Unleash Innovation and Growth With Scientific Data Platforms
Published: August 8, 2024

Credit: iStock
Traditional lab software falls short in managing today’s vast data flows and integrating each asset in the data ecosystem.
A modern approach can achieve a seamless data flow by blending artificial intelligence (AI), advanced analytics and lab automation to enhance decision-making, reduce costs and accelerate time-to-market.
This whitepaper explores how the integration of a scientific data management platform can revolutionize R&D labs, driving growth and innovation.
Download this whitepaper to learn more about:
- Solutions to ensure regulatory compliance and reduce data security risks
- AI-driven data insights to enhance business decision making
- How to overcome data silos with a scientific data management platform
Follow the Data to Grow | 1
Your Labs are the Source of Innovation and Growth
Innovation is the engine that powers a company’s growth and product
development, and for enterprises with R&D laboratories, those lab environments are the greatest source of this innovation. Yet traditional laboratory
software solutions—designed to manage workflows—are now inadequate
to address today’s challenge: enterprise data flows. How the abundance
of data moves through the enterprise to aid in decision-making is central to
organizational success.
If right now you’re struggling to find value in an explosion of data, or to
maximize investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and data science, it’s time to
shift to a scientific data management platform as part of your digital ecosystem.
Integrating laboratory environments with the enterprise ecosystem leverages
the sprawling data lakes that labs generate. As labs move from isolated islands
within organizations to become strategic assets embedded in the data ecosystem, a digitally native platform approach to scientific data flow management
makes this transition easier.
Maximizing Scientific Data in Business Decision-Making
A comprehensive scientific data management platform—spanning R&D labs through
to QA/QC manufacturing with portals to supply chain partners—best serves
organizations and their digital transformations as they maximize use of scientific data
in business decision-making. Unlike siloed software, a digitally native scientific data
management platform creates fully connected AI-enabled digital labs, exploits organizational and other data, and creates an enterprise-wide data flow that informs the
full product lifecycle—from concept to commercialization.
Whether you’re making drugs, industrial chemicals, fuel, or food, an integrated scientific data management platform optimizes lab performance and analytics for greater
insights and intelligent decision-making, leading to enterprise growth and innovation.
In this white paper, learn
how a platform approach to
scientific data management,
including semantic search,
advanced analytics, and lab
automation, leads to better
enterprise decisions at
the executive level, optimized
lab performance, more
discoveries, and stronger
product pipelines.
Follow the Data to Grow
Follow the Data to Grow | 2
The Drawbacks of Siloed Informatics
Traditionally, laboratory information is isolated in standalone solutions, creating challenges
for lab staff to find, access, interoperate/aggregate, or reuse data, while also limiting its ability
to enhance business processes across multiple systems or supply chain partners.
Organizational data lakes are treasure troves for researchers working to expand product
life cycles, make new discoveries, or find more efficient methods of manufacturing goods.
When data is locked away and inaccessible to all who could benefit from it, researchers
remain unaware of institutional IP, spend time and resources repeating experiments, or stitch
together disparate data from multiple software applications to begin to see a picture. QA
scientists, meanwhile, don’t have access to the development data that could better inform
quality attributes and the manufacturing process. The result is more time spent on tedious,
time-consuming, low-value work, rather than high-value discovery or optimization.
Business leaders, meanwhile, have near-zero visibility into the discoveries and pipelines accumulating in their labs, or to the analytical insights that could drive decisions on investments.
Reducing data fragmentation and deploying dashboards and other visualization tools enables
executives to evaluate, validate, and analyze disparate data sources.
Achieving a Seamless Data Flow
As organizations big and small undertake digital transformations with a goal of increasing
productivity and efficiency, and reducing costs while innovating, industry observers like Frost
& Sullivan1
argue that a platform approach to lab informatics arises as a solution. According
to Frost & Sullivan’s Frost Radar™ report on LIMS for the life sciences, “Users expect more
from vendors, and vendors want to become end-to-end lab informatics solution providers
rather than simply offering traditional laboratory information management systems [LIMS].”
Today’s sophisticated LIMS incorporate significantly greater capabilities, such as electronic
lab notebooks (ELN), lab execution systems (LES), and scientific data management systems
(SDMS). But even that is not enough to meet the needs of today’s business processes. Frost
& Sullivan finds customers are seeking even more from these lab solutions—and encourages
industry partnerships to strengthen platforms with artificial intelligence, natural language
processing, and machine learning. Such features “would allow researchers and labs to
better manage their data and extract insights at a faster pace to save time,” Frost & Sullivan
reports, projecting AI integrations with LIMS will increase “over the next few years.”
There is increasing interest in this type of integration, with corporations choosing to reduce
the number of different data management solutions used enterprise-wide in favor of
standardized or harmonized scientific data platforms that integrate with other enterprise
For CEOs, having laboratory data integrated into the enterprise digital ecosystem, enabling
data flow management, means their business can move faster to market with a better
pipeline, meeting customer needs, and reducing costs. The business case for a platform
approach can be found in several areas:
• Regulatory Compliance For regulated industries, like pharmaceuticals, automated
compliance workflows ensure data integrity and audit trails, improving product quality
and reducing failure rate.
