selection. In minimal time, you can be sure
you have the best settings for your analysis.
Technology innovations Method development
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High-throughput screening of buffer types.
The comparison of AEMS system robustness. A comparison is shown for the %CV per plate
equivalent for datasets without (blue) and with (orange) the OPI port wash.
Optimizing robustness for high-throughput screening
The introduction of the Echo®
MS+ system brought new features to the
technology. The introduction of the Open Port Interface (OPI) port wash
increased the number of samples the system can run before cleaning is
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 10
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Selecting the right system for bioanalytical quantitation
Investing in a new LC-MS system is not an easy decision, especially if you
have a range of analytical requirements in your laboratory. This blog is
intended to help you choose the right system for your pharmaceutical drug
development needs.
Want to accelerate your drug discovery workflow?
Bringing a new drug to market is a costly and complex process. With
potentially hundreds of thousands of new compounds to screen during drug
discovery, sample throughput is a common bottleneck for pharmaceutical
companies. So how do you overcome this barrier?
Additional links for discovery assays
Easily collect the data you need from compound screening to lead
optimization to make informed go/no-go decisions for your drug candidates.
We can ensure a smooth and efficient transition to state-of-the-art mass
spectrometry solutions with access to an expert-level support team.
5 Reasons to choose the Echo® MS system for high-throughput drug discovery
Have you thought about introducing new technology into your high-throughput
drug discovery lab? Here are 5 reasons the Echo® MS system could make a
difference for you.
Driving more sensitive bioanalysis using accurate mass spectrometry
Quadrupole-based liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
(LC-MS) has been routinely adopted for the quantitation of therapeutics in
bioanalytical laboratories. Advances in high-resolution spectrometry have
enabled it to become a complementary option for quantitative bioanalysis.
These advances include greater selectivity, improved mass resolution and
the flexibility of time-of-flight (TOF) MS/MS for data analysis.
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Read blog >
Read blog >
Watch webinar >
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 11
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Quantitation by high-resolution mass spectrometry
Biomarker quantitation
Bioanalysis of:
• Glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) analogs
• Nucleic acids and oligonucleotides
• Peptides and cyclic peptides
• Targeted protein degraders
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 12
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
(Small molecule)
Enhance your pharmaceutical development assays, while simplifying method development and reducing training needs.
Our liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) solutions are intuitive, robust and sensitive.
All of our solutions are supported by compliance-ready software and trusted service professionals.
Accurately identify and monitor biomarkers, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and metabolites on a single
software platform.
• Featuring: Quantitation by high-resolution mass spectrometry
• ADME-Tox
• Biomarker quantitation
• Bioanalysis of:
• Glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) analogs
• Nucleic acids and oligonucleotides
• Peptides and cyclic peptides
• Targeted protein degraders
Featured applications and assays
Routine bioanalysis
Triple quadrupoles have been the gold standard for bioanalysis for many
years. The SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system offers trusted long-term
performance. For ultimate sensitivity and extended robustness, the SCIEX
7500+ system is the solution of choice.
Complex samples
If you are challenged with coeluting compounds with similar masses,
analytes with complex structures, a complex background with low abundant
analytes or analytes with a high molecular weight, a high-resolution mass
spectrometer is a great choice. The SCIEX X500R QTOF system is the go-to
system for most assays. Alternatively, the ZenoTOF 7600 system can be
used for additional sensitivity and analytical horsepower.
Featured solutions
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 13
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Easily quantify high-mass and complex analytes
Quantify coeluting compounds with similar masses
Filter out complex background noise to see more in your
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 14
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Introduction to quantitation by
high-resolution mass spectrometry
Triple quadrupole mass spectrometers have been trusted for decades in pharmaceutical research and development for their quantitative performance.
In recent years, there has been a move to high-resolution mass spectrometry due to technology advancements, which has provided more sensitive and
accurate quantitative performance. The appeal of high-resolution mass spectrometers is their ability to overcome the following challenges:
• Coeluting compounds with similar masses
• Separation of high background from low abundant analytes
• Quantitation of compounds with a high molecular weight
Benefits of high-resolution mass spectrometry for quantitation
Quick system selection guide Analyte and matrix
Analyte is <2000 Da
Analyte is >2000 Da
Complex matrices for
which high levels
of selectivity
are needed
ZenoTOF 7600
ZenoTOF 7600
For peptide
recognition modules
and peptides:
ZenoTOF 7600 system
X500R QTOF system
Absolute sensitivity
and performance:
SCIEX 7500+ system
SCIEX Triple Quad
6500+ system
Do you need a
system that offers
ZenoTOF 7600
Speak to a
for more
Yes No
Analyte type
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 15
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
We have worked with scientists across the drug development
pipeline for decades, leading the way in quantitative mass
spectrometry using quadrupoles. Our high-resolution
systems are easy-to-operate, with integrated analytical
solutions that can provide rapid and reliable quantitative data
with the added benefits of high resolution.
When you need support, SCIEX is here for you.
Fit-for-purpose solutions combining LC and high-resolution
MS enable quantitation in complex matrices with excellent
sensitivity and robustness, even at low levels.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 16
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Complex samples, and possibly low-level analytes, are common challenges that are faced every day by analysts working on ADME-Tox studies.
Our fit-for-purpose LC-MS solutions enable pharmacokinetic parameters to be monitored in complex matrices with excellent sensitivity and
robustness, even for low-dose, highly potent drugs. Simplify the monitoring of ADME-Tox parameters with compliance-ready SCIEX OS software.
