Advanced Technologies for Streamlining Water Testing
Published: December 6, 2024

Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific
As populations grow and contaminants like PFAS and microplastics become more prevalent, ensuring access to safe water has never been more challenging. Testing laboratories face mounting pressures, from evolving regulations and increasing workloads to the need for accurate and sensitive contaminant detection.
Adopting innovative tools is essential for labs to meet these demands. Advanced technologies now deliver faster, more reliable results, helping labs maintain compliance and protect vital resources.
This article highlights the strategies and technologies transforming water analysis, from automation to cutting-edge chromatography and spectroscopy solutions.
Download this article to discover:
- The latest analytical techniques for detecting emerging contaminants
- How automation can enhance productivity and reduce operational costs
- Strategies to future-proof your lab against evolving regulatory requirements
Streamline water testing:
Advanced technologies for productive
and compliant lab operations
Freshwater ecosystems are essential for drinking water, domestic use and industrial
purposes. However, they are severely threatened by agricultural runoff, industrial
discharges and untreated sewage, harming human health, biodiversity and
socioeconomic growth.1,2,3 Comprehensive water-quality testing is essential to detect
pollutants, trace their sources, as well develop strategies to reduce contamination and
protect fragile ecosystems. This involves testing for various contaminants, including
heavy metals, organic compounds, pesticides and emerging pollutants like PFAS and
These efforts ensure that emerging threats to water quality are identified and managed
promptly. However, each category of contaminants presents unique challenges and
requires specific analytical approaches to detect and quantify them accurately. As
water-testing laboratories experience increasing workloads, there is a growing need for
consolidated methods and automated solutions. Investing in and adopting innovative
analytical technologies is crucial for modern laboratories to efficiently meet growing
demand while maintaining high water-quality standards and protecting public health and
the environment.Increasing demand for water testing
In response to escalating concerns over the impact of various
chemicals on water resources, regulatory standards are quickly
becoming more expansive and rigorous, demanding heightened
levels of precision and sensitivity in water-testing methodologies.
As a result, there is a growing emphasis on advanced
technologies that can detect these contaminants at trace levels,
ensuring compliance with evolving regulations.
Several recent regulatory changes around the world have
impacted the demand for water testing.
These regulatory changes highlight the global trend towards more
comprehensive water quality monitoring and the necessity for
enhanced testing capabilities. However, meeting these regulatory
demands presents significant challenges for many environmental
laboratories, from increasing workloads and qualified staff shortages
to the financial burden of technology and infrastructure requirements
(Figure 1). The detection of emerging contaminants (EC), which
often require specialized and sensitive analytical techniques capable
of screening for and/or elucidating unknown compounds, adds
another layer of complexity to the testing process.
A key strategy for laboratories involves the adoption of
automated and consolidated methods that enhance
productivity, reduce operational costs and optimize labor
efficiency. These technologies enable the detection of a wide
range of contaminants in a single analysis while maintaining high
standards of accuracy and efficiency.
What tests are involved in water analysis?
Assessing water quality involves evaluating a range of
parameters, which can be categorized into physical, biological
and chemical factors. Various techniques are used to measure
these chemical parameters (see Figure 2). For instance, ion
chromatography (IC) detects inorganic ions and polar organic
compounds while inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(ICP-MS) identifies and quantifies metal contamination. Gas
chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid
chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) are essential for
identifying and quantifying organic contaminants (i.e., pesticides,
PAHs, PCBs) and emerging contaminants like PFAS.
These advanced analytical techniques along with dedicated
sample-preparation protocols, provide the precision and
sensitivity required for thorough water-quality assessment,
ensuring that all potential contaminants are accurately detected
and managed.
Figure 1. Key challenges for environmental laboratories.