• Security and Privacy Risk All data traffic is secure, protecting your business and
customer privacy from cyber attacks, data integrity issues, and other concerns.
“The notion of individual applications running individual
pieces of your end-to-end lab
scheme, from R&D to QC,
definitely seems to be coming
to an end. More and more,
customers want a platform
play that can energize their
ALAN MARCUS, Chief Growth
Officer, LabVantage
LabVantage SaaS LIMS helps businesses:
• Reduce risk by improved data security,
privacy, and regulatory compliance
• Adapt to remote data management,
in response to the growth of workfrom-home culture
• Lower capital costs of cumbersome
hardware and on-premises IT
• Stay up-to-date on latest releases
while avoiding disruptive product
Follow the Data to Grow | 3
• Efficiency and Productivity Eliminating data silos, facilitating smooth data exchange
and collaboration across cross-functional teams throughout the enterprise leads to
more discoveries, stronger product pipelines, less repeat work, and better adherence
to quality parameters. Transitions from time-consuming low-value work to high-value
science—whether in a single lab or facilities across the globe—significantly boosts
• Insights with AI Integration enhances data analysis, modeling, and predictions,
allowing robust comparisons of different experiments, deeper scientific insights, and
faster discovery.
• Interoperability and Standardization Ensuring data interoperability, by adhering to
standardized data formats and protocols, makes it easier for data to be exchanged
and used across different platforms, software, and multidisciplines.
Take Advantage of the LabVantage Scientific Data
Management Platform
LabVantage pioneered one of the first laboratory informatics platforms, incorporating
into its LIMS an ELN for flexible R&D, an LES for compliant workflows, and an SDMS for
automated data capture.
With capabilities further expanded to handle lab investigations, sample monitoring,
consumables management, and work assignment planning, the platform serves as the
hub of all labs across the organization and as a resource across the business.
LabVantage’s addition of AI-aided semantic search and advanced analytics resulted in a
digitally native ecosystem serving the full product lifecycle, from R&D through commercial
manufacturing QA/QC. Managing data flows, as well as workflows, the ecosystem drives
improvements in efficiency, productivity, decision-making, collaboration, and, ultimately,
time-to-market while reducing operational costs.
Delivered with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technology, the complete scientific data
platform offers agility and scalability while meeting the FAIR data principles required
for knowledge-sharing and collaboration that leads to innovation. This allows scientists
working in all lab types, across multisites and geographies, to do their jobs faster,
better, and smarter, while business leaders have the visibility to make informed decisions
about products, markets, and investments.
Some LabVantage customers have seen
a 30% reduction in the unnecessary
repetition of experiments once
they implemented the LabVantage
informatics platform.
Follow the Data to Grow | 4
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System
Electronic Lab
Artificial Intelligence
Lab Execution System
Scientific Data
Management System
Incident Reporting
Work Assignment
Supply Chain
LabVantage’s scientific data management platform, which integrates solutions within a single architecture,
licensing model, and services contract, provides customers with the flexibility to select and activate specific
components, and scale use as needed.
Search, Analyze, Automate
Streamlining R&D and QC to develop a tasty non-alcoholic beer
Competitive advantage is fostered by extending a successful product line to meet
continuously evolving customer demands. A great example is the emerging market
trend to create a wider selection of non-alcoholic beer. For a food and beverage
manufacturer, tweaking an existing recipe—or developing a new one—is tedious
and expensive, involving iterative experimentation using extensive combinations of
multiple ingredients.
With the LabVantage scientific data management platform, a beer manufacturer
leveraged its existing recipe inventory—as well as data from external sources—
to predict the optimal formula for an appealing new variety. AI-powered research,
exploiting semantic search, AI analytics, and automation, significantly reduced the
number of experiments needed to arrive at the desired taste profile.
Once the innovative product is developed, the platform ensures high-quality
commercial production. Quality concerns—such as a product sample failure—
can be fed directly into the Lab Investigations module to determine the root
cause of the failure and an appropriate solution long before the product is
shipped to consumers.
The results?
• Less money and time spent on research and experimentation
• Shorter time to market
• Fewer quality concerns and reduced risk
Leading LIMS for Growth and Innovation
According to Frost & Sullivan, which rated LabVantage as the top growth and innovation
leader in its LIMS report and radar,1
there are few vendors offering integration of LIMS
with analytics, advanced scientific data management, and enterprise systems beyond the
lab. It gave LabVantage high praise for its “comprehensive portfolio” and “commitment
to continued innovations.”
Among LabVantage’s innovations, per Frost & Sullivan:
• Application-specific solutions targeting industries and labs with preconfigured workflows,
enabling faster deployments
• Internal and external sources of new technologies to strengthen its product portfolio.