• Perform ADME-Tox studies with confidence using compliance-ready software
• Acquire reliable and sensitive bioanalytical data using fit-for-purpose LC-MS solutions
Regulated and non-regulated ADME-Tox Low-level ADME-Tox analytes
solutions for all stages of the pipeline
Highly sensitive LC-MS/MS
method for the quantification of
fluticasone propionate in human
plasma using the SCIEX QTRAP
6500 system
Learn more about a highly
sensitive and reproducible
method for quantifying
fluticasone propionate suitable
for use in regulated bioanalytical
labs using a simple solid-phase
extraction technique.
Read more >
A sensitive method for the
quantification of formoterol in
human plasma
Discover a quantitation method
for low-dose, high-potency
drug modalities combined with
data acquisition and processing
options that are simplified with
SCIEX OS software, a 21 CFR Part
11-compliant platform.
Read more >
Sub-picogram detection of fluticasone propionate
in plasma.
Representative extracted ion chromatograms (XICs)
for formoterol in human plasma.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 17
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Our systems provide in-depth coverage that enables you to characterize and confidently quantify biomarkers, including low
abundant species. With different technology options for specific needs, we can help you get the answers you need.
• Achieve confident answers in hours instead of days
• Confidently identify and quantify small biomarkers with robust, sensitive analyses
• Improve workflows with support from our dependable team of experts
Biomarker quantitation
Targeted panel assays Identify and quantify unknowns
High sensitivity quantification of acylcarnitines using the SCIEX 7500 system
Discover how you can quantify low-level acylcarnitine species with high
throughput, robustness and reproducibility without requiring derivatization.
Read more >
Identification and quantitation of lipid biomarkers using accurate mass
Balance accurate quantitative performance with accuracy values between
80–120% at all concentration levels, with streamlined data management
for acquisition and processing. Identification of lipid biomarkers becomes a
simple task using the ChemSpider tool that is fully integrated into SCIEX OS
Read more >
Linear dynamic range for several acylcarnitine compounds.
Using Zeno DDA to determine
the interference observed at
~3.7 minutes
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 18
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Highly sensitive analytical methods are required to understand the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of GLP-1
analogs. Developing and running these methods is challenging due to their low oral bioavailability and their structure that yields
poor ionization and fragmentation.
• Quantify GLP-1 analogs in complex biological matrices with outstanding reproducibility, precision, accuracy and linearity
• Employ a single platform for streamlined data acquisition, processing and management using SCIEX OS software
Glucagon-like peptides (GLP-1)
LC-MS/MS Enhanced robustness
Low-ng/mL quantitation of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analog
in rat plasma
Discover options for a sensitive method to quantify a GLP-1 analog,
semaglutide, in rat plasma with a lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) of
0.2 ng/mL.
Read more >
Redefine bioanalysis with enhanced robustness on the SCIEX 7500+ system
This technical note demonstrates the measurement of alprazolam,
sulfamethoxazole and diazepam in rat plasma matrix over 10,000 injections,
with no divert valve. The SCIEX 7500+ system showed a >2x improvement in
robustness for this analysis compared to the SCIEX 7500 system.
Read more >
Structures of GLP-1 analogs. The left panel shows the structure of the target analyte, semaglutide (A) and
the right panel shows the structure of the internal standard, liraglutide (B).
Peak area ratio (raw peak area
normalized to IS) from analysis
of alprazolam (orange), diazepam
(blue) and sulfamethoxazole
(grey) SST (A) and rat plasma
matrix (B) injections on the SCIEX
7500+ system.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 19
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Peptide and cyclic peptide analysis presents unique challenges compared to the analysis of a typical small molecule. Peptides are large, complex
molecules that often contain multiple amino acids and post-translational modifications. This complexity results in a higher degree of structural
variability, a wider dynamic range of concentrations and multiple charging when analyzed by mass spectrometry. Additionally, peptides are more
prone to sample loss, degradation and modifications during sample preparation and analysis than typical small molecules.
• Our software allows you to automatically schedule multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) functions, retention times and MRM transitions for simple
method optimization
• Easily develop and optimize quantitative workflows using the M5 MicroLC system with seamless integration into SCIEX OS software to enhance
the sensitivity of a method
Peptides and cyclic peptides
Peptide: Targeted panel Low-level cyclic peptides
Reproducible targeted peptide profiling using highly multiplexed
MRM assays
Read about a simplified method development approach for large-scale
targeted peptide analysis. By using our Scheduled MRM function, retention
times and MRM transitions are automatically optimized to create an
acquisition method based on a few key parameters provided by the user.
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Low-pg/mL quantification of cyclic peptides in rat plasma using microflow LC
Read about how to achieve low-level quantitation for human ANP at an LLOQ
of 0.01 ng/mL in rat plasma with %CV values <12.3% at all concentration levels
across inear dynamic range spanning 4.3 orders of magnitude.
Read more >
Chromatographic reproducibility
for 30 min gradient runs.
Extracted ion chromatograms
(XICs) of a matrix blank and LLOQ
sample of human ANP.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 20
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Synthetic nucleotide analysis is a complex pursuit because these drugs combine the learnings from nature’s mechanisms with sophisticated
technology. The diverse landscape of structural adaptations for bases and backbones has the potential to treat diseases with unprecedented
specificity but also increases the challenges for analyzing synthetic oligonucleotides.
