Cryopreservation – Multimedia
P450 Induction in Cryopreserved Hepatocytes from PXR and CAR Nuclear Receptor Knock-out Rats
The nuclear receptors pregnane X receptor (PXR) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) are closely related transcription factors that regulate the expression of phase I (cytochrome P450s), phase II metabolizing enzymes and transporter genes in response to xenobiotics, including prescription drugs.
MesenCult™ for Mesenchymal Stem and Progenitor Cell Isolation, Culture & Differentiation
The MesenCult™ product line offers a range of animal component-free, xeno-free and serum-containing media for mesenchymal stem and progenitor cell (MSC) research.
Building and Deploying Digital Pathology Infrastructure for a Heterogeneous User Base
Too often, image analysis and data/image mining projects remain stuck in
microenvironments because they are limited by vendorspecific
solutions that neither scale nor interact with material from other departments or institutions. Successful rollout of digital histopathology therefore requires more than a whole slide scanner. At Brussels Free
University (VUB), we wanted to provide a core digital pathology infrastructure that can support a range of different use cases.
microenvironments because they are limited by vendorspecific
solutions that neither scale nor interact with material from other departments or institutions. Successful rollout of digital histopathology therefore requires more than a whole slide scanner. At Brussels Free
University (VUB), we wanted to provide a core digital pathology infrastructure that can support a range of different use cases.
Building a Digital Pathology Ecosystem for Education and Research
We wanted to build a core digital pathology infrastructure to support different use cases. Various images platforms needed to be accessible through a single access point, and support different user profiles.
Developing a digital histopathology platform to support an international diabetes biobank
An online histopathology platform combines tissue samples and online digital histopathology images. We combine detailed online patient data with whole slide images. This allows potential users of the tissue bank material to select the tissue and patient characteristics before entering into a collaborative agreement. The digital histopathology platform also allows different pathology laboratories in Belgium to discuss histopathological slides, and facilitates research collaboration.
Low cost, low footprint, expandable automated biobanking solutions
This case study describes how TTP Labtech’s comPOUND storage modules have been employed by Abcam, a worldwide supplier of antibodies. Here, the turnaround time of sample placement and retrieval is an essential component for high quality service to its customers.