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Alexander Beadle is a science writer and editor for Technology Networks. He holds a masters degree in Materials Chemistry from the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
The lithium-ion battery has revolutionized the modern world, powering all manner of smart technologies and consumer products while also playing a key role in the green energy transition. However, the rapid adoption of battery power has also resulted in large quantities of spent batteries that must be appropriately dealt with.
This infographic provides an overview of the techniques used in recycling spent batteries, as well as the motivations behind battery recycling.
Download this infographic to explore:
The risks spent batteries pose to the environment
Common techniques used in the recycling process
The motivations behind lithium-ion battery recycling
How impactful is battery recycling?
This infographic provides an overview of the techniques used in recycling
spent LIBs, as well as the motivations behind battery recycling.
In 2019, John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino
received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recognition of their research efforts
leading to the development of today’s lithium-ion battery (LIB).
The LIB has revolutionized the modern world, powering all manner of smart
technologies and consumer products while also playing a key role in the transition
toward green energy. However, the rapid adoption of batteries has also resulted in
large quantities of spent batteries that must be appropriately dealt with.
The high energy and
power density offered by
LIBs makes them ideal
for use in a wide range
of applications, from
personal electronics
to the automotive and
energy sectors.
There are three main methods for conventional battery recycling.
To achieve this high performance, LIBs rely on elements such as lithium, manganese,
cobalt and nickel. However, deposits of these metals are found unevenly across the
globe and their mining has become the subject of environmental and political concern.
Despite the scarcity of these critical minerals, most mass-produced batteries are
disposed of in landfills with only a handful of countries able to offer suitable recycling
facilities. This kind of disposal presents a severe environmental hazard, as heavy metals
from the spent batteries can leach into surrounding soils and water streams.
To get the most value out of LIBs, the ideal solution would be to repurpose or
remanufacture them. Where this is impossible – re-use requires batteries to meet
stringent quality requirements – recycling allows for valuable materials to be returned
back into the value chain, encouraging a circular battery economy and reducing waste.
Most to least environmentally desirable options (adapted from Dobó 2023)
Hydrometallurgy is a low-temperature process that uses acid or alkaline leaching in
combination with metal separation and purification steps (solvent extraction, chemical
precipitation, electrochemical deposition) to recover metal compounds from spent
batteries. It is widely used by major recycling companies in China.
In hydrometallurgy, waste batteries are first preprocessed using mechanical methods
such as shredding or crushing to separate and recover “black mass” – the active
electrode material that contains critical elements such as cobalt, nickel, manganese
and lithium.
This black mass is then dissolved in an acidic or alkaline solution, with selective
precipitations and solvent extraction being employed to liberate the valuable metals
from the rest of the black mass, allowing them to be recovered.
In pyrometallurgy, valuable metals are extracted from recycled LIBs using hightemperature thermal treatments, such as incineration, roasting, sintering and smelting.
It is considered the most established battery recycling route and has been widely
adopted in Europe, the United States and Japan.
During pyrometallurgy, battery scraps are loaded into a furnace and heated through
three different temperature zones.
Direct recycling is an emerging battery recycling method that employs electrochemical
and physicochemical treatments to restore the damaged structure of spent cathode
materials, regenerating them so that they can be re-utilized as new cathodes or as
precursors for preparing new electrodes.
Compared to pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy, direct recycling requires fewer steps
and can be a more environmentally friendly option. However, this process has yet to reach
commercial scale, in part due to concerns over its high reliance on manual labor and
concerns that regenerated battery materials may not perform as well as virgin materials.
The management hierarchy of spent LIBs
Why is battery recycling needed?
How does battery recycling work?
energy storage
In the context of battery waste, “prevention” refers to designing batteries
that are lighter/smaller or that use less-critical materials to prevent as much
generation of waste as possible.
New Battery
Dismantling, Crushing, Sieving
Dismantling, Crushing, Sieving
Dismantling, Crushing, Sieving
Ion exchange, solvent extraction,
chemical precipitation, electrolysis
Degradation analysis, relithiation,
solid-state sintering
Degradation analysis, relithiation,
solid-state sintering
When a battery reaches the end of its life in its primary function,
it may be possible to still use this battery in a secondary function.
For example, a heavy-duty drone battery could be repurposed as a
backup power bank.
In battery recycling, new LIBs are made using materials recycled from
retired LIBs at the end of their lifecycle. This reduces the consumption of
virgin materials.
Nickel, cobalt, aluminum, copper and steel are commonly recycled.
Other less-critical materials from a battery may also be recovered
following disassembly for future purposes.
For example, in some cases, the polymers and electrolyte recovered
from a spent battery may be pyrolyzed during recycling to supply energy
for desirable metals recovery.
Bypassing all attempts at recovering any value from the spent battery, Disposal it is sent directly to landfill or to an incinerator for disposal.
⬇ ⬇ ⬇
⬇ ⬇
Direct recycling
High purity and recovery rate of metals
(including lithium)
Lower energy consumption
Lower greenhouse gas emissions
Commercial-scale recycling
Short process flow
Flexible input materials
Low cost
Reduced pollution
Products can be directly used
as cathode materials
Requires presorting and pretreatment of
waste batteries
Environmental impact of extensive
chemical use
Lower recycling capacity
Poor recovery of lithium and aluminum
High energy consumption
Prone to generating harmful emissions
(greenhouse gases, toxic organic compounds)
Requires extensive pre-sorting/separation
Requires increased manual labor
Still at lab scale, non-commercial)
Hydrometallurgy Pyrometallurgy Direct Recycling
Batteries are preheated to
minimize the risk of explosion
during the recycling process
Temperatures reach up to
700 °C as the electrolyte,
separator and other organic
components are volatilized
The temperature is raised
again to smelt and reduce the
remaining metals, resulting
in a metal alloy that can be
further refined and slag.
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
The explosion in battery-powered devices and systems in recent decades has led to
mounting quantities of spent LIBs that must be dealt with in some fashion.
The improper handling of batteries can have significant adverse effects on human
beings and the wider environment, as toxic pollutants may leach from the batteries and
begin to threaten surrounding ecosystems.
Battery recycling can help to divert battery waste away from landfills and into recycling
centers, where these elements can be reclaimed or disposed of appropriately.
The recovery of critical elements from spent batteries also reduces the need for
new lithium, cobalt or nickel mines, further reducing the environmental impact of the
battery industry.
Exposure to high
of copper
can lead to
system and
nervous system
Cu Li Ni C Co
of lithium are
toxic to human
which can
impact fetal
to nickel
can lead to
and kidney
diseases, lung
fibrosis and
Spent graphite
battery anodes
are classed as
hazardous waste
due to their
high volume of
heavy metals,
binders and
have been
linked to lung
3 28 6 27
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