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Air Analysis – Products

Product News

PerkinElmer to Launch Innovative Laboratory Technologies at Pittcon 2015

Instruments, software and services help customers perform advanced detection and analysis.
Product News

Compact Ozone Sterilizer Eliminates Contaminants and Germs

Ozilla™ - A new high quality, purpose-built ozone gas generator from AMSBIO.
Product News

IONICON Launches the New Super-Fast PTR-TOF 1000 Trace Gas Analyzer

The smallest, lightest and most affordable time of flight based PTR-MS ever developed.
Product News

Multi-layered Benefits for Extreme Fuel & Chemical Transfer Applications

Composite hoses - An extremely reliable and secure method of transferring various forms of media at extreme temperatures.
Product News

Merck Millipore Launches Lockable ICRplus Settle Plates

Suitable for use in isolators and clean rooms.
Product News

Separate Targeted Carbonyl Compounds in Less Than 10 Minutes

Determination of carbonyl compounds by combining HPLC methods with ultraviolet detection.
Product News

Rigaku Publishes Analysis Method for P, S and Cl in Bio-diesel and Bio-ethanol

Quantitative analysis of phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine by Primini Biofuel WDXRF elemental analyzer.
Product News

IONICON Celebrates its 15th Anniversary

IONICON was founded in July 1998 with the intention to commercialize a technology developed by scientists at the university of Innsbruck, Austria.
Product News

Bruker Announces New High-Performance Scientific Instruments and Analytical Solutions at Pittcon 2013

Designed to deliver more confident analyses with increased sensitivity, specificity and productivity.
Product News

HORIBA Launches ParticleFinder Raman Software

The high level automation will positively impact laboratory efficiency, offering full particle results at the touch of a button.