Regulatory changes in 2024
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
Introduced maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for
six PFAS in drinking water: PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS,
California: Lowered the allowable level of hexavalent
chromium under EPA Method 218.7, requiring more
rigorous testing procedures.6
European Union (EU): Revised its Drinking Water
Directive to address emerging contaminants such as
PFAS and microplastics.7,8,9
Challenges within
water testing
Limited qualified personnel
Rapidly evolving regulations
Outdated testing techniques
Cost contraints
Inefficient workflows
Detection of emerging
2Figure 2. A comprehensive framework integrating organic, inorganic, and
wet chemistry labs, utilizing techniques like GC/GC-MS, LC/LC-MS, IC/
IC-MS and ICP-MS to identify organic, ionic and metal contaminants, with
support from cutting-edge software and service solutions to optimize
analysis and safeguard water quality.
Insight into water analysis techniques
Each method to detect and quantify water contaminants has
specific applications and advantages, making it crucial to choose
the right tool for the job (Table 1).
As a market leader in water testing, Thermo Fisher Scientific™
offers a broad portfolio of cutting-edge, automated instrumentation
and consolidated analytical platforms designed specifically for
environmental testing. These technologies streamline sample
processing and analysis, improving data quality and reliability. By
integrating Thermo Fisher’s advanced systems, environmental
laboratories can significantly enhance their testing capabilities,
increasing sample throughput without compromising accuracy.
Investing in these automated solutions not only boosts productivity
but also prepares laboratories to effectively manage future
regulatory changes and emerging contaminants.
Analysis of emerging chemical contaminants
Emerging contaminants are synthetic or naturally occurring
chemicals that are not routinely monitored in the environment
but are increasingly concerning due to their persistence and
potential ecological and human health effects.10 Some example
contaminants include PFAS, pharmaceuticals and personal
care products (PPCPs), plasticizers, surfactants, fire retardants,
nanomaterials and microplastics.
LC-MS and GC-MS systems are ideal for both qualitative
and quantitative analysis of emerging organic contaminants,
combining chromatography’s separation capabilities with the
sensitive detection of mass spectrometry for high specificity
and sensitivity. In the case of emerging contaminants, it may
be necessary to use instruments that can screen a wide array
of known compounds in addition to identifying unknown
analytes present in the sample. The high-resolution accuratemass (HRAM) spectrometers are particularly valuable for these
studies due to their exceptional resolving power and precise low
parts-per-million (ppm) mass accuracy. In this respect, Orbitrap
technology from Thermo Fisher offers the highest levels of
accuracy and resolution.
In combination with the Thermo Scientific™ Compound
Discoverer™ Software, this advanced HRAM MS technology
provides a powerful tool for screening and investigating
unknowns in both GC and LC separations (Figure 3). Key
workflow solutions, from sample preparation to reporting,
significantly enhance monitoring studies. Notably, the Thermo
Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 120 mass spectrometer and
the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ GC series provide
unparalleled accuracy, sensitivity and versatility, making them
ideal for comprehensive analysis and confident identification of
contaminants in complex samples.11,12,13
ice so
Table 1. Comparison of analytical techniques for water quality testing parameters.
Wet chemistry
Water turbidity
Odor and taste
Inorganic anions/cations
Trace metals
Disinfection byproducts
Organic contaminants
Polar organic
Emerging contaminants
3Elemental composition
Triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS systems, such as the Thermo
Scientific™ TSQ Altis™ Plus, and GC-MS/MS systems, like
the Thermo Scientific™ TSQ™ 9610, provide analysts with
exceptional selectivity and sensitivity. These instruments are
particularly effective for target analyte monitoring at trace levels
across a broad spectrum of contaminants.14,15,16
For the identification of microplastics, commonly employed
techniques are pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) and Fourier-transform infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy. Py-GC-MS excels in identifying
polymer types through chemical breakdown, while FTIR offers
detailed structural information about the polymers. Together,
these techniques provide a comprehensive understanding of
microplastic composition and distribution, aiding in effective
environmental monitoring and management.