• Complete sequence confirmation, impurity identification, sizing and purity analysis with cutting-edge analytical solutions
• High-quality results for therapeutic oligonucleotides (antisense oligonucleotides, siRNA, aptamers) help you advance medicine
Nucleic acids and oligonucleotides
Quantitation of nucleic acids Identify and quantify unknowns
Quantitative LC-MS solution for targeted analysis of cell culture media
Discover options for the measurement of polar and nonpolar analytes, in
addition to positive and negative polarity components within a single method.
Read more >
Characterization and relative quantification of oligonucleotide impurities
See how robust data quality and high mass accuracies provide confident
assignment of oligonucleotide FLP and impurities using the Molecule
Profiler software. The use of this software allowed straightforward relative
quantitation based on the TOF MS peak.
Read more >
Linear calibration curves of representative cell culture component per group measured in positive
and negative modes.
Confirmation of the sequence of
the potential ASO-18PS2MOE impurity with 1 isobutyryl protecting
group on G.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 21
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Lead the development of novel targeted protein degradation (TPD) therapeutics, such as proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs). Bring novel drugs based on
this new class of compounds to market with analytical systems that enable precise and accurate identification and quantitation of low-level targeted protein
degraders, even in complex matrices. Get to the important information quickly with fast, intuitive and integrated data acquisition and processing software.
• Achieve sensitive quantitation of targeted protein degraders with excellent accuracy and precision
• Comfortably work with complex matrices
Targeted protein degraders
Low-pg/mL quantification
of TL 13-112, a proteintargeting chimera
(PROTAC) in rat plasma
See how it is possible to
achieve low-pg/mL level
LLOQs for the quantitation
of PROTACs in rat plasma
with robust analytical
performance. These
results were achieved
in combination with
streamlined, complianceready data management.
Read more >
A sensitive method for the quantification of the protein targeting chimera
(PROTAC), TL 13-12, in rat plasma using accurate mass spectrometry
Achieve an LLOQ of 0.3 ng/mL for the quantitation of TL 13-12 and TL 13-
22 in rat plasma using MS/MS data acquisition. This approach allows you to
minimize sample volume and sample preparation time.
Read more >
Representative XICs of the selective ALK degrader (PROTAC) and
its inactive control in matrix and at the LLOQ level.
Sub-ng/mL level quantitation was achieved for the PROTAC and its inactive control.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 22
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Selecting the right system for bioanalytical quantitation
Investing in a new LC-MS system is not an easy decision, especially if you
have a range of analytical requirements in your laboratory. This blog is
intended to help you choose the right system for your pharmaceutical drug
development needs.
Easing the demands of a compliant pharmaceutical laboratory
At SCIEX, we are proud to provide analytical systems to the pharmaceutical
industry. We work hard to understand the demands of analytical work and the
processes required to develop and manufacture drugs. This blog provides an
overview of some of the ways we are here to help.
Sensitive LC-MS/MS approach for the quantification of proteolysistargeting chimeras in a biological matrix
In this webinar, we explore a sensitive LC-MS/MS workflow for quantifying
PROTACs in a biological matrix using the SCIEX 7500 system.
Simplify your pharmaceutical development assays to save time and reduce the training
needs of the scientists working in your team. Our LC-MS solutions, including our software
and trusted services and support, are intuitive, robust and sensitive.
Additional links for development assays
Driving more sensitive bioanalysis using accurate mass spectrometry
Quadrupole-based LC-MS has been routinely adopted for quantitation in
bioanalytical laboratories, recently high resolution mass spectrometry has
become more popular. This is due to greater selectivity, improved mass
resolution and the flexibility of time-of-flight (TOF) MS/MS for data analysis.
Enhancing quantitative sensitivity in cerebrospinal fluid
This webinar discusses the sensitive quantitation of LRRK2 at 10 pg/mL in
human cerebrospinal fluid. Dylan Bennett, a scientist at Neuron23, shares
the details of this LC-MS/MS methodology for the sensitive analysis of this
promising target.
Identification and quantitation of lipid biomarkers using high-resolution MS
In this webinar, our speaker discusses the role of glucosyl and galactosyl
ceramides as biomarkers and how their misregulation can be an identifier for
various disease states.
Read blog >
Watch webinar >
Watch webinar >
Watch webinar >
Watch webinar >
Read blog >
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 23
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
(Large molecules)
Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)
Antibodies and peptide surrogates
Biomarker quantitation of large molecules
Cell culture analysis
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 24
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Enhance your large molecule quantitative assays while simplifying method development
and reducing training needs. Our liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry
(LC-MS) solutions are intuitive, robust and sensitive, and our trusted services and support
help you get the most out of your investment.
Accurately identify and monitor molecules—such as biomarkers, proteins and antibodies—
on a single software platform.
• Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)
• Antibodies and peptide surrogates
• Biomarker quantitation of large molecules
• Cell culture analysis
• Proteins
Featured applications and assays
The ZenoTOF 7600 system offers excellent sensitivity and mass resolution
for large molecule quantitation. When additional sensitivity is required,
combine the ZenoTOF 7600 system with either the ExionLC AE system or the
M5 MicroLC system.
SCIEX OS software offers an easy-to-use, compliance-ready software
platform. Biologics Explorer software delivers highly accurate and
informative data for full characterization of protein biotherapeutics.
