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Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS software
Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS, LES and SDMS software is a complete laboratory informatics platform comprised of LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System), LES (Laboratory Execution System) and SDMS (Scientific Data Management System). SampleManager LIMS, SDMS and LES software manages your laboratory, data and procedural workflows, connecting with other enterprise systems, instruments, equipment and your customers to deliver increased compliance and productivity across your business.
SampleManager LIMS software is a complete, comprehensive solution for lab, data and process management, and one of the most widely deployed LIMS in the world. For over 30 years, SampleManager LIMS software has supported customers using the latest technologies and is developed, designed and supported in an ISO 9001 environment. Through configuration, not customization, SampleManager LIMS software can be tailored to your specific business processes and laboratory workflows.
As a complete, connected laboratory solution, SampleManager LIMS software drives compliance and data integrity by providing clear traceability for all laboratory activities and data. It ensures process integrity by driving users step-by-step through electronic SOPs via the web or through our Apple, Windows or Android mobile apps.