This includes investments in AI and NLP for handling scientific and unstructured data and
the 2022 acquisition of knowledge management software company Biomax Informatics,
whose AILANI semantic search solution was recognized in the Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for
Life Science Discovery Research 2023 as a Sample Vendor for two categories: ‘Semantic
Knowledge Graph Tools’ and ‘Analytics Platforms for Research Informatics.’3
Consumables Management
Optimizing raw materials inventory for $2 million annual savings
Scientists and lab managers need real-time access to warehouse inventory and stock
levels. The components of a digitally native scientific data platform can lead to big
savings when multiplied across large enterprises—by identifying waste and automating
inventory management. For example, the Consumables Management module identifies
expired chemicals, ensuring they are not used in experiments, and tracks ordering and
usage to maximize optimal use of materials.
After deploying Consumables Management as part of its LabVantage LIMS platform,
a large paint manufacturer reduced the number of expired chemicals at one site by
90%, saving the company more than $2M annually in wasted chemicals.
Inventory transparency provides opportunities to share chemicals between labs instead
of having redundant sources of commonly used reagents. And an expired or bad
lot of a chemical can be easily located, identifying every experiment or test it impacted.
Your Roadmap to Better Decisions
Improve data flows from the lab to the boardroom
As leaders planning for your organizations’ growth and innovation, digital transformation is
a must. It is no longer enough to leave labs as their own islands, equipped with individual
applications that support workflows. It has become a strategic imperative to transition to
integrated, digitally native solutions that enhance the data flows across your ecosystem and
leverage your lab-centered data lakes. How you get there and who you partner with will be
critical to your success. LabVantage attributes our success in helping customers make this
journey to our people, processes, and platform.
Follow the Data to Grow | 5
“LabVantage has a best-inclass LIMS solution, which
is reflected in its consistent
growth and strong portfolio pipeline. It has the
potential to set an industry
benchmark, given its proven
ability to scale continually.”
A recognized leader in enterprise laboratory software solutions, LabVantage Solutions dedicates itself to improving customer outcomes by
transforming data into knowledge. The LabVantage informatics platform is highly configurable, integrated across a common architecture, and 100%
browser-based to support hundreds of concurrent users. Deployed on-premise, via the cloud, or SaaS, it seamlessly interfaces with instruments and
other enterprise systems – enabling true digital transformation. The platform consists of the most modern laboratory information management
system (LIMS) available, integrated electronic laboratory notebook (ELN), laboratory execution system (LES), scientific data management system
(SDMS), and our advanced analytics solution (LabVantage Analytics); and for healthcare settings, a laboratory information system (LIS). We support
more than 1500 global customer sites in the life sciences, pharmaceutical, medical device, biobank, food & beverage, consumer packaged goods,
oil & gas, genetics/diagnostics, and healthcare industries. Headquartered in Somerset, NJ., with global offices, LabVantage has, for four decades,
offered its comprehensive portfolio of products and services to enable customers to innovate faster in the R&D cycle, improve manufactured
product quality, achieve accurate record-keeping, and comply with regulatory requirements. For more information, visit labvantage.com.
For more information, visit www.labvantageclinical.com.
©2024 LabVantage Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. LabVantage is a registered trademark of LabVantage Solutions, Inc. Other product or service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. 2024-04
LabVantage Solutions, Inc.
265 Davidson Avenue, Suite 220
Somerset, NJ 08873
Phone: +1 (908) 707-4100
Bolstered by industry analysts like Frost & Sullivan, this paper makes the case for a
scientific data management platform approach to your digital enterprise. Select only
the best, most comprehensive and integrative technologies to complete your tech
stack and equip your personnel.
But you must look also to the people and processes within your scientific data advisor.
If you have global operations, do they? Are they skilled in your industry and have
solutions that meet your needs? What assistance can they offer as you evaluate, plan,
and implement your transformation? Are they helping you understand and prepare
for the change management required with new solutions and processes?
With significant investments in its Customer Care and Professional Services
Organization, LabVantage is uniquely positioned to deliver its modern scientific data
platform to global organizations of all sizes and industries, helping customers make
smarter data-driven decisions that drive growth and innovation.
TO LEARN MORE about how the LabVantage platform can benefit your business,
contact us directly at info@labvantage.com.
1 Bansal P. “Frost Radar: Laboratory Information Management Systems for the Life Sciences Industry, 2023.”
Frost & Sullivan. August 2023. https://store.frost.com/frost-radartm-laboratory-information-management
2 McKinsey & Company. “Digitization, Automation, and Online Testing: The Future of Pharma Quality Control.”
McKinsey & Company Life Sciences.
3 Harwood, R. Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Life Science Discovery Research, 2023.
Industry statistics highlight the impact
of digitization and automation, with
laboratories reporting up to a 30-40%
increase in productivity.2
See how one client improved productivity with the LabVantage informatics
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