Analysis of volatile/semi-volatile organic compounds
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic
compounds (SVOCs) are common contaminants that are
closely monitored in water samples. Many of these substances
Figure 3. Untargeted Iodo-DBPs (Disinfection By-Products) with no match in MS libraries, identified and confirmed with Orbitrap HRAM GC-MS and
Compound Discoverer workflow.
Confirmation using CI
Full Scan with HRAM
Ethyl β-iodopropionate
4are well known and heavily regulated due to their potential to
cause serious health issues, including cancer, liver damage
and respiratory problems. VOCs and SVOCs can be found
in a diverse array of sources, such as solvents, monomers,
aromatics, mineral oils, residual pesticides, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
disinfection by-products, flame retardants and dioxins.
GC and GC-MS are the primary techniques for analyzing VOCs
and SVOCs, offering high sensitivity, specificity and the ability
to provide both qualitative and quantitative data. Thermo Fisher
Scientific provides an exceptional range of GC-based instruments,
each tailored to meet various analytical requirements. Thermo
Scientific single- and triple-quadrupole mass spectrometers are
equipped with user-friendly Thermo Scientific™ NeverVent™
technology, which simplifies and accelerates maintenance
procedures. They feature a new detector with an extended
lifespan and a broader linear range, enabling them to handle
a wider concentration range of contaminants. Additionally,
these instruments include Thermo Scientific™ SmartTune™
and Thermo Scientific™ SmartStatus™ software to monitor
consumable usage and reduce unnecessary downtime. These
innovations optimize sample throughput and enhance productivity
and return on investment.
The TSQ 9610 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS system delivers
femtogram-level sensitivity for target analysis, thanks to the
increased ionization efficiency provided by its Advanced Electron
Ionization (AEI) technology. This ensures users consistently meet
and exceed required detection limits. The Thermo Scientific™
ISQ™ 7610 Single Quadrupole GC-MS system is the workhorse
for routine SIM and full scan acquisition, particularly for VOC
analysis, ensuring adherence to official guidelines. The Orbitrap
Exploris HRAM GC-MS combines high mass resolution (up to
30,000, 60,000, or 240,000 resolving power), exceptional mass
accuracy and high sensitivity. It supports full scan acquisition
and MS/MS capabilities, with advanced data processing for
comprehensive targeted and untargeted analysis. This makes it
ideal for detailed sample elucidation.
Anion and cation analysis
Proper monitoring, analysis and control of cations and anions
are crucial for effective wastewater treatment and environmental
protection. These ions occur naturally and as a result of various
anthropogenic activities, such as industrial discharge and
agricultural runoff. Improper management of anions and cations
can disrupt natural ecosystems, corrode infrastructure and cause
health issues.
Ion chromatography (IC) is the primary technique for the precise
and selective determination of anions and cations in water
samples. IC allows for the separation and quantification of ions
based on their charge and interaction with the stationary phase
of the column through ion-exchange, delivering accurate results
even at trace levels reproducibly. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers
a comprehensive range of IC systems designed for demanding
analytical environments that require precise ion analysis (Figure 4).
The flexible Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ICS-6000 HPIC™
System can be configurable to different applications, enabling
for the development and application of multiple methods for a
single sample or different samples simultaneously. Engineered for
maximum productivity, the robust Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™
Inuvion™ IC System features advanced pump technology
and electronics, ensuring day-to-day consistency. The Thermo
Scientific™ Dionex™ Integrion™ HPIC™ System is an ideal solution
for routine analysis, delivering fast results without compromising
data quality.
Trace and heavy metal analysis
The analysis of trace and heavy metals in drinking water and
wastewater is essential, as each metal has unique characteristics
with varying impacts on human health and the environment.