Featured solutions
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 25
Small mol
Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs)
Simple and fast-tracking of
DAR distribution using intact
multiple attribute methodology
(intact MAM)
Learn about a solution for highthroughput DAR monitoring
of a large sample set. See
how intuitive data analysis
software enables product
attribute definition, tracking
and quantitation with flexible
custom calculations for critical
quality attributes (CQAs) based
on specific user needs.
Low-level quantitation Low-level sensitivity
Read more >
Average DAR of intact ADC and DAR of each payload
results. (A) Average DAR monitoring from each sample.
(B) DAR monitoring of each payload result.
Ultra-sensitive LC-MRM analysis for trastuzumab-emtansine quantification
in rat plasma
Discover how an immunoaffinity-LC-MRM workflow enabled the quantitation
of trastuzumab-emtansine in rat plasma at 1 ng/mL with high precision,
accuracy and linearity. Learn how the data was processed with SCIEX
OS software—an easy-to-use, compliance-ready software platform for
acquisition, processing and data management.
Read more >
Understand ADC drug loading profiles regardless of the inherent heterogeneity and high molecular weight of these
molecules. Assess the quality of ADCs using drug antibody ratio (DAR) information, so you are clear on what you have,
how much you have and whether it will be effective. SCIEX software and solutions enable:
• Acquisition and tracking of DAR changes
• High-throughput DAR monitoring for large sample sets
• DAR quantitation and monitoring with compliance-ready software
Calibration curve for trastuzumab-emtansine in rat plasma displayed with log-log format. Concentrations
range from 1 ng/mL to 20,000 ng/mL.
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Antibodies and peptide surrogates
High sensitivity MRM workflow for
signature peptide quantification
Read about an LC-MS option to
quantify peptides as surrogates
(bottom-up proteomic workflows)
using targeted LC-MRM. This
approach offers not only high
sensitivity but also a wide linear
dynamic range (LDR) combined
with high reproducibility to
provide reliable quantitative
Surrogate peptide quantitation Quantitation/qualification workflows
Read more >
Sensitivity gains for peptide quantification.
Simultaneous quantification of trastuzumab and pertuzumab in human
serum using accurate mass spectrometry
Discover a method for the sensitive quantitation of co-administered mAbs
(trastuzumab and pertuzumab) in human serum that allows for reduced
sample volume requirements.
Read more >
Simplify the quantitation of antibodies and peptide surrogates. Confidently understand and quantify these compounds, including
low-abundance ions, faster than ever before with easy-to-use, integrated software software from SCIEX that enables you to:
• Obtain high-quality, reliable data
• Confidently characterize and quantify antibodies and peptide surrogates with robust, sensitive analyses
• Benefit from the support of experts eager to help you improve your workflows and move promising candidates forward
Summarized workflow for the simultaneous quantification of pertuzumab and trastuzumab
in human serum.
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Biomarker quantitation of large molecules
Sensitive multiplexed
quantification of protein
biomarkers for early drug
discovery and development
Read about the sensitive
quantitation of surfactant
proteins in plasma at low-ng/
mL levels. This technical note
demonstrates how to reach
outstanding accuracy, precision
and linearity for the quantitation
of multiple protein targets in
complex matrices.
Low-level quantitation Quantitation/qualification workflows
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Extracted ion chromatograms were used for the
quantification of hSFTP-A and hSFTP-D.
Sensitive bioanalysis of galactosyl sphingosine (GalSPH) and glucosyl
sphingosine (GluSPH) in cerebral spinal fluid
In this technical note, the method sensitivity for 2 glycosphingolipids
(GluSPH and GalSPH) were evaluated in cerebral spinal fluid. The assay was
developed using HILIC chromatography and using positive MRM analysis and
electrospray ionization (ESI).
Read more >
Discover better analytical solutions that meet your needs for in-depth coverage with robust and sensitive performance.
Quickly and confidently characterize and quantify large-molecule biomarkers with intuitive SCIEX software that allows you to:
• Get confident answers in hours instead of days
• Confidently characterize and quantify large biomarkers with robust, sensitive analyses
• Take advantage of dependable service support
Extracted ion chromatograms of GluSPH and GalSPH.
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Cell culture
Enhanced sensitivity for cell culture media analysis (CCMA)
The CCMA method demonstrated in this technical note offers high sensitivity,
selectivity and robustness for the identification and quantitation of over 110
compounds in a single analytical method. The analysis was completed in
under 20 minutes with a 4x signal-to-noise (S/N) improvement on average.
Quantitative and qualitative workflows
Read more >
Demonstration of a 4-fold average S/N improvement, resulting in greater sensitivity.
A comprehensive method for in-depth profiling of secreted metabolites
in cell culture media from human adipose stem cells
This technical note demonstrates a sensitive profiling method for the
analysis of secreted metabolites in cell culture media. Over 110 cell
culture metabolites were monitored in under 20 minutes using a single
method featuring fast polarity switching. Overlapping MRM transitions
were optimized to maintain the maximum dwell times and optimal cycle
times for accurate quantitation.
Read more >
Comprehensive quantitation of the components in cell culture media (CCM) is an important factor during the development phases
of biotherapeutic production. Often this analysis requires the quantitation of over 100 analytes from various compound classes,
making it challenging to complete in a single analysis. Our solutions can help by allowing you to:
• Acquire highly sensitive, selective and robust data over a wide range of analytes
• Easily acquire, process and manage data with a streamlined interface using SCIEX OS software
• Utilize expert service and support to improve your workflows
The Scheduled MRM Pro algorithm was used to optimize cycle
times and maximize dwell times
for each MRM transition.
