Systat Software Announces SigmaPlot Version 12.2

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Systat Software, Inc. has announced SigmaPlot Version 12.2 a free downloadable update to the latest version of their most advanced scientific data analysis and graphing software package SigmaPlot version 12.1.
This update provides researchers increased system stability, ease of use and new features to quickly analyze data and create exact, publication-quality graphs that best present research results for presentation, publication or the web.
"More than 300,000 scientists and engineers have used SigmaPlot worldwide. It has long been the industry standard for graphing and analyzing data in the scientific and engineering community because it plays a key role in enabling researchers to visually communicate important research results." said Richard Mitchell, PhD, Senior Scientist at Systat Software, Inc.
The new SigmaPlot 12.2 offers over 120 new features, bug fixes and enhanced stability.
“The programmers at Systat have been busy since the last upgrade almost six months ago and this update addresses key issues that have been a cause for concern for version 12 and 12.1 and we encourage every user of version 12 and version 12.1 to download and install this important update.” advised Dr. Mitchell.
“I have used SigmaPlot since Version 1 and it is invaluable for all of my research as it provides both analytic and visualization tools. Not only does it make beautiful graphs, including vector plots, but the embedded tools for curve fitting and multiple regression analyses are powerful and easy for students to learn. Moreover, there are sufficient export options that I have yet to find a journal that doesn’t take one or more of them.” - Dr. Alinda Friedman, Professor-Department of Psychology, University of Alberta.
New SigmaPlot 12.2 Features, Enhancements and Capabilities
SigmaPlot 12.2 contains new features to enhance the statistical capability and to streamline the graph creation process. Some of the more notable features and software fixes include:
• Added mouse wheel scrolling to property browser combo boxes
• Added PNG format graph export
• Added Kolmogorov-Smirnov assumption checking for the Mann-Whitney (Rank Sum) test
• Added one-tailed parametric t-test
• Added type-in capability for various Property Browser combo boxes
• Improved the accuracy of power values for paired and unpaired t-tests
• Added percentile method option for rank-based tests
• Added enhanced metafile pasting to PowerPoint macro
• Added bitmap printing for displaying GDI+ features on any printer
• Added create New Section in notebook button
• Added arrowhead properties controls
• Significantly improved program stability
• Completely reformatted Help and Manual
• Fixed macros running in Windows 7
• Fixed copy and paste problems with Excel
• Corrected legend text editing
• Corrected the grouping of graph objects
• Fixed Standard Curves macro bugs
• Improved various tooltip descriptions
• Fixed PDF printing
• Fixed Paste to PowerPoint for multiple graph types
• Improved anti-aliased line performance
• Fixed 3D graph export
• Fixed various Radar plot options
• Improved UI for common log scale, axis breaks, bar thickness, data point sampling
• Fixed Date &Time axis tick values
• Fixed gradient fill legend display
• Improved ternary axis title display
• Fixed linear regression line incrementing colors
• Fixed context sensitive Help
For an exhaustive list of the improvements made in this version, please visit