SEPT Immediately Saves 22.7 Percent Power Savings with Verdiem IT Energy Management Software

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Verdiem has successfully deployed its Surveyor IT energy management software at South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) - one of the UK's largest and highest performing NHS Foundation Trusts.
Using Surveyor, SEPT has already secured immediate power savings of over 20 percent per PC since deployment - equivalent to an annual unit energy saving of 55.5 kWh.
Verdiem's Surveyor software provides SEPT with actual, monitored power usage measurements. Simply by implementing the software and powering down its PCs safely when they are not in use, SEPT has been able to secure an immediate saving of some 22.7 percent per PC, equivalent to annual energy savings of 99,900 kWh across SEPT's estate of some 1,800 PCs.
According to Nina Scotland, Associate Director of Purchasing for SEPT: "working with Verdiem and its Surveyor IT energy management software has clearly shown us that we can not only conserve natural resources by optimizing our PC usage, but also achieve considerable operational savings. The first phase of the project has given us an even clearer insight into our IT energy usage, and we're now looking for ways to build on these savings and extend our use of the solution in other areas.
"Implementing Surveyor has given us much more control over the energy we use across our PC estate, and we're now identifying further areas - such as our networked printers and our Cisco networking hardware - where there may be other opportunities to secure further savings. Verdiem and its Surveyor software have been a key contributor in helping us to meet our Carbon Management targets, as we move towards our goal of reducing SEPT's overall energy usage by 10 percent," continued Nina. "Having seen the savings available from deploying Surveyor, we would certainly encourage our colleagues in other NHS Foundation Trusts to look at how Verdiem could help support their own energy-saving activities."
"Verdiem's Surveyor IT energy management software allows organizations such as SEPT to centrally control and reduce the energy used by PCs on their network - without impacting end-users or ongoing IT activities. It's clear that the combination of cutting PC energy waste and reducing the organizations overall carbon footprint has already proved attractive for SEPT, and we look forward to helping them secure further savings as the project develops to support SEPT activities in other parts of Essex and Bedfordshire," added David West, Head of Verdiem's EMEA operations.
As an NHS Foundation Trust, SEPT's operations are located across multiple sites and counties, with different buildings subject to specific energy tariffs according to their function and operations.
The Trust's variable electricity rates range between 9.58 and 17.8p per kWh, delivering an annual reduced energy spend of £10,000 from the first phase of the SURVEYOR project alone, along with Year One carbon savings of approximately 30 tonnes.