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Ultra-sensitive quantification of intact insulin lispro in matrix
In this technical note, a sensitive LC-MRM method was developed for the
quantification of intact insulin lispro in rat plasma using a simple sample
preparation strategy, requiring no enrichment step. Robust quantification
of insulin lispro at 0.1 ng/mL in rat plasma.
Quantitative Quantitative/Qualitative workflows
Representative MRM XICs of insulin lispro in rat plasma. From left to right: in matrix blank,
at 0.05 ng/mL and 0.1 ng/mL.
Representative extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) for LRRK2 in human plasma.
Low-pg/mL quantitation of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) protein
in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Investigate how a 2.5-fold improvement in LLOQ and a 5-fold improvement
in signal-to-noise (S/N) can be achieved by using microflow LC compared to
conventional analytical flow conditions.
Tackle the next frontier in protein therapeutics with analytical strategies ignited by collaboration. Our solutions for comprehensive
intact biotherapeutic analysis enable confident selection of lead candidates during early-stage development and continued
monitoring of product quality attributes through to commercialization.
• Rapid screening without time-consuming manual operations
• Intuitive data visualization for more confident screening and selection
• Achieve consistent annotation of intact LC-MS data
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Read more > Read more >
A 2-fold revolution: MS approaches for the bioanalysis of oligonucleotide
In 1998, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved fomivirsen
as the first oligonucleotide therapeutic. This approval marked a revolution
in drug development, which then led to another revolution related to
analytical solutions: instruments that could keep up with the ever-decreasing
concentrations of analytes in more potent drugs, which required pushing the
boundaries of sensitivity.
Antibody drug conjugate content pack
Take a deep dive into the characterization of an antibody drug conjugate.
Understand ADC profiles regardless of the inherent heterogeneity and high
molecular weight of these molecules.
Rewrite the rules
In this vodcast series, we aim to inspire not just you, but the entire
biopharmaceutical community. With insights from leading scientists around
the world, it’s an invitation to reshape and rewrite the rules of your laboratory.
Simplify your large molecule quantitative development assays to save time and reduce the training
needs of the scientists working in your team. Our LC-MS solutions—including our software and trusted
services and support team—are intuitive, robust and sensitive.
Additional links
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Instrument qualification
Software validation
Audit preparation
Regulatory solutions
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 32
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Achieving compliance in a regulated analytical laboratory is a complex, time-consuming and costly
journey that takes you away from the day-to-day operations of your lab. We offer compliance-ready
solutions that help ensure your lab produces compliant data without delaying your projects.
From qualified instrument installation and system maintenance to compliant data reporting, our team of
compliance experts can guide you through the complete process.
Compliance project timelines
All activities conducted by your personnel
Conducted by your personnel using SCIEX-provided documentation
All activities conducted by SCIEX
Hardware qualification
Computer system validation
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
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Trained and certified SCIEX representatives:
Our compliance products provide a complete solution for instrument qualification—including LC, MS and LC-MS
systems and software—all at a fixed, predictable cost. This can reduce the need for in-house expertise in regulatory
compliance. We complete the installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ) and performance qualification
(PQ) work using good documentation practices that are audit-ready, saving you both time and money.
Instrument qualification
• Work with you to manage the qualification process and simplify the experience
• Provide the knowledge and expertise you need to quickly get your instrument ready for regulated laboratory work
• Execute services that will help minimize compliance risk and provide you with peace of mind
Did you know?
SCIEX has delivered more than 10,000 qualifications and over
1,000 validations without any regulatory findings
Learn more >
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SCIEX OS software features for compliance enable you to:
SCIEX provides software validation services that help ensure your SCIEX OS software is properly configured for data integrity and compliance
with US FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulations and similar global standards. These services feature a complete GAMP-5, V-model validation, including
a validation plan, risk assessment, requirements specification, configuration specification, IQ/OQ/PQ protocols, traceability matrix, 21 CFR Part
11 assessment and validation summary report.
Software validation products include:
• Security and audit trail configuration
• Testing and confirmation of configurable settings
• Three tiers of service (essential, standard and advanced) to fit every need
Software validation
• Define and set appropriate permissions for your staff
• Set full traceability—including reasons, e-signatures and time-stamped event logs—using the audit configuration settings
• Generate printable reports
Did you know?
You can download and try any of our software products
for free to test in your workflow
Learn more >
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 35
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Webinar: are you audit ready?
SCIEX products and services give you peace of mind when preparing for an audit:
• We have a proven record of successfully delivering over 10,000 qualifications and 1,000 validations
• If auditors find any deficiency with our compliance services, we will address the issue at no cost to you
• Our integrated test and validation plans enable an efficient, streamlined audit process
• The consistent approach to style, content and purpose in our report documentation provides clarity for auditors
Audit preparations
Topics covered in this webinar include:
• The top 5 things you need to do to meet a typical audit requirement
• What auditors focus on (software/hardware/documentation)
• The most commonly identified instances of non-compliance
Watch webinar >
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
The costly consequences of unplanned downtime
Unplanned downtime is a formidable adversary that businesses across
various industries strive to minimize. Defined as the unexpected interruption
of regular operations, unplanned downtime can wreak havoc on productivity,
profitability and customer satisfaction. In this blog, we delve into the causes
of unplanned downtime, its far-reaching consequences and strategies to
mitigate its impact.
