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Zika Virus Infectivity Profile and Developing Tools to Fight it
Repurposing drugs could provide therapies to prevent or cure Zika virus infection.
Diabetes Linked With Collapse of Brain Cilia and Impaired Neurogenesis
An international team of scientists investigated the initial diabetic lesions in the subventricular zone, an area of the brain capable of generating new neurons throughout life.
Key Challenges and Pain Points in the Global Laboratory Market
To better understand the key challenges and pain points in the global laboratory market, Agilent commissioned Frost & Sullivan to carry out an independent survey of 700 scientists across the laboratory employee spectrum. Here we highlight a selection of the survey’s key findings.
Son Documents the Progress of his Father's Dementia
Ken Keene Jr is making a video diary of his father Kenneth Keene Sr as he lives with Frontotemporal dementia.
Citizen Neuroscience: People Power Increase Brain Mapping Speed
Neuroscience has a data problem. Citizen neuroscientists can learn to analyze neuronal morphology data and overcome bottle-necks in data analysis.
Investigating the Synaptic Organization of Visual Space: Which Synapse Saw What?
Iacaruso et al. have determined the organization of excitatory synaptic inputs responding to different locations in the visual scene.
Structure of Tau Filaments from Alzheimer’s Brain Solved by Cryo-EM
Researchers from the MRC's Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, have solved the structure of the dementia-causing ‘tau’ protein in unprecedented detail.
Academic Drug Discovery: Repurposing to treat disease
As the cost of drug design and development continues to escalate, repurposing drugs offers faster and cheaper ways of treating disease.
Replacing Opioids: Developing drugs to treat pain
In America, in 2014, more than 28,000 people died from opioid overdose, and at least half of these deaths involved prescription opioids. This article highlights the research going into alternative pain medications.
CRISPR: Emerging applications for genome editing technology
CRISPR gene editing is the ultimate toolbox for genetic manipulation with a whole host of potential applications.