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A person clasps their hands while speaking to a therapist.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Relieves Depression Via Changes in Neural Circuits

Cognitive behavioral therapy leads to adaptive changes in brain circuitry in just two months, relieving depression and predicting which patients benefit from long-term therapy.
A boy lighting a cigarette.

Smokers Less Likely to Develop Parkinson's Disease

Research suggests that low doses of carbon monoxide, similar to levels in smokers, may protect against Parkinson’s disease. The findings highlight potential pathways for new Parkinson’s treatments and warrant further clinical trials.
A girl sat alone on the floor with her head in her hands.

Brain Network Twice as Large in Depressed Individuals

A study found that individuals with depression have a brain network, the frontostriatal salience network, nearly twice as large as those without depression. This enlargement is stable over time and could serve as a biomarker for early diagnosis.
A young woman jumps in water.

How the Brain Initiates Spontaneous Actions

New research has examined how the brain initiates spontaneous actions, offering insights into the origins of slow ramping of neural activity before movement onset, a poorly understood phenomenon.
A city scape at night.

Risk of Alzheimer's Disease Increased by Light Pollution

Research has found a correlation between nighttime light pollution and increased prevalence of Alzheimer's disease. In the US, younger individuals exposed to high nighttime light intensity show a stronger association with Alzheimer’s than other risk.
A white piece of paper against a window, with the word "mindfulness" written on it.

Mindfulness Meditation Used for Pain Management Is Not a Placebo

A new study has revealed that mindfulness meditation engages distinct brain mechanisms to reduce pain.
Wooden blocks with the letters "PFAS" being placed in a row.

PFAS Chemicals Disrupt Brain Development

Researchers at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research discovered that PFAS chemicals disrupt brain development in zebrafish by altering the activity of genes similar to those in humans.
American football players

Sports Concussions Not Linked to Long-Term Cognitive Effects in Non-Athletes

Study participants who had experienced a sports-related concussion had better cognitive performance in some areas than those who had never suffered a concussion, pointing to the potential protective effects of sports participation.
Nerve cells

Reprogramming Astrocytes Into Brain Stem Cells

Researchers showed that experimentally induced lack of blood flow in the brain epigenetically reprograms astrocytes into brain stem cells, which in turn can give rise to nerve progenitor cells.
Microplastics of different shapes, sizes and colors.

Study Reveals Nanoplastics Have Potential To Cross Blood–Brain Barrier

A new study reveals that nanoplastics, which are tiny plastic particles less than one micrometer in size, may cross the blood-brain barrier