Easing the demands of a compliant pharmaceutical laboratory
While the performance of an analytical instrument is an obvious requirement,
we also understand that developing a robust method is just the beginning.
In one of the most highly regulated industries, it is no easy task to run a
pharmaceutical laboratory and satisfy all the relevant regulatory bodies
around the world. This blog shares how SCIEX can help make this easier.
Are you audit ready? Find out now!
Topics covered in this webinar include:
• The top 5 things you need to do to meet a typical audit requirement
• What auditors focus on (software/hardware/documentation)
• The most commonly identified instances of non-compliance
Additional links for regulatory support
Partner with us to maintain your compliance status in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
Compliance solutions can help ensure your lab produces compliant data without delaying your projects. From qualified
instrument installation and system maintenance to compliant data reporting, our team of compliance experts can guide
you through the complete process.
Watch webinar >
Read blog >
Read blog >
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QA/QC and lot release
Pharmaceutical impurities
Extractables and leachables
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 38
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Completing risk assessment, confirmation and implementation of a control strategy for pharmaceutical impurities requires
assays that are accurate, sensitive and highly reproducible. We aim to provide systems that make this as simple as possible.
We know that changes in the regulatory landscape can present additional challenges to implementing a robust quality
management program.
Our solutions address these analytical challenges with fit-for-purpose hardware and compliant-ready software, all maintained
with industry-leading service and support.
• Pharmaceutical impurities
• Nitrosamines
• Extractables and leachables
Source: Org. Process Res. Dev. 2023, 27, 10, 1719–1735
Featured applications and assays
Our portfolio of systems offers you the flexibility to select the system that
is right for your lab. The ExionLC AE system offers reliable chromatography
with minimal carryover and is supported by our compliant-ready SCIEX OS
software. The MS system of choice is dependent on the sensitivity of your
assay, and potential requirements in the future.
Triple Quad 5500+ system offers robust quantitative performance that
meets the detection requirements of most impurity analysis.
Triple Quad 6500+ system provides more sensitivity for challenging analytes
and matrices.
Featured solutions
NDMA detected
in valsatan
NDMA detected
in piogltazone
FDA suspends
ranitidine (NDMA)
EMA suspends
ranitidine (NDMA)
FDA releases
NA impurities
guidance v1
NDMA detected
in metformin
Propranolol recalls
in Canada
Orphenadrine recalls
in the US
Health Canada
releases NA
impurities guidance v1
NDMA detected
in ranitidine
Nizatidine recalls
in the US (NDMA)
EMA releases
NA impurities
guidance V1
FAQ v1
Varenicline recalls
and worldwide
distributin stop
by originator
Quinapril recalls
in the Us
ANVISA released
NA impurities
guidance v1
EMA publishes AIs for
option for
t- AI
06/2018 12/2018 06/2019 12/2019
12/2021 06/2022
Small dialkyl nitrosamine
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 39
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Impurity profiling of amiodarone
stability samples using accurate
mass analysis and automated
data processing
Read about a routine, automated
method for the identification of
drug impurities under basic and
oxidative conditions through
library matching.
Identification by library matching Quality control
Read more >
Identification of amiodarone impurity D.
Next generation quality control
in pharma applications
Detect and quantify trace
amounts of critical impurities
using the simple and easy-to-use
general unknown comparative
screening (GUCS) workflow
based on SWATH acquisition for
accurate impurity profiling and
Read more >
Identify, quantify and control impurities as efficiently as possible using our systems for routine profiling and trace-level
analysis. Our integrated hardware and compliant-ready software solutions provide accurate impurity detection with
easy-to-use and learn workflows.
• Reliably identify, quantify and monitor non-intentionally added substances (NIAS)
• Understand the behavior of your packaged product during manufacturing and storage
• Support your team with compliant-ready SCIEX OS software
Impurity analysis
Identification of unknown peak in valsartan product.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 40
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Complete nitrosamine impurity analysis with confidence, using fit-for-purpose triple quadrupole or high-resolution systems that provide robust and sensitive performance. Simplify this important analytical task using SCIEX OS software, a
compliant-ready software for data acquisition, processing and reporting.
• Achieve robust and sensitive nitrosamine detection and identification
• Benefit from trusted and reliable instrument performance for nitrosamine analysis
• Simplify nitrosamine impurity analyses with intuitive, compliant-ready software
Low-level quantification of 10 mutagenic nitrosamine impurities in
Pioglitazone hydrochloride using accurate mass spectrometry
Discover how fast scanning enables the simultaneous quantitation of multiple
nitrosamine impurities with exceptional quantitative performance below the
current recommended limit (30 ng/g) in a Pioglitazone hydrochloride drug
Routine quantitation Low-level quantitation
Varenicline nitrosamine drug substance-related impurity (NDSRI)
quantification in a varenicline drug product
Using a simple sample preparation, a robust and routine method was
developed for the quantitation of a nitroso-drug substance-related
impurity (NDSRI) in a varenicline drug that provides a high level of
sensitivity and specificity.
Read more > Read more >
Quantification of varenicline NDSRI in a varenicline drug product.
