PEAKS Studio 8
PEAKS is the preferred de novo sequencing software for identifying novel peptides and studying unsequenced organisms. Even when the peptide sequence is in a database, de novo sequencing can greatly improve the database search indentification.
PEAKS has been reported as the best-performing de novo sequencing software in multiple independant publications.
In the protein view, users can see each identified protein, which is listed in the top pane.
By clicking on a protein, the coverage view will show up, allowing the user to visually see what PTMs and mutations were confidently identified in the spectra.
Users can take a closer look at what peptides were identified and the associated statistics. Users are also able to differentiate which algorithm was used to identify the peptide.
Users can easily carry out the quantitative analysis of their protemic data and our user-friendly graphical interface can help to target possible biomarkers.
See everything all at once
In the summary view, users easily visualize the results. The result statistics section give the user a bird's eye view of what has been identified in the study, as well as an overview of the precursor mass errors detected. Users can export the results in several popular forms.