Careful monitoring is crucial to ensure safety and regulatory
Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICPOES) and ICP-MS are robust methods to analyze trace and heavy
metals. These techniques excel in detecting minute quantities
of a broad spectrum of elements, making them essential for the
analysis of metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium
Figure 4. IC chromatograms of hexavalent chromium in (A) 0.1 ug/L
standard in DI water, (B) High Ionic Water (HIW), (C) Sample B with 0.1
ug/L chromate added, and (D) municipal drinking water sample.
5at trace concentrations.17 Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed
several advanced technologies for metals analysis with extremely
high sensitivity and accuracy, suitable for diverse environmental
testing applications.
The Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ PRO Series ICP-OES is a
compact, benchtop instrument that enables simultaneous analysis
of trace elements across diverse sample types. It features userfriendly software with pre-optimized method conditions, delivering
multi-element detection capabilities that surpass those of singleelement atomic absorption systems (AAS). Additionally, the
Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ MSX Single Quadrupole ICP-MS
combines operational simplicity with exceptional robustness
and stability, facilitating reliable daily analysis of various matrices
without drift, QC failures, or the need to re-run samples.
The Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ MTX Triple Quadrupole
ICP-MS is an ideal solution for laboratories facing increasingly
stringent detection limits, larger sample volumes and a need
for high data quality from single-sample runs. It combines the
benefits of a true triple quadrupole configuration with a simplified
approach to interference removal, providing a unique blend of
capabilities to address the most demanding analytical challenges.
Wet chemistry
Wet chemistry is used to assess basic water quality measures, such
as pH, temperature, conductivity and other physical properties.
Thermo Scientific™ pH meters accurately measure the acidity
and alkalinity of water, ensuring accurate characterization of water
quality. Multiparameter meters enable simultaneous measurement
of multiple parameters such as pH, conductivity, dissolved
oxygen and turbidity, providing comprehensive insights into water
composition. Turbidity meters measure the clarity of water by
detecting suspended particles, essential for assessing water quality
and transparency. Additionally, the Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™
Discrete Analyzer automates wet chemistry analysis, streamlining
routine water testing processes with high throughput and accuracy.
Thermo Scientific™ Discrete Analyzers are fully automated,
multiple-parameter systems capable of conducting several tests
in parallel, significantly improving throughput and efficiency.
These systems require fewer reagents and consumables, making
them much less resource-intensive than traditional methods,
resulting in lower operational costs and reduced environmental
impact. The ability to perform multiple analyses simultaneously
ensures comprehensive water quality assessment in a fraction of
the time needed with conventional techniques (Figure 5).
Growing demand for automation
There is a growing need to remove bottlenecks in daily operations
for water testing, driven by the demand for increased efficiency,
accuracy and the ability to handle higher workloads. Automating
preparative workflows for essential analytical techniques such as
chromatography, spectroscopy and wet chemistry streamlines
laboratory processes, minimizes human error and enhances
overall data quality (Table 2). This is particularly important in
water testing, where precise and reliable results are essential for
protecting the environment and public health in compliance with
regulatory standards.
Traditional testing methods often limit laboratories to analyzing
a few parameters at a time. This approach can be resourceintensive and time-consuming, leading to inefficiencies and
higher operational costs. By consolidating multiple analytical
Figure 5. The Gallery Discrete Analyzer tests a wide range of parameters, providing multiple benefits and solutions.
Water and waste water as per
regulatory method Alkalinity, total hardness
Metals: total iron, Cr(VI)
Beer specific parameters
Free and total cyanide
Wine specific parameters
Cider testing
Range of organic acids
Ammonia, total kjedahl
nitrogen (TKN)
Phosphate, total phosphate
Anions: fluoride, chloride,
nitrite, sulfate
Calcium, magnesium,
pH, conductivitycapabilities into a single platform, laboratories can streamline
processes, reduce the need for multiple instruments and achieve
more comprehensive results with less effort.
