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LC-MS – News and Features

Female scientist holding a ball and stick molecular model.

The Sleeping Giant Awakes: Defining a New Era of MRR Spectroscopy

In this article, we summarize the fundamental technical advantages of MRR instruments, outline recent work being done in pharma discovery and reaction optimization applications and look forward to how MRR looks set to develop in the years ahead.
Abstract human surrounded by metabolites.

How Advances in Metabolomics Are Driving Disease Research

This article takes a look at some of the latest developments and emerging applications in the metabolomics field.
A row on people sitting in a conference talk taking notes.

Separation Scientists Gather To Exchange Ideas

The 34th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2024) will be taking place this October in Liverpool, UK, but what will ISC 2024 offer attendees and what does the event mean for the scientific community?
A person holds a small glass of water aloft with their fingertips.

New Analysis Method Can Detect Forever Chemicals in Under Three Minutes

A new laboratory method can detect the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), more commonly known as "forever chemicals," in a matter of minutes.
A picture showing the drawing of blood.

Diagnostic Test Detects Ovarian Cancer With 93% Accuracy

Researchers have developed a machine learning-based classifier, which utilizes metabolic profiles of serum samples, to accurately identify people with ovarian cancer.
Icebergs from above.

“Forever Chemicals” Are Crisscrossing in the Arctic Ocean

PFAS circulating in the polar waters in an uneven feedback loop, whereby the Arctic Ocean exports almost as many chemicals to the North Atlantic Ocean as it receives back.
Petrochemical plant

Why Do We Need Effective Testing Methods in the Petrochemical Industry?

Petrochemicals are ubiquitous in modern-day society. In this article, we explore the need for chemical analysis in the petrochemicals sector and the use of techniques such as gas chromatography and trace element analysis to achieve this.
Molecular structure on a blue background

Identifying and Characterizing PFAS Compounds

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) do not readily break down in nature and so can become persistent pollutants. This article will explore the challenges of detecting PFAS compounds and how recent advancements in testing techniques are addressing these issues.
A neuron.

Why Tackling Neurodegeneration Requires Global Partnerships

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by synapse dysfunction and the aggregation of proteins in the brain, which ultimately lead to neuronal loss. This article will review the studies and methods powering our growing understanding of the mechanisms behind neurodegenerative disease.
A scientist viewing analytical data on a computer screen with another scientist working at an instrument in the background.

Add Another Dimension for Analytical Intention

Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) offers extra separation power for complex and challenging samples and now has an important place in industry as well academia thanks to important advances. But this is by no means the end of the story.