Latest App Notes & Case Studies
App Note / Case Study
HumSilencer Eliminates Electrical Hum Without Causing Signal Distortion
HumSilencer removes the most common source of background noise in electrophysiology experiments. This App note explains how.
App Note / Case Study
Visualizing Subcellular Vesicles to Quantitate Autophagy in Neuronal Cells
The role of autophagy is of particular interest in the study of neuronal cells, where it helps to maintain protein structure and function over long axonal distances.
App Note / Case Study
Image-Based Analysis of a Human Neurosphere Stem Cell Model for the Evaluation of Potential Neurotoxicants
Here we demonstrate a 3D neurosphere model, composed of hNSCs, to conduct toxicity testing of several potential neurotoxicants.
App Note / Case Study
Detection of RNA in the central and peripheral nervous system using the RNAscope® in situ hybridization assay
The RNAscope® in situ hybridization (ISH) assay provides a powerful method to detect gene expression within the spatial and morphological tissue context.
App Note / Case Study
Neuronal Differentiation of hPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells
Culture in BrainPhys™ Neuronal Medium results in cultures that are phenotypically mature and, after 65 days in culture, synaptically active.
App Note / Case Study
A Monolayer Culture Method for Neural Induction of hPSCs
Method for neural induction using STEMdiff™ Neural Induction Medium in a monolayer culture system.
App Note / Case Study
Multipette®/ Repeater® M4 Allows for Fast, Precise and Sterile Liquid Transfer in Cell Culture
This application note demonstrates the huge advantages offered by Multipette M4 in terms of accuracy and precision needed for many cell culture applications.
App Note / Case Study
Cells in Double Emulsions for FACS Sorting
Capturing individual cells in 30 µm double emulsions,suitable for FACS sorting.
App Note / Case Study
Whole-Mount Slide Imaging in Traumatic Brain Injury Research
This application note describes how the TissueScope™ solution provides researchers with the opportunity to effectively map the entire brain, and link detailed cytoarchitectural maps with functional imaging data.
App Note / Case Study
Triggering with the Leica TCS SP5, TCS SP5 II and DM6000 CFS
This document provides detailed information about triggering with the Leica TCS SP5, TCS SP5 II and DM6000 CFS systems.