For a truly comprehensive and walkaway solution, the Thermo
Scientific™ Disc-IC System provides reliable and unattended
analysis of large sample series for source water, process water
and wastewater. This system integrates discrete analyzers
with IC, allowing for the simultaneous determination of various
parameters. It provides unmatched efficiency and precision,
enabling laboratories to meet increasing regulatory demands and
manage water analysis workflows effectively.
Future-proof your laboratory
As regulatory requirements evolve and new drinking water
contaminants continue to be identified, it is crucial for water
technologies to advance accordingly. Emerging contaminants,
including PFAS, metals and microplastics, require robust and
sophisticated analytical methods that can accurately detect and
quantify these substances at trace levels.
Thermo Fisher Scientific supports modern laboratories in their
investment in cutting-edge analytical instruments and automated
systems, empowering them to address future challenges and
safeguard water resources. By integrating advanced analytical
solutions into their workflows, testing laboratories can achieve
sustainable and reliable water quality management, ensuring safe
and clean water for communities now and in the future.
1. Mishra BK, Kumar P, Saraswat C, Chakraborty S, Gautam A. Water Security in a
Changing Environment: Concept, Challenges and Solutions. Water. 2021;13(4):490.
2. Singh BJ, Chakraborty A, Sehgal R. A systematic review of industrial wastewater
management: Evaluating challenges and enablers. J Environ Manage.
2023;348:119230. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119230
3. Bashir I, Lone FA, Bhat RA, Mir SA, Dar ZA, Dar SA. Concerns and Threats of
Contamination on Aquatic Ecosystems. In: Hakeem K, Bhat R, Qadri H, eds.
Bioremediation and Biotechnology. Published online January 27, 2020:1-26.
4. Zulkifli SN, Rahim HA, Lau WJ. Detection of contaminants in water supply: A review
on state-of-the-art monitoring technologies and their applications. Sens Actuators B
Chem. 2018;255:2657-2689. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2017.09.078
5. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Updated July 12, 2024. Accessed October 9, 2024.
6. McFarland P. California Board OKs Drinking Water Standard for Hexavalent Chromium.
Table 2. Comparison of automated analytical instruments for water quality testing..
Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific™
Dionex™ AutoTrace™ 280
Solid Phase Extractor
Thermo Scientific™
Accelerated Solvent
Elemental Scientific™ (ESI)
DX FAST Autosampler
and ESI prepFAST
Automated In-line Dilution
Liquid-liquid extraction
(LLE) and dispersive liquidliquid microextraction
Solid phase extraction
Parallel or serial sample
Accelerated sample uptake
and wash out
• 24 hour unattended
workflow operations
with online injection
• Significant labor-time
• Reduced solvent
• Streamlined logistics
• Minimal user interaction
• Consistent method
• Reduces the need for
highly-skilled analysts
• Prevents sorbent drying
• 6 samples run in parallel
• Combines extraction
and evaporation into one
automated platform
• Automated endpoint
• Minimal user interaction
• One method for
complete workflow
• Intelligent auto-dilution
for samples out of range
• Eliminates repeated
manual dilution steps
• Increased sample
throughput (ESI DX
• Automated calibration
standards (prepFAST)
7Engineering News-Record. Published April
23, 2024. Accessed October 9, 2024.
7. European Commission. Drinking water to become safer thanks to new EU-wide hygiene
standards for materials and products in contact with water.
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Council of 16 December 2020 on the quality of water intended for human consumption.
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9. European Commission. New methodology to measure microplastics in EU’s drinking
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15. Thomas D, Gauriat B, Ganci A, Ladak A, Garnier JF. A rapid, sensitive, and consolidated
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16. Hope K, Ladak A. Trace analysis of chlorophenolics using triple quadrupole GC-MS.
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17. Balaram V, Copia L, Kumar US, Miller J, Chidambaram S. Pollution of water
resources and application of ICP-MS techniques for monitoring and management—A
comprehensive review. Geosystems and Geoenvironment. 2023;2(4):100210.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2024 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All
trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. XX-003472-NA-EN
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