Representative extracted ion chromatogram (XIC) for 10 nitrosamines
and UV chromatogram for Pioglitazone hydrochloride.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 41
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Find the perfect fit for your team with compliant-ready extractables and leachables (E&L) analysis solutions designed
for your laboratory. We have developed E&L analysis solutions alongside our customers with ease-of-use in mind.
• Simpler method setup helps optimize lab investments
• Sensitive methods deliver analytical results your team can trust
• Compliant-ready software allows you to easily control and manage your processes
Extractables and leachables
Comprehensive workflow for sensitive detection and confident
identification of extractable and leachable (E&L) impurities
Read about a comprehensive and sensitive workflow for a high-resolution
LC-MS/MS E&L method using library matching.
E&L identification Low-level detection
Confident identification in extractable and leachable screening
Discover how an open-access E&L high-resolution MS/MS spectral library
can be used to search and identify compounds across a breadth of E&L
compound classes for both targeted and non-targeted screening.
Read more >
Obtain confident identification through the SCIEX open access extractables
and leachables high resolution MS/MS spectral library.
Read more >
Recommended molecular formula
and identified structure for m/z
428.3124 using SCIEX OS software
and ChemSpider.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 42
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Overcoming N-nitrosamine analysis challenges with mass spectrometry
and chromatography solutions - SCIEX Community
Three key analytical components must work together for the most
sensitive and accurate nitrosamine impurity detection: mass spectrometry,
chromatography and sample preparation.
What have we learned from the nitrosamine crisis?
- SCIEX Community
The background and history driving the evolving regulatory landscape around
genotoxic impurities are discussed.
Overcome N-nitrosamine analysis challenges with chromatographic and
mass spectrometry techniques
Learn how the QTRAP 6500+ system equipped with a SelexION device were
combined with a carefully selected chromatographic column to enable a
simplified sample preparation workflow for the identification of nitrosamines.
Extractables and leachables analysis
SWATH Acquisition with a SCIEX X500R QTOF system enables fast
detection and quantitation of E&L substances using SCIEX library
searching and ChemSpider matching of MS/MS data.
Accurate mass extractables & leachables open access high resolution
MS/MS spectral library
Download the open-access accurate mass library for E&L species that
contains high quality high resolution spectra for relevant chemical species
and moieties allowing for automated simultaneous ID and quantitation.
Additional resources
We understand your quality needs.
• With fit-for-purpose solutions, SCIEX can help you better understand and ensure the safety of your products from early
development to lot release. Our solutions enable reliable identification, quantitation and monitoring of NIAS.
• Our service team and suite of service tools can help you maintain the qualification status of your systemand ensure your
system is running at its best.
Watch webinar >
Access library >
Watch webinar >
Read blog >
Read blog >
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 43
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Triple quadrupole systems
Quadrupole time-of-flights systems
MS+ system
Service and software
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 44
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
The ExionLC AE system provides reproducibility, reliability and carryover performance to match your quantitative
workflows. You can count on it’s dependability, from injection to injection and batch after batch.
When combined with a SCIEX Triple Quad LC-MS/MS system there is no stopping you with their modern, robust and
straightforward designs. These systems enable scientists to acquire multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), precursor,
neutral loss and product ion scans to develop powerful methods for complex matrices, all while maintaining reproducibility
and robustness. All are QTRAP-ready for enhanced scan functions offering method flexibility to provide the data you need.
Triple quadrupole systems
Performance, features and sensitivity
SCIEX Triple Quad
4500 system
SCIEX 5500+
SCIEX Triple Quad
6500+ system
SCIEX 7500+ system
Ideal applications
Example data
MS specifications
• Nitrosamines
• Extractables and leachables
• Impurity and degradant analysis
Analysis of nitrosamine compounds
in multiple sartan APIs: a review
and optimization of the Ph. Eur.
• Sensitivity (MRM mode)*: S/N
• Scan speed: 12,000 Da/second
• Mass range: 5–2,000 m/z
• Nitrosamines
• Extractables and leachables
• Impurity and degradant analysis
Highly selective and sensitive
method for quantification of
nitrosamines in valsartan drug
• Sensitivity (MRM mode)*: S/N
• Scan speed: 12,000 Da/second
• Mass range: 5–1,250 m/z
• Small molecule bioanalysis
• Biomarker quantitation
• Lead identification
High sensitivity quantification of
triptorelin deca peptide using the
QTRAP® 6500 system
• Sensitivity (MRM mode)*: S/N
• Scan speed: 12,000 Da/second
• Mass range: 5–2,000 m/z
• Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK)
• Small molecule biomarker quantitation
• Targeted protein degraders (TPDs)
• Trace-level lead identification
Redefine bioanalysis with enhanced
robustness on the SCIEX 7500+
• Sensitivity (MRM mode)*: S/N > 5,000,000
• Scan speed: 12,000 Da/second
• Mass range: 5–2,000 m/z
*Reserpine, 1 pg on column with electrospray ionization in positive ion mode (ESI+)
Webpage Learn more > Learn more > Learn more > Learn more > Request a quote >
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 45
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
Boost performance and productivity in your lab with quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry
systems for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Whether you need the most comprehensive coverage and
workflow flexibility to take on new projects or a simplified and easy-to-use system for routine testing analyses,
the SCIEX QTOF portfolio delivers unmatched speed, robustness and accuracy for the assays you need to run
today and tomorrow.
Quadrupole time-of-flight systems
Performance, features and sensitivity
X500R QTOF system ZenoTOF 7600 system
Ideal applications
Example data
MS specifications
• Extractables and leachables
• MetID (routine)
• Nitrosamines (with LC separation challenges)
• Pharmaceutical impurities
Analysis of nitrosamine impurities in a metformin drug substance
and drug product
• Sensitivity (MRM mode)*: S/N >750
• Scan speed: 42,000 FWHM at m/z 956
• Mass range: TOF up to 40 KDa
• Biomarker quantitation (complex matrices)
• Biomarker quantitation (large molecules)
• DMPK (quant/qual workflows)
• MetID (with challenging analytes)
• Oligo MetID/biotransformations
• Targeted protein degraders (quant/qual workflows)
Confident identification of phase 1 metabolites using electron-activated
dissociation (EAD)
• Sensitivity (MRM mode)*: S/N >2,500
• Scan speed: 42,000 FWHM at m/z 956
• Mass range: TOF up to 40 KDa
*Reserpine, 1 pg on column with electrospray ionization in positive ion mode (ESI+)
Learn more > Learn more > Request a quote >
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When the quantity of samples is your challenge, break through with the Echo® MS+ system. Echo® MS+ system
gives you high-quality data, analytical flexibility and high sample throughput to help you make the right decisions
today. With ejection rates of up to 1 sample/second, you can get results on the same day they are submitted to
your lab. The Echo® MS+ system is a complete solution that removes bottlenecks in high-throughput analytical
workflows, from sample preparation to data reporting.
Echo® MS+ system
Performance, features and sensitivity
Echo® MS+ system with ZenoTOF 7600 system Echo® MS+ system with SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ system
Best suited for high-resolution targeted screening:
High-res targeted screening:
• HTS: small molecule
• HTS: intact proteins
Additional benefits:
• Reduce background interference with increased specificity
and selectivity
• Ease of method development (MS method)
Best suited for absolute sensitivity for quantitative work:
• Absolute sensitivity for quantitative work:
• HTS: biochemical assays
Additional benefits:
• Simplicity of general system operation
• Higher level of quantitative consistency
Learn more >
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Request a quote >
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Software and services
SCIEX OS software LC-MS service and support plans
Software to power your SCIEX ecosystem
Discover an integrated software platform solution for all SCIEX innovations.
SCIEX OS software delivers data integrity, seamless usability and efficiency
gains for your mass spectrometry workflows throughout your laboratory.
Built on advanced and sophisticated algorithms, SCIEX OS software
facilitates instrument control and automated data processing, simplifying
your workflows and empowering swift, well-informed decision-making.
Keep your workflows running and your instruments performing at peak levels
with LC-MS service and support plans from SCIEX. Choose the plan option
that best meets your response time, repair coverage and maintenance needs,
and benefit from:
- Increased productivity
- Maximum uptime
- SCIEX technical expertise
- Total workflow support
Lab compliance services
Achieving compliance in a regulated analytical laboratory is a complex, timeconsuming and costly journey that takes you away from the day-to-day
operations of your lab. SCIEX offers compliance solutions that help ensure
your lab produces quality data without delaying your projects. From start to
finish, our team of compliance experts can guide you through the complete
process, enabling you to:
- Improve productivity
- Reduce costs
- Get expert advice
- Maintain best practices
Learn more >
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Learn more >
Manage your SCIEX ecosystem >
SCIEX support >
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SCIEX LC-MS/MS solutions are designed to simplify
the processes required to accelerate the analysis
of pharmaceuticals, their potential impurities, and
biological processes.
We will support your team with a simple-to-use single
software platform that is compliant-ready.
SCIEX has the quantitative solutions to address the
challenges regularly faced by scientists, along with
potential solutions for your lab.
Introduction > Discovery > Development > Regulatory solutions > 49
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Development > QA/QC > Products > Conclusion > Large mol
The SCIEX clinical diagnostic portfolio is For In Vitro Diagnostic Use. Rx Only. Product(s) not available in all countries.
For information on availability, please contact your local sales representative or refer to
All other products are For Research Use Only. Not for use in Diagnostic Procedures. Trademarks and/or registered
trademarks mentioned herein, including associated logos, are the property of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. or their respective
owners in the United States and/or certain other countries (see AB Sciex™ is being used
under license. Empower is a trademark of Waters Corporation used under license. NanoAssemblr® is a trademark of
Precision NanoSystems (part of Cytiva). Biozen™Oligo LC column is a trademark of Phenomenex. MKT-30685-A
500 Old Connecticut Path
Framingham, MA 01701 USA
Phone 508-383-7700
International Sales
For our office locations please
call the division headquarters
or refer to our website at
SCIEX Nowsupport network
Manage your instruments.
Submit and manage support cases, track status
and view history.
Access online training courses and articles.
Manage software licenses linked to your
registered instruments.
View and report critical instrument statistics when
connected to StatusScope remote monitoring service.
Be a part of the SCIEX community by submitting
questions and comments.
Receive notifications from SCIEX with content
based on your preferences.
SCIEX Now learning hub
SCIEX Now Learning Hub Success programs provide
LC-MS and CE training customized to meet your exact
With a selection of training methods and certifications
available, you can build a mass spectrometry program that
is most suited to your lab and users.
Starting with a clear understanding of your desired learning
outcomes, we aim to help you improve lab productivity and
consistency by designing and delivering a program that is
focused on knowledge advancement and retention.
Contact SCIEX Now Find out more
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